Don't know why r9komegle died out, but get on now frens!

Don't know why r9komegle died out, but get on now frens!

Starting this thread because of the crushing realization that I have no irl friends, and even r9komegle people I haven't talked to since I was 15. Don't worry, I'm legal now :3 how the time flies...

TAGS: r9k, r9komegle, omegler9k

come join your lonesome brothers on a somber monday night

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*brofist* xp

>use the site
>immediately disconnect from everyone regardless
Can't even manage anonymous text interaction with randoms. Fun.

same experience I always get nervous once I see someones face and disconnect.

I use text chat not video. Still can't manage it.

we present an image of ourself
it is an idea of how others shall perceive us
i think love cannot be with a perfect person
and a slightly disturbance element that we say but in spite of it i love him or her
and this is why online dating cannot form true love

>go on omegle to find girls
>find girl

what's wrong with me

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iktf. We are doomed, aren't we?

try not being autistic, orignially

Kek at all the grills whom are skipping me.. who r u kidding? you clearly find me interesting, wondering what my deal is... KEK @ u, tryna make a fucking name for yourself by skipping me? Pathetic. Literally every grill is obsessed with me, inb4 anyone disagrees. KEK i just inb4'd you all so that means you can't disagree... mastermind @ work KEK.. anyway I'm off because I have a life unlike ALL of you KEK!

See what i did up there^ ? I took control, literally no one can call me a manlet anymore bc i'm the boss round here, thinking of calling me fanlet? don't even bother, i will fucking make a comeback up that has you on the floor, so stfu, don't even think of saying it, FAN fucking MAN doesn't take anyones shit, i'm the boss, as I say.

p.s: inB4 anyone claims that my mom has b& me from making my own bed bc i almost fell to my death while tucking in the sheets... PATHETIC rumors will get btfo'd.. just sayin

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Every autist I've met has been extremely sociable. They suck at it, but not for lack of trying.

It would seem so, but at least we're doomed together.

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Yes we are since we can't even manage the bare minimum.
wow never thought to do that.

Thumping the Bread in this thread for threads sake.

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Not the same without Queen Erica

we don't need thots, just pals to have a good time :)

ahhh the synthetic third, the machine! this is what we need in this sexual relation for the online world, we are never truly alone... all sex requires a third element! incel bots rise up

Stop skipping me, fags. You're not gonna meet any cute girls.

Consider this, anons: The female you so desperately search for will look down upon you like a slug, skipping you just as easily in search of Chad. You do nothing but fuel the cycle with your insolence. Rise above females.

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>Don't know why r9komegle died out
Because its shit, just the same idiots skipping nonstop looking for girls.

Erica is a whore, has a bf and makes instagram posts talking about fucking her bf.

just post the damn charts

If you skip instantly, just know, you are pathetic. No wonder you have no relationships. You deserve to suffer, fucking NPC.

>Erica's bf
What's her instagram?

Its private and she doesn't allow randoms to follow her

even when it was alive, it was full of cancerfaggots and attention whores

they all moved to discord, where they can be even bigger faggots, go there if you miss them

lel some faggot who connected to me & didn't talk for 50 mins... I just forced him into talking first, now he mad af

if you're out there user, don't feel bad, there's no shame in being rekt by an alpha

>it's another "fanlet talks to himself until the thread dies" episode

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lel this happens everyday w/o a thread on r9k. i've made my only friends on omegle


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I want to do this but I feel like I'd rather throw up my own heart and eat it. Why am I like this.

just go in a chat and ask them if they like waffles it's easy

>be me
>have salmon & beans for dinner witha hot buffalo sauce
>cap the day off by goin' on the ol' omegle
>meet qt grill
>she says she has a fart fetish
>i fart in the mic
>she calls me a disgusting oaf and disconnects


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