
Lets vent about our lives a bit.

>How is your life at the moment?
>Do you plan on ending it?

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Dylan Klebold
Original lead storm

Stuck in a dead end job but happy because it's probably the best I'll ever get. Being young and free was probably better but there is no going back so I guess I just have to cope with the strategy that a lot of people use when getting older. I'm just going to keep trying to not decay in body, mind, and spirit more than I already have, along with following a few of my interests to make life worth living here and there.

Creeping towards 30

>no job
>can't drive
>worthless design degree
>no gf
>forced to live back home
>depression meds make me tired and suicidal

I would end it if my Mom wasn't here. It would devastate her which she doesn't deserve.

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Stuck in a job that delays the monthly payments, but atleast broke with gf that i don't really love tough she is good person, i got laid with crush that i really love but friendzoned me long ago but she is going to marry other man, im with no money and i regret my bachelor sometimes, also i'm average at it or worse. i dont' get much along with my family and i don't have much friends or none at all. i feel empaty for incels and i follow MGTOW content, im atheist , i support free market i hate leftists

i don't have the balls to end it, also i wanna save incels and return patriarchy

I finally broke free from my straight relationship bonds but now here I am in an apartment with no job, and no family thousands of miles away because I was a dumb 18 year old who thought moving away from home right when I got the chance to was a good idea.

it wasn't. Also do yourself a favor and don't come to Florida. It's awful and if I wasn't convinced to be here I wouldn't be.

I wish my body was bigger. I wish I was born a big guy. I feel like I wasted my time in college because I know people won't hire me because of my size.

I wish I had a family to go back to, but I don't so I post on here. I'm 20 now, so not all is lost, but god... What I would do different.

my life has been shit since i was 21. Im 28 and have accomplished nothing but beating myself up over my depression and traumas ive experienced. it all culminates in me hating myself. I really want to kill myself, but i dont want to at the same time. I just want to roll with the misery.
>probably never go to college
>probably never own a house
>probably never have kids
>probably never get married

im doomed to be alone and a waste of space.

>my life has been shit since i was 21. Im 28 and have accomplished nothing but beating myself up over my depression and traumas ive experienced

Are you me?
Seriously though. I wish no-one cared about me. It would honestly make things easier.

My problem is that I have too many people that care about me. I wish they'd just disown me for being such a failure. why

>no jerb
>tried to kms this month
>got committed to mental health hospital
>got kicked out of boomers' house
>student loan payments coming up
>want to die and hate my life

>My problem is that I have too many people that care about me. I wish they'd just disown me for being such a failure. why

Same. it makes me feel worse because they genuinely want me to succeed and I constantly let them down. My mom would love grandchildren more than anything and she'll never get them because I'm such a fucking loser.

can we be friends IRL

Pretty nice at the moment. Looking forward to rdr2 online, also trying to push myself into looking for a job. Making my resume slowly, so it's a start.
it's also raining at the moment, and summer is soon which i'm not looking forward to. Don't lik hot days.

Also not looking to kill myself anytime soon. Been having some bad days here and there but i know that it's just me being paranoid about my future i guess.

Same. I don't want to let my mum down. I got an offer to uni/college but i don't want to do it. So i'm trying to push myself to get a job within the next 2 months. Even if it's part time.
I don't have the heart to tell her i don't want to do uni since she's happy for me.

>it's hell

someone give me monies to end it, i'll show boobs

>have friend 8/10 girl
>other friend 6/10 male
>dating each other for months
>go to holiday themed place
>I third wheel and see them kiss under mistletoe

What do?

Every time I am alone I begin to pace around and lose my mind. I talk to the voices about everything I can imagine and dance around like a lunatic thinking about absurd shit laughing full of rage and constant flowing esoteric impossible to describe thoughts from other dimensions and it makes me miserable until I'm catatonically depressed. My friend told me I do it to myself and that I force myself to feel bad by ruminating and focusing on things. When I'm around others I get distracted and forget where I am and time passes faster and the longer I am around other people who talk about absolutely nothing bullshit normie truman show scripted clown world garbage the less chance I will do something stupid like ingest copious amounts of poisonous alcohol into my brain receptors or fuck my head up by thinking about absolutely nothing of specific importance to others but of strange obsession in my alien world. I can't stop thinking about vivid paranormal concepts like a robot checking the locks and the windows and washing my body going through god's checklist to become purified liquid energy and I don't feel real. This isn't happening. My friend told me they feel like every time they come back after leaving it's like night and day even if it's been 15 minutes I can go from being ecstatic little kid spirit energy then I am talking about crazy shit that doesn't make any sense or I just flat out sound like a monotone killer robot because my skull is a numb spiraling sword and they pointed out I do this annoying fake laugh sometimes and I just say "yeah yeah yeah" every time they speak and I don't even remember speaking or being alive because I realized I was somewhere in my head like a waking lucid nightmare that felt like I was being spirited away by the devil. I get catharsis out of forcing this absurd morbid shit in my head out into the world because my waking living brain is so disgusting and filthy that being awake is painful without extracting the rot. Die.

i'm feeling fucking fantastic OP

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I was having a nice day but I browsed /tv/ and saw pepe btfoing the janny as always, and started checking the thread and suddenly noticed some strange links in a deleted post and I clicked on them and I regret it so much.

There were youtube links but still... fuck /tv/ and fuck cunnyposters.

>in a transitionairy period
>it's not off the table

i've been taking antidepressants for probably two months now and what im taking them for is getting better but everything feels so dull now, conversations are empty and words feel like they're losing meaning to me, seems like whatever anyone says doesn't even stick to my mind anymore

I don't even know what the main problem is anymore, it's an amalgamation of things that's painful yet vague. Aside from my dental health, there's nothing especially terrible about my life. I dont't have to work anymore, I have a lot of games and other media that I enjoy, I'm getting new computer parts very soon. In a lot of ways, things are objectively better than ever before, and yet I feel the worst that I've ever felt. I wish I was dead.

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I feel like i don't want to do anything
I just want to lie in my bed and just do nothing
Smoked weed 3 years ago and it gave me a panic disorder and severe depression which i still deal with today.
Been lying to my parents about going to college for two years...but i just don't want to do anything anymore
I just want to sit here, forever.

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Pretty terrible. Finally got a mexican tier job this year but still no car/no friends/ shitty health/live with parents.

Gonna give it at least a few more years of the old college try since maybe my luck could turn around but if I am still a loser at 30 or I have really bad health or start losing my hair it will not be hard convincing myself to take the easy way out.

My life's been pretty shit. Everyday feels pretty much the same with few changes. I was making good money and seeing a girl about 2 weeks ago but my house burned down so I'm back in my cesspool of a hometown living like a bum. Feels like everytime I partially dig myself out of a hole I fall right back in somehow.

Been thinking of suicide a lot lately but haven't really seriously considered going through with it.

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2 years holy shit
I didn't attend for the past 4 months and actually did tell my parents. They said it's alright and that I should actually attend now. Got a free pass for getting bad grades after I told them I'm suicidal

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Been getting closer and closer to doing it every day. At a point where people gave up on helping and now just avoid me.