> /creativegeneral/
Hows everyone doing tonight? Post anything you've made here and I'll try to give you my feedback. Art, music, writing etc...
Here's an EP I made a little bit ago: soundcloud.com
Working on an album now.
> /creativegeneral/
Hows everyone doing tonight? Post anything you've made here and I'll try to give you my feedback. Art, music, writing etc...
Here's an EP I made a little bit ago: soundcloud.com
Working on an album now.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also found a cool way to turn my guitar into a pseudo-bass guitar. I just tune my big string down and then turn the bass on my amp all the way up. I've always wanted a bass but they're so expensive.
Pls reply reee
Thanks for the feedback in advance.
I like it a lot user.
Is that your singing?
My only creative outlet is making osu! beatmaps. Hey, at least a few thousand people will play them if they get ranked.
Yeah. I make the music too. I got some covers and two other originals on the page as well as some instrumentals. If you go to the playlists its easier to navigate through them.
What genre would you say your stuff is?
How do you get ranked? Random?
bumping post for more exposure etc...
Posted this in another thread, but I figure I'll post it again. It's my first outing at creating music, so I know it's not great. I'll get better, I hope.
Did op abandon ship?
Sorry, was taking a shower.
I guess ambient? I have a lot of influences and I guess I kind of switch between styles sometimes.
What genre do you think it is?
Wow these are really cozy and cool user. I like it a lot.
You have a lot of skill, I suggest sending this EP out to some labels.
OP here, working on an album right now but work is killing me.
I want to take a few weeks off and just work on my music...
That means a lot to me. Thank you, friend. I'm working on an album atm, and if it comes out okay, I might put it up on Bandcamp. This kind of genre seems a little too niche for labels to want to pick up, but I actually do know someone that owns a record label, but it's for hip hop.
OP here
Just got to the second song and wtf
This is so good and it sounds so professional. How do you only have 4 followers??? You need to get your music out there more because it's super good.
its really good user I like it, awesome voice btw
You could easily make some great hip hop beats out of these.
What did you use to make this? Do you play the saxophone? Are they samples?
Like the arrangement and the voice on this one. Also a fan of paintedlies.
Thank you, sweetyheart.
Thanks, man. I honestly wouldn't say they're professional quality because I still have no idea how to mix properly. I haven't really posted anywhere before. Actually these two threads are the only places I've posted them besides YouTube. I really want to do this full time.
I'm really digging your stuff, OP. Definitely the kind of tracks I'll listen to when writing or studying. I love it desu.
Think so? I'm not a rapper myself, so I guess I wouldn't really know. Justin Warfield is who I know that owns the label and he's an OG. I'll have to show him some time.
Drums are samples because I don't know how to play and don't know anyone that can. Saxophone is my brother playing, so that's all original. I really don't like using samples because it feels like cheating(?) to me. I don't mind when other people do it, but I typically would want whatever I put my name on to be all original (or originally recorded for it), if that makes sense.
too depressed to make music the past couple weeks every time i try to write it just comes out morbid and manic even if i was feeling ok it just comes out either suicidal or insane and it makes me feel like shit so i feel repressed but thats ok i guess maybe next week or maybe i should just smash my guitar into a bunch of pieces and use it to make thousands of tiny little imaginary friends instead HAHah haa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAA
>every time i try to write it just comes out morbid and manic even if i was feeling ok it just comes out either suicidal or insane
How is this a bad thing exactly?
anyone have a youtube channel? been thinking about starting one where I read spooky stories but there seems to be a lot of those already.
It sounds professional to me, ESECIALLY the mixing. And thank you user.
I know its not nececarily creative because its assigned, but im writing a paper for an ethics class, core class at my university. and ill be honest, its grueling right now ive been finding every excuse to not write it.
Been thinking about starting a channel or some account where I post audiobooks. Recorded a few Lovecraft short stories for fun so why not post it somewhere? But I definitely wouldn't start reading creepypastas or shit like that. Way too cringey and oversaturated
>want to stream
>have no friends to watch or place to post link
>stream for hours on end with 0 viewers
>have fun anyway
>But I definitely wouldn't start reading creepypastas or shit like that. Way too cringey and oversaturated
Yeah creepypasta or nosleep tend to be the go-to which automatically screams no-no to me. its just hard to find legit creepy stories that also haven't been done.
OP here.
I just want to move to Norway and make comfy cold weather albums :((
Where do you want to live user?
In the afterlife. You know, post living.
Wow this is good. Nice singing.
do you use synths?
Yes, sir. The first few songs I ever produced sounded way too much like samey synthwave stuff, so I toned it down heavily to try and differentiate myself with future tracks.
Have the robotic directory:
Original pastebin:
I feel like I'm running out of time to become successful. I'm only 19 but I'm kind of banking on my crypto investments to pay off and then I can really start promoting my music...
I don't want to be wageslaving all my life fuck... I want to enjoy it...
you're only 19. that's not bad at all. I'm 27 and haven't done jack with my life/
20 here, so I know how you feel. I've dabbled in producing music, poetry, short stories, full length novels, journalism, video editing, and graphic design, but nothing has worked out. I've posted some of my stuff in here.
I think people like us just have to get incredibly lucky or know someone that could boast you.
check me out
I like it.
You're pretty popular.
Thanks. Want an autograph?
Wow you're popular user. How did you get so many listens and followers? Do you make any money off your music?
pls listen to my stuff
Sure. Make it out to Simon Sickboy.
Do you have any proof it's really you?
It's not. I'm just pulling your leg! Ha!
Good stuff. It's like a cooler version of elevator music.
Thank you. The first track roughly translates into "Elevator into the Ocean." I'm not good with titles.
does gaming montages on youtube count?
I have 3k hours on dead by daylight and I started to make montages because I figure since I have no life I might as well make it a hobby. Editing them is a blast and gives me something to waste my nights on
I'm not good enough yet to record something that's worthwhile. I play bass and guitar. Found some old recordings from 2 years ago though and it's hilarious how terrible I was compared to now.
You can get some really decent basses for
Buy a cheap one to get started. Look around for used ones first and if that doesn't work out you can always buy a cheapo model. Look around for reviews and send em back if there's issues. But usually even the cheap ones are ok. Main issue is probably QC
is it too late to get into youtube? has every idea truly been exhausted?
I started taking DAWs seriously about last month, gives me something to do so I don't go insane being NEET. What do you guys think of what I feel is the only competent thing I've made right now?
Its not too late to get into anything
If it were every creative outlet wouldve died decades ago
Just make what you want
Game review channels still get big like Nitrorad and that Woz guy and those have been done to death since AVGN
Sounds alright so far. Obligatory response is that you need to develop the idea further but you already know that yourself I assume. Sounds like a good intro though
No. As generic as it sounds you just gotta do something you're passionate about on YT, regardless if it's riding a trend or something new. I've seen a lot of Youtubers who don't blow up but they get over 100k subscribers simply because they upload consistently and obviously make entertaining videos.
There are still channels that blow up out of nowhere all the time. Really blowing up is mostly about luck (or gaming the system but I assume you don't wanna do that). Do something you like and do it because you like it, not because you wanna get big. That's how one should treat every creative outlet
Really even with 100k subs that can be your job
Idk why people think making it on YouTube is fucking 10 mil PewDiePie shit
Thanks bud, I appreciate the feedback.
> Started the first song on my album tonight
> It came out really well
Excited to work on it more tomorrow
Keep doing what you're doing. Making stuff is a great way to stave of the NEET insanity. Although you might end up falling into a creative hole eventually since you probably spend most of your time alone in your house. In that case I would recommend stepping away from it all for a bit while trying to experience something new. Most importantly don't try to force it and obsess over it
There is luck, right place right time, being the first to fill a niche. Stuff that you couldn't control, but I've always thought it's how much you put into your videos(like editing, good equipment, writing, whatever you do.) That goes a long way because then people would like to talk about it and get others curious. Maybe I just overthink this shit.
Really its all luck
Even if your vids are outright utter trash if its bad in a certain enough way to blow up in an ironic meme then itll blow up
I'm I recorded something anyway in the last 30 minutes or so, still can't figure out reaper properly, I guess I don't use it often enough. Anyway, I always fall back into this really silly, super simple stuff:
I could have done a better job with guitar but I just recorded everything on bass since I'm more comfortable with it as an instrument and swapping instruments is a pain with my setup.
When I feel like I've hit a wall I take a break for awhile then come back to it, because I couldn't force anything even if I wanted and just end up playing with sound banks. I've really only got obsessed when I first started learning because the most I knew about playing music was reading tabs and I didn't want to keep guessing every note and finding what worked and what didn't.
There's a certain baseline of quality that you certainly need to meet to get anywhere. For example, if you do lps you won't get away with pointing a camera at the screen anymore or even uploading sub 720p quality. Same goes for audio quality, editing and so on. This is of course just a rule of thumb and as this guy said there are exceptions. Another important thing is to avoid pigeon holing yourself. Gonna use lps as an example again. Let's say you start out playing survival horror games, you play the first couple of silent hill games and one or two resident evil games, you get big and become known for playing those types of games. Soon you'll realise that the survival horror genre is dead as shit and there are only so many games to play
>he thinks the horror game genre is dead
Gamejolt and Itchio beg to differ
Thank you all so much for contributing to my creative threads. I enjoy experiencing all of your stuff.
Going to go to bed and dream of snowy Norway hopefully. might hear some music in my dream that I can try to transpose before I forget it.
Goodnight everybody.
Also here's a song by my all time favorite band that I've been listening to.
bloody hell, the track is distorted. I really need to learn reaper. Here is a better version:
You're a gay dude
I wrote survival horror. My point still stands though. Limiting yourself to a small selection is a bad idea because you'll eventually run out of good games to play and have to search harder and harder for them. And if you're known for a certain thing it's usually pretty hard to start something different. You'll likely lose a good chunk of your audience
I am happy for you, user! Keep working hard!