Could pic related be applied to the bang bang vs. trannyposters battle?
Could pic related be applied to the bang bang vs. trannyposters battle?
It's because even if anime traps are appealing real life traps are never appealing.
No. I bangpost all the time and becoming a degenerate never once crossed my mind in my life. It's just knowing right from wrong that makes us want them off our board.
no feg we're acting as a collective for the good of the board. individual experience does not come into play here.
Spamming is for people who are too braindead to actually make any attempt to form an argument, or something close to a complete thought.
What if the spamming is a coordinated attempt to change the observers' behaviors and attitudes? I disagree with your label of 'braindead' posters, this topic is a lot more naunced than that.
Also doesn't comparing them to "glass houses" imply it's a stupid thing? Their own logic reinforces the point that it's - wait for it - a fucking trap.
Spamming is the internet equivalent of imstitutional religion. Don't ask questions or argue in good faith, just get people on your side. In that regard you wouldn't be any better than them.
Ghetto ass keyboard
you cannot reason with evil.
You don't have to become what you hate to defeat it. If you do, you aren't fighting for anything.
fight too much with monsters and you become one
is sex really a good example for that, though?
humans are sexual creatures, if someone doesn't have/had a desire to engage in promiscuous sexual behavior doesn't make them weird themselves?
surely a better example would have been something along the lines of
>people who're strongly opposed to smoking might have been smokers themselves or knew someone close to them who was a smoker
No, because bangposters are just crab bucketing. They perceive trannies as getting special privileges, and this enrages them, because they don't feel like they get anything.
I had the urge when I was 13, and literally never had sex. Even as a mentally ill adult I don't feel the need to chug miles and miles of cock.
it's more like a fight fire with fire sort of thing. indians were peaceful until they were slaughtered by the thousands so they finally decided to fight back.
sometimes that sacrifice has to be made
>They perceive trannies as getting special privileges, and this enrages them, because they don't feel like they get anything.
false, try again
When your spamming is the only spamming that's allowed on the board, that's special treatment. When mods literally do nothing about threads unless they are either complaining about trannies or complaining about mods defending trannies like the one that just got deleted, it's special treatment.
you cannot fucking argue with trannies you mong, whenever you try they just respond with some sassy bullshit calling you a fag in denial
There's no other option other than bangposting
>trannyposters have more or less been spamming the board on and off for at least the last 2 years
>bangposters maybe 1 month
yeah nah theres no equivalent here
you have a group of people that just want to destroy the board, and another that wants to save it. thats it. no discussion
>fight fire with fire
Cavemen logic, doesn't apply here. You can't assume a moral high ground when you've given it up for the chance at winning the battle at the cost of the war.
The sacrifice you're making is replacing Jow Forums's native culture with a bunch of syncretic catholic horseshit from twitter, and you feel comfortable doing it because you're a fucking newfag who doesn't have any sense of restraint. Enjoy having your mental breakdown in a few years, but in the meantime, please continue to poison the fuck out of the site.
The ones who want to destroy the board unironically try to argue that they are "saving" it by posting as much cancer as possible.
It's not twitter you mong, the raid only happened because of the years and years of blatant favoritism and sissy spam.
i bangpost and i gaypost/trappost. think about it user, no one who *BANG BANG*s really wants trapposting gone. no one thinks *BANG BANG*ing is actually going to get someone to stop posting, no one is that retarded. *BANG BANG* posters aren't in the closet, they're the most pro-trappostingfags on the board.
>only authority users have recourse to are mods
>mods don't do a single thing
>users forced to take matters into their own hands
>caveman logic
nope. Jow Forums has historically reneged against unwanted influence.
you don't remember furries, do you? didn't think so, chump.
A lot of the sissy threads were being deleted. I know, because I lurk moar. You know how you saw a lot of something on Jow Forums and felt the need to counter it by shitting everywhere? That's how everyone else feels about Jow Forums. You know how successful they are against it, despite Jow Forumsfags' uncanny knack for getting arrested and black helicoptered? Not at fucking all.
This is dogshit. The culture I grew up on is being poisoned by a slapfight between irrelevant chanfags and retarded politics cancer.
>users forced to take matters into their own hands
By making threads that tranny mods can delete based on the fact that it's literal spam that's against the rules?
by showing mods that users have no problem fucking the board to shit if they don't make the right decision
I think you underestimate how far shitposts have come with regards to influencing people. Trannyposters have a discord to mount actual psy-ops. The media controls the mind.
bangposting has nothing to do with Jow Forums.
bangposting is a natural response to people getting sick of tranny posting.
anyone who blames Jow Forums anytime someone hates faggots is an undercover faggot trying to shift the opinion and create boogeymen.
It's not Jow Forums or "newfags" or twitter, it's just literally anyone who isn't willing to suck snowflake dick every day while they are literal pedos and pedo defenders.
Yeah, I fucking remember furries. I remember how goons hated them (despite being a bunch of furries themselves), and used our retards as shock troops against them. I remember how 40k retards- I still can't look at those miniatures without cringing- pantshat about them. I also saw what it did, "champ": fucking zilch. They have a board now. "Reneged against unwanted influence"? That's not even what "reneged" fucking means, and no we fucking haven't. We did Chanology. We're a bunch of pushovers, and now Twitter, which has more status than us, is bending us the fuck over, the consequence being that we will lose our fucking porn.
Why can't traps stay in /b/, /lgbt/, /cm/, /trash/ or just post their fucking porn in discord? Pornography is not fucking culture
and if the users don't practice a little something called civil disobedience, Jow Forums will become another zombified husk of a great community just like the rest of them
i misspelled renegaded, so fucking sue me
And you. You keep whining about pedos, despite being on Jow Forums, which is the fucking way it is because people kept whining about pedos whenever they saw loli on the other site. You're a fool. Enjoy suckling normie tit.
>delivery for several juicy black cocks please sign here sir
I don't care if some literal homicidal crytofaggot thinks I'm a "normie" because I don't want pedoshit and violent sexual predators shitting up the board.
Because this is a BOARD FULL OF HORNY FUCKING NEETS and HORNY FUCKING NEETS HAVE WEIRD SEXUAL TASTES. That's why every other board is full of it, that's why we're full of it. Are you familiar with the concept of Jow Forums?!
>Pornography is not fucking culture
Take that back or you're a fucking NPC
There are fistfuls of boards that are more relevant than this board for spamming your precious cultural heritage of underage porn, it's not meant to be site-wide because you are a fucking snowflake
this board isnt about anything but originality and the same 10-15 threads with an anime girl telling me to take HRT is not originality.
Go hatefap to a /b/ lolithread or something.
When all else fails just project your own bullshit onto the person you're arguing with. Just overdose on birth control pills ffs
OP here
just wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight and sharing their opinion.
the more we realize how much of the posts here originate in bad faith the better the board can become in the long run.
> crytofaggot, normie, pedoshit, neets, npcs, snowflakes
what do they all have in common..?
brilliant thread.
make it more often.
today, OP was not a fag.
Good thing no one's spamming underage porn, then! This is a general board. If you want a GENERAL FUCKING BOARD to be "general EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE THING" then YOU ARE THE FUCKING SNOWFLAKE.
You aren't allowed to have more than one thread on a topic! That's not original! Now let me post another fifty variations on that feel when no gf.
>general board
>"but it's really just another porn board"
>except nobody wants to fucking see it and the entire appeal of posting it is to piss off the people trying to use it as a "general" board
This is why people want it to be blue but since mods love pedos and trannies so much they won't let it happen. They need to force their "culture" onto people who don't want it or they're not happy.
yes, that's called variation and totally allowed.
bypassing the filter by putting in "uwu" at the end of your trannyposts is not. repeating the same threads for the purpose of telling people to get on HRT is not. thats called a psyop.
>defending trannyposting
even if you were some kind of oldfag wannabe, that's just embarrassing. review your choices
The amount of
>tfw no gf
is proportionate to the amount of robots going through that experience
HRT posters make up a very tiny minority yet they're much more prevelant on the board
Both should be banned on sight desu. No gf just invites predatory behavior from men, women and traps alike.
Not really to be honest. I love bangposters but am 100% secure in my masculinity. It's hard to apply philosophical smart stuff to a bunch of retards posting frogs on the internet
they love to force that shit down our throats until were gagging and begging with tears streaming down our fucking faces
You're mistaken if you think anybody actually understands your obscure zoomer meme
dude are you ok im a bit concerned
Oh, nobody wants to see it! That's where we're at now, right? Not "it doesn't belong here", but "it doesn't belong here because it's not popular". First, that's Reddit. Second, lots of fucking people want to see it, which is why it FUCKING GETS REPLIES. No, YOU don't want to see it, and you're willing to use any means available to enforce your fucking tastes on the rest of the fucking board. Then you call OTHER people selfish!
>bypassing the filter by putting in "uwu"
Well, I've never seen that, but I'm sure it happened.
>thats called a psyop.
It's called a meme, and they're posting it because when you see it, you shit up the board, and that's funny to them. "Psyop" my fucking ass. No jokes, no shitposting, just endless war. Fuck that gay shit.
And now it's not so much that it's unpopular, as that it's not "representative". Should this board be a perfect cross-section of our souls?
Go die, fag.
its eventual that people around here will get what the fuck i've been trying to say, they play that SHIT ALL NIGHT FAGGOT AND YOU CANT TURN IT OFF AND WHEN they do it in the DAYTIME its game over cock cock cock cock all day and all fucking night it never ends WHAT THE FUCK why im begging someone to do it before i lose myself to it
I don't even give a shit about the threads with maybe 10 people circlejerking posting the same stupid infantile bullshit every day. I give a shit that they are treated like a protected class of Jow Forums users who need to be coddled by mods while the rest of the board is infested with all sorts of vile disgusting shit about "straight" people who you hate so much for putting up with this stupid fucking shit for so long.
user you seem like the kind of person who always watched from afar, never did anything, and criticized both parties when the dust settled. well, you're still here, so obviously you have a stake in Jow Forums its culture, and it hasn't deteriorated enough to drive you away for good.
so i think its time you think about getting involved, for a change. stirring up shit and acting like the detached third party isnt working anymore. you need to choose a side or stay out of it.
>And now it's not so much that it's unpopular, as that it's not "representative". Should this board be a perfect cross-section of our souls?
I want to go back to the board that was free from any attempts to directly influence my thoughts and feelings. tfw no gf did not overtly suade me to one stance or another. HRT posting is an experiment in guerilla social marketing that needs to be exposed.
ooh yeah pops post it again for the camera PLEASE just show me how you do it its so great please post it at least one more time so I can grasp that shit its all that matters to me please user cock music just cock for me once user PLEASE one more time post it again EVERYONE IS WATCHING FAGGOT
How the fuck are they coddled? Is your spam deleted? That's hardly coddling them.
>the rest of the board is infested with all sorts of vile disgusting shit about "straight" people
I've never seen anyone say anything against straight people, except in fag threads. I've seen lots of people talk shit about trannies. I'm not seeing the coddling. I don't know what you mean.
I'm doing something now. I've chosen a side, and it's the side of not being a total fucking faggot, not spamming or calling everyone a baby rapist like a fucking Tumblrina until I get my way. Maybe no one else is on this side, but I don't give a shit.
>tfw no gf did not overtly suade me to one stance or another
It did me.
>HRT posting is an experiment in guerilla social marketing that needs to be exposed.
It's a fucking meme. You're so concerned about self-harm? What about "down the road, not across the street"? What about "an hero"? Was that a guerilla campaign to get us to all kill ourselves?
>I've never seen anyone say anything against straight people, except in fag threads.
Literally threads about killing women, fucking children and hanging black people everyday. Only tranny bashing threads get pruned or bumplocked. "Bashing" meaning "please fucking stop posting"
>It's a fucking meme. You're so concerned about self-harm? What about "down the road, not across the street"? What about "an hero"? Was that a guerilla campaign to get us to all kill ourselves?
Look guy, if an user posted screens of a discord attempting to encourage suicide on Jow Forums I would be just as against that, probably more so. Coordinated attacks on our ability to communicate endangers anyone consuming the messages posted here.
yeah user I was thinking the same
what a COCKsucker
love that jargon so deaf! lol
great to see that happening
bbc thread
See, that's more of what I hate about these pricks. Even with furfags, it was always "ha ha furfags are gross, let's shit on them". It was never "furfags encourage self-harm, furfags endanger our youth".
Honest fucking disgust is INFINITELY preferable to this high-minded hall monitor faggot narc shit, that only serves as a shitty, clumsily slapped-together beacon to try and draw down the wrath of our gay retarded middle-school-principle nanny state. You fucking faggots want someone to write a thinkpiece!
You liar. Post your wrists on /b/ and see how many people tell you to slit them. Don't fucking bullshit me.
>it's different because it's /b/
No, it's not.
>You liar. Post your wrists on /b/ and see how many people tell you to slit them. Don't fucking bullshit me.
>>it's different because it's /b/
>No, it's not.
The shitposters on /b/ are not in a discord discussing how to carefully mold the discussion to their will.
>it's different because it's /b/
Actually it is, because we never were talking about /b/, which is only one of many boards where spamming barely legal porn is considered normal.
>ha ha furfags are gross, let's shit on them
And today they have /trash/ and have no problems staying there where their threads are wanted and people go there specifically for them.
>Big black cock music time plus fun time with boss dorsey
pic related scumfags
every social institution requires structure in order to persist through time. even Jow Forums boards where to the untrained eye there is nothing but chaos. what you seem to want is an extreme liberal utopia where *nothing* is off limits and people just decide for themselves whether they want to kill a hooker or get their ass and mouth stuffed with cocks on a public corner.
No, obviously, because they're on fucking /b/, discussing how to carefully mold the discussion to their will.
I see you've done an end-run around "encouraging self harm is the same thing as encouraging self harm" and added a little clause in it. Will these goalposts ever stop moving?
The 19-year-old singer I'm orbiting is "barely legal". I don't see what that has to do with anything, because we're talking about acceptance of (fake, fictional) self harm (scratching a name into your arm is a joke) on that shitty chat client versus acceptance of (real) self harm on /b/ (laterally opening veins will kill you).
Good. I don't care. I'm not talking about where they went, I'm talking about honest disgust versus bitchy-bitch fake woman "make shit up and whine at authority" moves.
I want what I ALREADY FUCKING HAD. I want what I had before Jow Forums and the fags near it decided they had a fucking problem with it. I want what I already had because I ALREADY HAD IT and I DON'T FUCKING LIKE CHANGE. This is your cue to say "well it was always how I'd prefer it to be", but don't bother: I've been here since the fucking board was made. You could say that's "conservative", but I don't give a shit.
>I want what I ALREADY FUCKING HAD. I want what I had before Jow Forums and the fags near it decided they had a fucking problem with it. I want what I already had because I ALREADY HAD IT and I DON'T FUCKING LIKE CHANGE. This is your cue to say "well it was always how I'd prefer it to be", but don't bother: I've been here since the fucking board was made. You could say that's "conservative", but I don't give a shit.
honestly i can't fault you for that.
>No, obviously, because they're on fucking /b/, discussing how to carefully mold the discussion to their will.
>I see you've done an end-run around "encouraging self harm is the same thing as encouraging self harm" and added a little clause in it. Will these goalposts ever stop moving?
You're the one strawmanning this whole self-harm thing, if we're accusing each other of fallacies. I don't think I need to talk to you anymore.
How the fuck am I strawmanning anything? I'm pointing out that people are bitching about a context-free third-hand screencap of some fag poking a name into his arm, when /b/ has women supergluing their fucking assholes shut. These things happened, did they not? What the fuck am I strawmanning?
I can. I'm a fucking retard. They'll take away our traps, they'll take away our weeb shit, they'll take our yellow boards and banners and every goddamn thing worth having, and the retards will applaud it. We're fucked. Totally fucked. I'm a fucking moron for caring at all.
It is honest disgust, trust me user.
Of course
Stop overthinking things, faggot. The trannies are just annoying.
It's not honest disgust, at all. If your response to men you don't like doing something you don't like is to make shit up about them and try to get the government to shut them down, you're a fucking woman. That's what women do.
And bangposters aren't. Some jackhole literally doing the *grabs katana* shit, but post-ironically, that's not noxious and painful at all.
I fuck wit traps but can't stand trap posters, at least not on r9k. There are plenty of boards that celebrate trap posting, go there, here is a place for incels and failed normies to wallow in their feels not they're never ending horniness.
no but dont leave the fucking thread at ALL frodo
cant help but notice that you dont have virulent cock aids please get in line
>lol what is bbc music
can you even imagine
I hide tranny threads and r9gay, why did you ignore this post?
>How the fuck am I strawmanning anything? I'm pointing out that people are bitching about a context-free third-hand screencap of some fag poking a name into his arm, when /b/ has women supergluing their fucking assholes shut. These things happened, did they not? What the fuck am I strawmanning?
You're misunderstanding my original point: there are a group of people attempting to induce gender transition on insecure young neets and this is bad for the board. I do not know what screencap you're talking about.
>can't stand trap posters, at least not on r9k
Yeah? Good for you. I can. I want to know that the person I'm jerking off to has allowed themselves to become as scared, alone, and miserable as I did.
I missed it.
I would say that they get bumplocked because the mods probably see them as a form of organized shitposting. Either that, or they don't want your team fighting with the tranny team, and they think that you're the aggressor. You, obviously, do not think that you're the aggressor.
Shut up faggot. Bangbots have been around for a week. You perverts have been shitting up this board for 2 years. I'd much rather see bang bang than boy butts.
Are you the same guy from a couple months ago or are you just some faggot imitator?
No, I'm not the aggressor, because I hide the spam. I want to know why mods only pay attention to lgbt related shit, and could give a fuck about what else was happening on the board. Either allow it all or enforce the rules fairly.
People are systematically trying to turn people into transsexuals on this board through a campaign of demoralization and addiction.
Think about that for a second. Even if *blam*posters are closet fags, they're still doing the right thing.This shit is evil.
You don't know about the screen cap because mods are lurking to delete them like fucking secret police.
>Yeah? Good for you. I can. I want to know that the person I'm jerking off to has allowed themselves to become as scared, alone, and miserable as I did.
Nigger literally all traps are alone and miserable. Why do you have to encourage the shit on the board that isn't made for it? Go see the attention whores on /soc/ or post it to some porn board. Have you ever thought about why /lgbt/ doesn't even like you?
I dont keep track even if I could
if I told you I was would you even believe it so whats the point
just don't say I didnt warn you
I saw a picture on another board and I need to rant. It was a leddit post about a lady who convinced her husband to open their marriage and he started sleeping with a bunch of young trannies and she was so upset by it she ended up not sleeping with anyone else and just crying by herself.
Can you imagine marrying a woman, thinking you both love eachother deeply and want to dedicate your life to each other, then twenty years in she just just goes haha just kidding I wanna go ride some other mans cock. Shit like that is why I will never get married. Just the idea of your wife even bringing that up after you dedicate two decades of your life to her, my God it makes me sick with rage. Fuck marriage man, and fuck roasties.
a lot of us care too much as well. we just don't know what to do to get back to where we were. maybe it's chasing nostalgia - maybe we should accept the kali yuga and let the cycle of history run its course. maybe we should prop up an enemy and unite our forces in fighting against it. i don't know man. i just want the Jow Forums i loved to never leave because i grew up here and there's no place else on the internet i feel like i fit in.
god i'm getting fucking emotional writing this.
fucking hell.
What does this have to do with this thread or trannies? How is a cuckquean going volcel after finding her husband is a pozzed homo tantamount to "riding other men's cocks"
You have brain damage
And MY point is that, by your standards of "attempting to induce", there are people on Jow Forums attempting to induce SUICIDE in 4channers.
More like four to six years, actually. I forget when the board was remade. And, yeah, the boys' taste in porn is not your taste in porn. When people kept posting fat chicks, did I go into their threads and write shit like "*shunk* ARR ANOTHER BEAST FER THE HOLD"? No, I didn't. Learn to live with other robots. Don't shit up the fucking board trying to crapflood everyone else out of existence.
That's like saying I'm trying to turn people into incels by bitching about women. It's selective grievance-farming retardation. Everyone wants their ideas to spread, but there's nothing particularly persuasive about "wear a skirt and fuck your own ass". You can't wrap us all in fucking bubble tape, that's fucking stupid.
>Nigger literally all traps are alone and miserable.
So are robots.
>the board that isn't made for it?
The board isn't made for anything. It's a fucking general board.
/soc/posters post on /soc/. Robots post on Jow Forums. I care about robot traps, not /soc/ traps. You may argue that "robots" should be defined to exclude traps, but that's a blind semantic alley that ends in constant and internecine faction warfare. We're not a bunch of fucking commies, so don't do that.
You know, that Kali Yuga shit (Evola? not Spengler, I think) never really persuaded me. Of course, on a macro level, there's entropy, but it's not, like... Cycles, you know? Things are the way they are because of conditions, and if I replicate those conditions, I can replicate the things I want. Of course, in practice, this leads to me sitting on a thread and writing lengthy responses to "lol fag go die", but, you know, THEORETICALLY it's sound. And then everyone else has the same idea, so I have to fight them. Which sucks.
>Don't shit up the fucking board trying to crapflood everyone else out of existence.
>literally only cares if it happens to trannies, everyone else deserves untethered bigotry because they don't like my cummies
Who the fuck else is getting bangposted?
Fucking anybody who isn't from r/incels, do you seriously only pay attention to lgbt issues and ignore everything else? You must.
Wait, are you talking about, like, femanon threads? What are you talking about, specifically?
As for those, I don't know, I don't read them.
yes, evola. and i believe in a cosmology that's a bit mystical in its expression, but with logically structured constituents. there is harmony, and there is chaos. entropy is the prime mover. things arise by virtue of balance between the two. entropy forces things to differentiate. if any given thing does not find its place within the emergent structure, it either adapts or dies. there is an inherent "cycle" to everything based on this principle. it is born. it lives for a time based on its ability to remain in equilibrium with itself and its environment.
in societies, humans are the entropy. humans act according to their desires. when a society begins it represents humans acting in good faith to instill a system that benefits its actors. over time the society changes due to outside forces and inside members making decisions that sway from the initial creed dictated by those who created the society. and so on and so forth.
this is why i believe in the kali yuga.
>Things are the way they are because of conditions, and if I replicate those conditions, I can replicate the things I want.
yes, but as you know, conditions outside of any single person's control will run their course based on the macroscopic effects of entropy.
Her plan was originally to fuck around but then her husband dabbed on her by fucking like 30 trannies. Also this thread has something to do with trannies. I just wanted to vent.