Hello, would any fembots like to be friends with me? Or maybe a group of us could become friends, I dont know if that is too ambitious. You dont have to have to same interests as me. It would be nice if we could introduce each other to new things. I just want to experince the purest from of friendship. I hope fellow fembots are having a good night and that no dumb boys are bothering you :)
Hello, would any fembots like to be friends with me? Or maybe a group of us could become friends...
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kill yourself no I would not
t. angry fembot
Oh okay :( I hope you are able to get over whatever is upseting you. Have a goodnight.
Hi fembot here I'd love to!...... I'm actually a man now bend over
There are no fembots here. Also I hate people like you, people who ghost others when they're bored of them, all of you are garbage excuses for "humans".
Why are you so mad idiot user?
I'll be your friend
Why dont you wanna be my friend user
Im sorry that that has been your experience thus far. Sometimes people dont click. You cannot force yourself to remain friends with everyone you interact with just because. When a friendship is meant to be it will have longevity.
hi ill cum inside your pussy deal?
gender shouldnt be a factor when making friends thank you and good night eat my ass
What is the best way to contact you?
i think he has been scarred
t. male looking for a female companion
It shouldn't stop you entirely from pursuing friendship with someone maybe, but it is normal to prefer friends of your own gender.
I would not mind being friends with males if my past experiences had not been so crumby. I have found my friendships with other females worked out better. Nothing wrong with that.
I could put up one of those throwaway emails and then we can talk a bit see if we have potential to be friends
That works, go ahead
If it was just a friendship it wouldn't have been enough to bother me, I already have good long-term friends.
Basically this, women even when they say they're interested in you will still ghost you at the drop of a feather, they're all soulless monsters with no empathy.
Exaid#3417 add me if u wanna chit chat
gimme i want to tlak to you so i can cumm in you
Wait never mind. I thought you'd pick up I was a guy from how I asked "why dont you.." in my post. Saw your other posts about bad experiences, sorry that happened to you, friend, don't wanna mislead you though. Have a nice night
May I ask why you are looking for a female companion? What made you decide it is want you want/it will work out? I want to be friends with females because it seems like the most natural thing to do. I cant understand what would motivate you to seek out female friends, seems a bit conterintuitive.
Lmao the men here would just wanna orbit or find a gf if they weren't traps/homos. At least be man enough to admit it. T. Man
Just go to crystal.cafe
Ive been ghosted by male anons far more times than femanons
I'm not that guy, but having female friends can be pretty nice actually. I've had both female and male friends, and while males friends are better for having stuff in common with, female friends usually are more comfortable to be around, and are usually easier to make laugh.
>I want to be friends with females because it seems like the most natural thing to do.
it is natural.
women are created because men get lonley.
What this guy said. I spent some time in the crystal cafe discord and I had so much fun. Girls seem to be a lot nicer than guys on the internet, in general at least. I've been ghosted by both, but that shouldn't be blanketed on everyone. Unfortunately, a lot of girls end up acting weird because they think I wanna be their bf or something when they find out I'm a guy. Ruins the whole dynamic
ive had female friends. they were useless
Usually they're not going to have a lot in common with guys, so you have to be able to enjoy just talking with them about random stuff.
them yapping about bullshit gets old fast and if you aren't fucking them there's no point sitting around listening to it
All humans are garbage, I only called out women due to my own personal experiences.
Humans are all trash that all need to be exterminated.
I'm literally female, dude.
Hey there user :)
Not a fan of adding strangers on the internet so the least I could do is make you feel better.
Don't be ashamed that you have less friends. The one pillar of self growth is to accept who you are, and when you don't accept yourself, you may come off as a creep since most girls will know how your words don't align with your personality.
I'm a university student who happens to have less friends, but it doesn't bother me at all. People may judge you and call you a loner, but is that really something to get hurt about? Life isn't a competition to have more friends.
Definitely something wrong with forming you opinions on males as a whole based off of a few
Another Roastie lads.
Your perception of the world is formed by past experinces. That is how you learn who/what is dangerous. I am not delusional. I do not hate all men. I know there are nice men out there. That being said, if I wake up one morning and decide I would like a friend with a vagina then THAT IS MY PREROGATIVE.
A thread about a woman trying to make friends! A thread about not hating women! Blasphemy!
Ah, fool. You have formed your opinion of what is right based off of what you want to do. Very nice
Then you are delusional. Men can only truly be friends with women if they find then ugly and even then it breaks down when she gets a bf and he doesn't like you talking
they don't have to be ugly, the guy just can't be attracted to them. i've been friends with girls that were attractive but they didn't do anything for me
Well, I am ugly, so I cannot counter you on that. However, multiple of my male friends are dating people while I am not. The issue is probably me, there. Still, for friends (that you don't want to have sex with) I don't see how genitals would factor in. Also, there has to be more requirements for a potential mate than just being female. You don't fall in love with every girl you see
So far I have gotten one discord so... bump4friendship
Online friendship is a waste of time, you'll never find someone online that won't ghost you, or generally be a shitty person.
The only worthwhile friends are the ones you meet growing up.
Is it too late to take you up on that offer, friend?
Can any femanon tell me that she loves me?
whoever is making these posts is doing gods work and I am a fan
>I'm literally female
Post panties pics pls
People from here always ghost me, and they can't hold a conversation for shit. I'm done spamming my discord tag.
so, this where I pick up my fembot gf from?