just how fucked up are the next 20 years going to be exactly?
everything seems to be rapidly going to shit but everyone walks around like everything is just fine
just how fucked up are the next 20 years going to be exactly?
everything seems to be rapidly going to shit but everyone walks around like everything is just fine
It's all pretty scary, I agree, but, is it really worse than other times in history? I mean think about the fall of the roman empire or WWII (regardless of what side you support)...
Ice caps melting, intense climate change, the impossible philosophy of a constantly growing economy with finite resources. Willfull ignorance of the masses and overall degradation of society. Safe to say the conclusion of our time on this earth is vastly approaching. Search up the rat utopia experiments, Everything thats happening now is a herald for the end of our society.
It's simply a return to normalcy. Civilization was a mistake.
Most people ignore it and focus on hedonistic pleasures
Nothing can be done, I'm always fixated on this sort of thing. And then theres interpersonal problems like Poeple being unable to get away from. Their abusers
>Ice caps melting, intense climate change,
Might just be a planetary cycle, when I was a kid it was global warming rather than climate change, before that it was something else. Not saying it is all bullshit, but, it might be a bit of bullshit.
> the impossible philosophy of a constantly growing economy with finite resources.
Well, it will correct itself. Might be painful, so save up and play things a bit safer than the next guy. My generation of 30 somethings doesn't have any savings, and that's crazy.
but I thought global warming was climate change?
>Everything thats happening now is a herald for the end of our society.
Oh thank God.
>everything seems to be rapidly going to shit
Everything is getting better though? What are you talking about?
I know I sure do not have a savings in the sense of banking. I have always pulled my money out and stored it elsewhere.
Dont trust banks. If things go to shit I dont want my money to be used to feed the moguls while I have to accept poverty.
That's what they say. In the 70s it was global cooling: en.wikipedia.org
They don't fucking know.
you must be joking. or deluded beyond belief.
but theres always people that whinge and shout and moan about the end of the world and society and it's never once happened sooooooooo i dont think its gonna happen anytime soon
Only a few people have the ability to abstract themselves from what's going on around them, let alone form an opinion about how ***fucked*** everything is. There's a normalfag reddit meme going around that says "People need to be starving before anything will happen". Ignoring the thousands of instances in history that disproves this, people are starving in different ways. Nobody has any fucking money -- and the ones that do are actually in deep debt. Nobody owns land. Nobody is getting laid (except vacuous retards and homosexuals). Nobody is having kids (except vacuous retards and non-whites). And with each passing day, Baby Boomers are getting closer and closer to death.
The Happening will occur with the death of the Baby Boomers. Early Millennials will suddenly have the keys to civilization unceremoniously handed to them in a confusing wave. And then they'll start doing very reckless things, which will cause great misery. Generation X will be redundant and bewildered. Late Millennials and Early Zoomers will become the next Hitlers. Late Generation Z will be literal cannon fodder.
Basically, doomers are going to violently overthrow the SJW early millennials, and then their going to turn on each other causing WW3.
As an early millennial, I'm terrified. Might just kms.
this is not an argument. we live in unprecedented times. and the world has collapsed before. see Rome and Greece you brainlet
why would you kill yourself when you can witness the glory of fascism first hand?
But if we survive...
Our technological advancement is faster today than it has been in all of the past millennia combined, or close to it, it took only a bit over 100 years and with the advent of computers and internet never before imformation of all kind has been easily accessible by most.
Ancient wisdom has been discarded and we will pay the consequences of it.
Think of it, knowledge was passed among the best because in the past they knew normies destroy and misuse it.
Just take a look at what has been happening with every new system of entertainment or information, vidya was seen as evil now it's mainstream and normiewashed, computers are being used to fuel narcissistic degeneracy, smartphones in the last decade made sure you can be a degenerate everywhere, just look at the internet today, most of it is porn, the rest is asocial media that completely destroyed genuine communication and interest.
The only reason I haven't an hero is because i want to see how dystopian and cyberpunk our civilization can get.
High tech, low life.
Don't forget about soil degradation aswell, we're slowly running out of fertile lands because of overuse of shitty fertilizers
>Early Millennials will suddenly have the keys to civilization unceremoniously handed to them in a confusing wave
Gen X is taking over next. They're basically a generation of libertarians because their parents ignored them.
>Early Zoomers will become the next Hitlers
Helicopter parents ruined them to the point they'll never reach that point.
Rome's collapse just meant muslims could rise up and take power.
Social cohesion is at a decline while existential threats are on the rise. It'll be interesting for sure. And by interesting I mean probably horrible. Work out and eat more.
Even when newspapers first showed up they were all extremely political/partisan. Any form of mass communication is shit that people will use to shill their retarded ideologies.
I'm ready for the comfy cyberpunk world
I'm more worried about incels. Without sex men go crazy and destroy everything until they get what they want. Combine that with the tense climate America is living in and you have a recipe for disaster, the sad thing is there is no way to fix the incel problem unless you somehow implement sexual communism
Everyone on Jow Forums should unironically spend at least 1/4 of their usual lurking time on Jow Forums. It's the only way people are able to grasp our current situation: By being bombarded with the little bits of horror lurking all around us, we become stronger. It's like developing an immunity, but better because you don't have to inject fucking mercury into your brain. Just pure, unadulterated horror.
Also, read The Bible. Ecclesiastes is pure wisdom; even hardcore atheists won't deny the totality of it's truth.
Hardly. Throughout all of history, tons of weak men were genetic dead-ends because they failed to copulate. The only difference in modern society is that the weak no longer perish; They are artificially kept alive through modern medicine, technology and tendies.
If the power grid were to go down, you would get pussy left and right if you had food and water and women didn't. Which would be the exact case. Study the behavioral sink; It is only through sheer luxury that women are able to behave in their current ways. The second shit hits the fan and they're stuck without a provider, they will find one. Just don't forget - women will ALWAYS seek grass that is greener. If you've only got a dozen cans of spam and an uglier, fatter, balder dude has an entire warehouse full of food and water, you'd best be ready because 9 times out of 10 will the woman choose a guarantee. It's a biological fact, having to do with their reproductive imperatives.
All that needs to be done is reintroduce Christian values into society. Christianity was the only thing keeping society stable for so long, since it encouraged women to be monogamous and to get married and have children.
Basically Nationalism + Christianity was what has been keeping Western society successful, but now that both of these are being eroded away, society will eventually collapse into itself.
And I'm not saying this because I think Jesus will help save us, it doesn't matter whether it's actually real. It's the rules and order that are important to societies success, and having people believe in a all seeing God helps keep them from breaking those rules.
If women simply weren't allowed to divorce men and weren't allowed to have a job outside of marriage, then most problems would start fixing themselves.
That's obviously the best route; But is it feasible? If one is at all familiar with the esoteric nature of this country, then they undoubtedly grasp the fact that our country was founded by luciferian cultists for the sole intention of being the great whore babylon. There really is no salvation for her; All you can do is forestall the inevitable cycle or flee. But either way, change is coming - for worse.
Christianity with its universalism and equality is the reason whites are giving away their countries. See Nietzsche and slave morality.
>just how fucked up are the next 20 years going to be exactly?
>everything seems to be rapidly going to shit but everyone walks around like everything is just fine
Exactly that. Shit will keep declining at an unprecedented (since the fall of Rome / Byzantium / etc) rate. You're pretty much living through the decline and fall of the West my bro.
And there's nothing you can do to stop it.
What you can do is just enjoy the life you have to live and make things as good as you can for yourself. The future's fucked and it will be inherited by a generation doomed by their grandparents.
You're trying to save a sandcastle from a rising tide. Regardless of what you did to revert the process, it will take place. You could shackle every woman to a stove, but the fact remains that if the foundation of the structure you're in is not ripped up and completely relaid (based on a better design), you're still going to face the walls as they cave in.
It would be my greatest dream, to revert to a more puritanical society. But sadly, the cycle will just start over again because our systems are inherently flawed. Better to rebuild than to keep putting plaster on the walls and hope for the best.
>Jow Forums
Please do the world a favor and kys
Universalism and equality are not found in The Bible whatsoever; The Bible is clear that God places the borders and foundations of all nations, and that man is placed within a hierarchy - some are masters, others are slaves. This nonsense about "universalism" and "equality" is strictly jewish - not Christian. And I mean "jewish" as in the modern sense. I am not speaking of the ancient Israelites, but of the babylonian hellspawn that dominates our world.
Our best hope is a Caesar style transformation into a dictatorships from a Republic. It would have to be someone who can gain control of the military, then use that power to establish a dictatorship, and manage to keep rebels down and avoid assassination attempts.
The economy will also collapse since trade will probably stop, and many diplomatic issues will pop up.
>All that needs to be done is reintroduce Christian values into society.
Didn't stop hypergamy at all. Women still cheated with noblemen, royals, sailors, and the milkman. The middle ages were full of incel types. The reason incels exist is because women have their own money now. Most men aren't attractive enough to get laid through actual attraction.
>yes goy, don't let anons feed you unfiltered information which you can use to develop a worldview of your own - just watch CNN!
>also, inject this mercury into your child's brain. After all, Jow Forums has lost a lot of ad revenue lately! We need more autistic people!
It's too late now, Pandora's box has been opened. You think women will stop fucking Chad? You think Chad will leave his harem and commit? You think Jews will let the Christian religion flourish again?
You're thinking of a more liberal Christianity that largely ignores much of what's actually in the Bible. That's why I specified Nationalism + Christianity, since it takes the best aspects of both of them to create a stable society,
Christianity is a religion meant for all the worlds people, thus, universal. Whites are killing themselves to make the brown world in their own image. Christianity teaches obedience and humility. When we became actual christians - We died.
"""Society""" has never been """stable""" for more than a few years at a time you dumb fuck.
Yeah, you're probably right. Even if such rules were established, people wouldn't follow it. You have to first convince the majority of the population to believe that these rules are morally right before you can start enforcing them.
Who watches CNN? What the fuck are you even talking about, you absolute lunatic
Evangelicals aren't Christians - and they're not even the ones spreading this nonsense of open borders. Go to a pro-immigration rally and start asking anyone there if they're a Christian. Let me know how many people spit on you.
Christianity is a belief that all humans can choose to reject or accept - but nowhere in The Bible does it advocate for a one-world, one-people system. In fact, it not only advocates the complete opposite - It states that the end times are marked with this incredibly wicked philosophy.
These people are literal anti-Christ, as stated in 1 John 2:22. And they will stop at nothing to see us all dead.
Really women just can't date down. College educated women won't date non college educated guys for example, and they out number college educated guys.
The world/society never ends, you melodramatic dipshits. That is the real horror of existence.
>Our best hope is a Caesar style transformation into a dictatorships from a Republic.
good luck with that. Helicopter parenting has ruined the masculinity of the new generations. Today's "men" are too sheltered to ever take down the government. They would surrender in 5 minutes after someone yells at them.
Fuck off, you literal kike. Your nose is showing.
>Don't read Jow Forums
>Get vaccinated
Those were your ONLY two statements, and boy howdy does that reek of kikery.
If things go to shit, money will have no value.
Sure things weren't always followed strictly, but the fact that most of society generally followed these rules meant that enough people were keeping society stable.
You are right about incels existing because women having their own money now.
God I hope this comes true.
Modern man has been starved of glory for too long, we need something to reignite the spirit.
capping that post and putting it into my quotes folder. True erudition. Have a rare apu on me, fren.
Holy shit this has to be a bot. I've never seen such cliche responses in my life. How do you live your life being this boring? I guess being a complete idiot helps some, huh pal?
Sad times ahead boys. At least I'm in a good position to not get caught up in the most ruthless conflicts which are bound to happen. Start moving north.
The herd will be culled, anons. Focus.
they also don't have to date short or bald guys to survive.
>nowhere in The Bible does it advocate for a one-world, one-people system
literally tells people to spread the word. One of the first converts was a black eunuch. Christianity is one of the reasons globalization became a thing. If Christians stuck to their own kind, you'd be worshipping Odin right now.
It's not irreversible, however the Jews controlling our public schools, mainstream media, and most of our entertainment and other sources of information makes it almost impossible to reverse the current trend of increasing degeneracy.
The only things not fully poisoned by Jewish influence are most small time churches, Parents actually teaching their kids important things, and small tight knit communities.
Funny, I literally don't see a single argument. You've literally said NOTHING except..
>don't read Jow Forums
>get vaccinated
I'm surprised you didn't rag on me for telling people to read The Bible, moshe. Though you probably restrained yourself because you know the damage your kind has done, and how people won't even bother to open The Holy Book.
Brb heating up the oven
The larping in this thread is off the charts
>Spread The Gospel of Christ Jesus
>mix every race and nation into a mulatto slave caste, ruled over by satanic jewish pedophiles
The Bible commands the former, whilst condemning the latter. And last I checked, missionaries aren't the ones pouring in from Mexico.
What do you even define as society being stable?
For me as long as a country isn't falling apart, and the native population is expanding/increasing then society is stable. I guess also crime being a manageable amount is important as well.
I grew up in a farm town, going to a small independent fundamental baptist church and I can't even describe the contrast between that and modern society. The closest I could come to suitable words is Heaven and hell.
>pic related; this is what every Sunday looked like.
Agreed. It's just a cycle. Everything rises and falls. The linear concept of time is a human delusion. It doesn't even have an end that is capable of happening. A circle is not a straight line.
There is no argument you unsocialized autist. Just observing an actual sentient script. Pretty amazing.
Like I said, all that is needed is the Military, and military men are still Masculine for the most part, they just need to weed out the duds first.
Plus modern men being sheltered and cowardly would probably help this takeover, since these cowardly men are typically the ones who support the degeneracy, and won't fight back if a dictatorship is established.
nuke the states,israel and u.k and we are safe
Is anyone else just enjoying watching the craziness?
I contribute nothing to society and just sit back and watch it crumble. It's pretty comfy.
Nigger, re-read your fucking posts. You're not even addressing any of my points. I've never encountered anyone on all of Jow Forums more befitting of the fuckin NPC meme than you.
You're literally "orange man bad" tier. You've used an overabundance of words to say absolutely nothing.
Put forth an argument. I'll start it for you; Why should people not read and digest the information posted on Jow Forums?
Imagine how great early American expansion into the West must have been. You basically get your own land, there's no law yet to enforce unnecessary rules, and you could probably get the chance to fight Indians with the glory of victory.
My US-centric, half-assed prediction:
Automation removing jobs and the current bull market coming to an end will create another worldwide recession, or two smaller recessions. For perspective, the development of a practical self-driving vehicle solution by itself will cause the slow loss 2-4% of our jobs, and leave millions of new people unemployed. Home prices and general cost of living will continue to go up in city/suburb areas, further fucking the Millennials after most of them already graduated in a shitty economy, fueling further political extremism in the primary adult generation and their children.
Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft will continue to get larger and more threatening, and without a Teddy Roosevelt "trust-buster" figure rising up to split them apart, they will become more autonomous and bold in their initiatives, resulting in a socially liberal but economically conservative society which further exacerbates wealth concentration levels, the shrinking of the middle class, and the culture war between "SJWs" and "Racists".
Worldwide, major world religions will continue to slowly shrink, and secular worldviews become more prominent. China, the middle east, and India become major players, and start seriously threatening US/European dominance. The overall world culture shifts in their direction, although American culture continues to be a strong influence through sheer historical momentum.
Police states everywhere become worse as all political parties in every country only want more power, and the technology for maintaining those police states get cheaper and cheaper. People become more drone like and collectivistic as technology continues to converge and slowly combine to go down one path and one platform. With the internet now more accessible than ever, social media sites become the melting pots of the new era, brewing up a new "world culture" which further homogenizes everything and everybody.
Not that guy but all that freedom also comes with a lot of danger. Especially if you have a family. You don't wanna be that one guy who got scalped by tipi niggers or that other guy who had his family raped and abducted or murdered by em. Not to mention the awful living conditions with diseases running rampant and all that shit. There's two sides to everything
it was mostly a filthy and miserable undertaking by people who got conned into it by tales of gold and shit
I'm jealous. My Mom came from a small community like that, and the only time I ever get to experience that sense of community is during family reunions where we all go up North to visit our grandparents and spend a week renting a lakeside camp to have fun and spend time with each other.
It's basically the thing I look forward to the most in my life.
Germany and France are just as infected as the U.K., it won't be enough.
Probably not so good
Technology getting better will be fun to watch but things will get more degenerate, the west will get more poopskinified, climate change will get worse and economic conditions likely will too.
The issue is, most people know they can't make much change (if at all) to stop all this shit that's accumulating, and know that the higher ups are aware of most if not all the shit that's going down, but that they (the powerful and rich) don't give a shit since the 1% will always find a way, in other words, the ultra rich don't care if the world ends tomorrow and 99% of the population is wiped out soon because they have the means to literally just go another planet when that happens or survive whatever apocalyptic shit it is that could affect the entire planet.
And so everybody just chooses to go on their daily routines because there's nothing to do about anything, so it's better to try to enjoy what little time we have left on this Earth than lament about things most of us have no say in.
It may have been dangerous, but there's a certain excitement that comes with a dangerous lifestyle. If certainly makes people stronger and resilient, which is something modern people could really use.
And ocean acidification along with global fishing expanding well beyond sustainability especially due to china and india
I know that feel, fren. I live in a suburb where 50% of the homeowners will be dead within two decades and I can just sense the impending doom if I stay here forever. Churches in this area are 90-year-old grandma catholic churches, with zero sense of community or congregation. Just men in white collars milking up pensions and social security checks.
Would you enjoy being a faceless, expendable soldier among a mass of others, having no importance or say in anything and exposing yourself to a terrible work environment where you could die or be scarred (mentally or physically) for life?
Not necessarily trying to prove you wrong or anything, I'm legit curious why this kind of thing interests you.
Ya know, it was almost as if all the endless talk of the evils of Christianity, the dubious evidence used against it was some kind of form of brainwashing to have people throw it all away, not out of any intellectual inquiry, but to fulfill their carnel pleasures, acknowledging the fact that christianity was what was at the center of the wests glory. Hmmmm, who could've done it?
>implying that isn't better than our current situation
>implying that isn't my entire Jow Forums experience, replacing death with atrophy
I'm not disagreeing with you but you seem to be romanticizing it a bit much. All that excitement and resilience won't help you if you're shitting yourself to death because you got dysentery. It's like people romanticizing war, sure there's a certain glory in really fighting for something and what have you but that won't matter much if you're dying of gangrene or when you see all your friends die
I also live in a suburban area, and while it's mostly young families, there's no sense of community, at least for me.
My parents probably have friends around the neighborhood, but I only really had one friend who has moved away already, so it's no different to living in the middle of nowhere.
I just wish all my extended family lived together in a small community, but they all have jobs around the world so it wouldn't be feasible.
I personally wouldn't mind being a foot-soldier since I don't really have much to live for. Dieing for a righteous cause would be good enough for me.
Funny how Jews encourage Christians be be Atheists while they themselves stick to their religion that they only allow select few individuals to join.
> all this climate change stuff
You're susceptible to outside influence, you watch the news and feel negative.
In reality the more you know about climate change the less worried you are about it.
Society isn't ending at all. Things actually seem great right now - what's the issue? The Democrats are violent? Well they were more violent in the past. Black riots? Worse in the past. Violence in general? Down about 50% since 1993.
Feels kinda NPCish to be reacting purely on the input you're receiving from society. Change it.
If something isn't worth dying for - when did this begin?
You're literally rotting in misery and sadness. What the other lad described would give you some glory at least.
All incels have to do to get laid is get a sex doll.
This fucked up youtube.com
To anyone with understanding of the four Gospels, they will know the transition in the approach Christ Jesus took with the Jews.
When he was a small child, He would approach them and completely BTFO them with pure logic and righteous fact, to where they were left speechless.
As He grew older, they would approach Him and try to trip Him up. He would BTFO them again and again, leaving them speechless.
Eventually, He would literally ignore them - drawing pictures in the dirt and pretending He didn't even hear them because He KNEW that they weren't interested in learning - only deconstructing and destroying Him. Which they failed at miserably, time and time again.
Eventually, He would just tell them to pretty much fuck off. It got to the point where He was beating them with a whip to get them the fuck away from Him and what He knew as holy and pure.
And then, they kiked the goyim into killing Him, even accepting full responsibility. But alas, THE LORD Christ Jesus rose again, smiled, proverbially dabbing on those greasy clowns before flying into the clouds to be with God.
Anyone that could possibly not love Him is truly an NPC.
Slowly and eventually, with a whisper rather than a bang, the US culture war ends. The mass corporate "neoliberal" economically conservative and socially liberal mindset wins out. The democrats pivot to mostly talking about sexy tech start-ups and corporate research grants that are sold to the Americans as helping the middle class by creating jobs and developing new technology. The republicans basically do the same thing, but with more "strong workin' man" words and different corporate sectors. The rich get richer, and the choice between the left and right become even less defined.
Decades after this, there's mass unemployment caused by automation, and a largely criminal homeless population who fight for the scraps thrown out by the robots. Through a series of dramatic political campaigns, protests, hotly contested elections, and general fuckery which is impossible for me to accurately predict or describe, these problems are eventually addressed through universal basic income, universal health care, and government + corporate works programs. Basically, the trillionaires running the government slowly realized that they'd have another French revolution on their hands if they didn't throw some bread to the proles.
Slowly, the world becomes mostly composed of artists, scientists, technicians and programmers that maintain the automation tech, potheads, and slightly less lazy potheads that do menial work for the corporate one-world government in exchange for a few extra credits. Most people are okay with this, but there are occasional "terrorist attacks" carried out by traditionalist neo-luddites who use hacked 3D printers to make guns and various other weapons. Largely, the world is peaceful, plentiful, and hedonistic, but objectively less free, which makes some people very unhappy, and others very happy.
That's it for my predictions. I think we're gonna be okay overall, but shit will get much worse before it gets better.
>but I thought global warming was climate change?
Did we have fucking factories spewing smoke during the past ice ages or fuckedup climate changes?
No, it was all natural and now we have a bunch of faggots shilling for a scam planned by kikes to stop western industrialization while the fucking chinks produce unholy ammounts of contaminants AND THE POOS literally shit all over earth, causing an incredible amount of feces torrent on the sea.
I mean, contaminating the place and fucking up forests and jungles is really fucking bad and we should stop dumping toxic shit freely into the environment and try to keep entire countries from being desertified but i wont tolerate some faggot telling me that we should stop the entire factory industry in our continent because the ice is melting
Completely predicted within The Book of Revelation, down to the part where we are on a type of social credit system used to buy food and water and without it, we won't eat. Neo-Luddites who rebel will be eating wild locusts to survive, while waging a futile war against the antichrist and his swarm of technological horrors.
This. I fucking hate when people tell me about how the west is so pollutant and terrible, yet there are entire CITIES in China and India that are blanketed by a heavy smog, because they're trying to industrialize as fast as they can.
me vs you
Be gentle. Their heart is in the right place, but they don't really think it all through. Every time some faggy activist comes up and asks me to sign a petition to reduce carbon emissions, I ask if he means cow genocide in India. They screech for a bit, but a few have rationalized that we (as westerners) do significantly less damage to the environment than many other nations. Hell, all of Europe and America combined does less damage to the environment in a decade than China does in a single year. The only problem really is that we do indeed do a level of damage which can be reduced, and we are the ones fueling China's destruction by shoveling them money to produce all of our shit. If we just rejected a fraction of our consumer habits, China would have no incentive to produce barrel after barrel of non-disposal toxic crap.
Not to mention that most of the plastic in our oceans, which is a pretty fucking huge problem, comes from a handful of shitholes. If people really cared about the environment they would advocate for taking measures to stop population growth or even to actively reduce the population in places like africa, china and india.
>If people really cared about the environment they would advocate for taking measures to stop population growth or even to actively reduce the population in places like africa, china and india.
But didn't you know, everyone should have a chance to live, even if they aren't born yet!