Why do good looking guys settle for less, bros?
Why do good looking guys settle for less, bros?
lack of career prospects and a small dick
that's why I would do that anyways
because society has convinced women that they should never ever settle for anything but the best.
this is gonna be me if I ever get a girlfriend isn't it? I'm gonna be stuck with this, deluding myself until death that I'm happy and that I should be grateful.
better off alone tbqhwy
usually a chubby-chaser
>not feeding
Because male virgins overrate physical appearance in women. If you've become used to getting women you realize you don't care that much how attractive she is
Clearly he is a manlet.
In her mind she's settling for less too
For the same reason hot girls settle for ugly guys.
dude's a faggot, although could just be an autist going by how he's not wearing any shoes
Still a good looking dude.
Well she is delusional. She should be thankful for anything.
neoteny is more advantageous in the long term than height
How am I coping you moron that's the answer
If You get girls so you obsess over their physical appearance but If you've had beautiful women you realize you stop Caring
when it comes to long term relationships, it really isn't about the looks. there are a lot of things like willingness to be a wife, how good of a mother you think she's going to be, how much she supports your success, and how eager she is to please. honestly, good sex is 90% enthusiasm on a womans part.
looks are actually the easiest thing to change about a person. surgery + diet + workout is far more feasible than changing someones whole personality.
love is love user, and comes in all shapes and sizes
i mean she (could) has a cute face
just needs to drop a couple of pounds
Women are delusional user
She's already scoping out Chads to cheat on him with
Keep telling yourself like you even have a chance at a non fat women.
>virgin incel telling me about women
Kek only online
Looks are one thing but being a complete fat fuck like this bitch is cancer.
Everyone is deluded all the time about everything, thats what it means to be human
when i was younger i had several girlfriends, they were all fairly average if not deficient in their looks, i was good looking although i had terrible hygiene and was overweight, my saving grace, unbeknownst to me, was my big dick, i didn't realize how big it was since the only thing i had to compare it to was porno and my mom's dildo. I had a friend tell me years later he never understood why i was always dating these ugly, fat chicks, i could've done so much better, I was like "I took what I could get, all the hot girls or the one's i was interested in were never interested in me, I wanted girls so if they showed interest I went for it," there's nothing to be done about it, being single these days is a condition, it isn't some default mode of operation, people get together in school either early on in life or during and after college, at that point, if they're still single it just appears as a red flag, to be single at a certain point in your life indicates a major problem with you, nobody's interested, you can't keep them around, whatever the case people will have less and less to do with you, whenever you meet new people, at a job or whatever, the first thing they'll be interested in finding out is whether you have a partner or not, if you do that pleases them because it indicates that you've got somebody's affection, they'll warm up to you, if you're single it turns them off because you'll probably try hitting on them or something, single life is awful, the lonely just get lonelier while the popular become superstars, you gotta be able to take care of yourself without self-aggrandizing a whole, "I'm so much more capable being on my own, I can't rely on anyone, they can always rely on each other," blah blah blah, you just have to humbly make your way, I'll tell you this, at a certain point your choices between being single and selecting what potential mates you are left with becomes no choice at all, single will be preferable.
stfu nigger
dont you have to donate your daily earnings to some coal burning ethot?
BTW, I am not in a relationship, I squandered what I had, I'm impotent, haven't been with anyone in 3 years, the way i discovered my size was by reading an ex's diary where she talked about how surprised she was with the sex with me, and another ex talking to me about telling a friend of her's about me and i asked how she remembered that and she said, "It's hard to forget something of that magnitude," that's all over for me, impotence due to physical injury, stuck my fat cock into too tight a hole, people try to make excuses for me, it's all in your head kind of stuff, i know the truth
Men are actually capable of love and can see past shallow traits. Two things women can't comprehend.
Because she'll say yes and because rejection hurts.
Several people have said I can do better than my gf (6/10 poverty Asian). They could well be right, but she makes me happy and when I asked her out she seemed genuinely thrilled.
Also, I presume that if a girl is too conventionally attractive, she's seeking out Chad and his sixteen friends named Brad.
i have been attracted to ugly girls after getting to know them
but being fat is completely different. Being a tub of lard is a reflection on how much of a piece of shit they are
criminaly underrated and sad too
Doesn't viagra cure impotence? Assuming your dick is fully healed, it may have a bend or something but there are pills that'll get the blood flow but if that fails there's also implants that make penis functional in even disabled paralyzed people. It's not just computers man we live in a technological age and your dick can be fixed.
Reminds me of my little princess
yeah, tried the pills, wasn't doing much, i'm not even about to entertain corrective surgery, have a little dignity at least, let me try to describe what it's like. The next time you get a hard on, do the kegel thing, where you tighten the muscle on the underside and it makes your dick stand at attention and get super rigid. feel the tension in the muscle from the tip all the way down to the base and along the taint, it's this long muscle, then try to imagine that that muscle got stretched out like an extra 2 inches, and all the tension is gone, feel the base of your cock, push against it, feel how fixed, rooted to your pelvis it is, like it doesn't just bend over, it's all one piece, then relax the muscle and bend your dick over, and there's that lack of tension, there's a little resistance, basically i can get a sort of hard on, and there's no resistance in it, like instead of a fixed protrusion, an apparatus, it just wobbles around like a sock or water balloon or something, blood goes in and when i try a kegel it's like that muscle has been severed, there's a tightening in my taint that doesn't extend to the rest of the penis, even when it's engorged with blood it's still flaccid, i used to get morning wood and I had to practically straddle the toilet to get the piss in there, now it just hangs there, there's some blood in it, and i just push it down a bit, no problem, and when i'm done the boner disappears. I never get spontaneous boners, like just walking around, I only get them when I'm jerking off, which I can do in like 30 seconds, it's been devastating for my life, it basically makes me feel completely useless, even more than a lack of prospects, it's like there's not even a point in trying to do better since at the end of the day I won't be able to keep a girl around, I'll just be this pitiful creature in their eyes, you know that whole, "Oh, that's okay, oh, you're so sweet, oh, you poor boy," while i look away embarrassed and try not to cry
Har arm is the size of my waist.
Low self worth
Plus he is not that good looking. She is just ugly enough to make him look better.
I'm literally living that meme sort of existence, there's a million examples of it in film, the internet, literature, it's basically what the entire world revolves around these days and I see myself as emblematic of the punchline. I haven't seen "Forever Alone," meme in a while and that's how I've felt, like the memes can't exist, they don't mean anything if there aren't actual examples of what they represent. That's what makes them so catchy, so popular, when they capture the zeitgeist, identify the symptoms, when they're relative to the viewers, and I just see myself in all those memes about dumb losers, obviously that's the point, we're all supposed to sort of be like those guys, except I find my situation EXTREMELY like those guys, It's been 13 years since this thing first happened to me, I've had plenty of time to get used to it, this isn't something new, it's been a long-term condition, went through the course of my entire 20's completely stricken, after over a decade I've somewhat come to terms with this thing, it sucks, and I've cried about it, it ruined the relationship i had, has been the effective ruin of every potential relationship since, it's probably been detrimental just in the sense that as a guy when you get a hardon it makes you aware of your body, you probably get a little boost of testosterone just from getting the hard on, it becomes an agent of motivation, you might feel like a creep a bit but there's still that energizing feeling, I never get those little boosts, and wouldn't be surprised if over the years my sperm count has dwindled if not vanished altogether. Some people don't even experience any physical alteration and they are sterile, it's a further sobering thought, it's effectively on my mind all the time, especially with not having a lot of other people or activities to distract me.
cause a lot of guys have fetish for creatureas
Because of love Op, something you'll never feel.
Hot girls are harder to keep control of
Its why a lot of white men go for asian women now
Fuck this got me depressed. I want to think youre wrong but fuck man I dont even know anymore
I've convinced myself that I prefer Asian women.
Everything's been fine since then, no virginity, no depression, just a vague nagging feeling of what could have been...