Drink tea

>Drink tea
>explosive diarrhea
Is tea supposed to do this? Every time no matter if it's black tea. Yerba mate, peppermint.

Attached: Health-Benefits-of-Peppermint-Tea-701x452.jpg (701x452, 68K)

maybe you're allergic to it fren

Attached: 1542681377295.jpg (961x816, 239K)

Chamomile has thankfully cured my diarrhea in the past. I normally don't care too much about diarrhea but I was at work and have a job where I can't be away for even 10 minutes.

Yeah i think so. Tea is too harsh for me. All the tannins perhaps

Maybe the tea or the teapot is bad? Diarrhea is usually a sign you ate something bad you don't want to absorb in your intestines, like expired food.

Havent tried that one. I dont like the smell so i never bothered with it

Nah i use the same pots and mugs for other food and they never give me diahrea. Just the tea.

hot liquids help to stimulate bowl movement. I have ibs and drinking tea helps to make me more regular.

Does it happen when you drink other hot drinks? Could be due to the temperature.

Nah hot coffee and hot chocolate go down fine most the time especially if sweetened. Tea is consistent diahrea inducing. The diahrea often comes out like pure water sounding like urine when it hits the toilet bowl

Drink hot water
Take cold showers

coffee and tea are drugs
they both have caffeine

You're just bad at it. Try practicing your tea drinking more often and you'll be drinking it like a champion

>Chamomile has thankfully cured my diarrhea in the past.
Note taken, thanks user

Is it worth getting good at it when my body is telling me not to

Your body is a retard, it has to evolve over millions of years. You don't have that time to wait, force evolution onto it or let it perish and find a new one.

A lot of plant leaves have toxic compounds only ruminents like goats and cows are equiped to deal with. Humans not evolved for it

just munch them down until yours is.

Whats "yerb mate" supposed to be?

So caffeinated tea from south america. Tastes good but loosens my intestines

It's some plant Argentinians suck on for days on end

I work in the tea factory. I shit in your tea.

i've never had that problem, user. sorry.

boiling some water right now
going to get extreme and explosive diarrhea