Someone invite me to their server...

Someone invite me to their server, I've seen 100s of servers and I've left basically all of them for one reason or another. Am I just hard to please or are discord servers just garbage? I never remember having this bad of a time during the days of Skype.

Does anyone wanna talk about basically anything? Add me Kongou#2106, don't forget to capitalize the K. I just wanna make literally one sustainable friend, I've been on here for years and haven't made one.

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>are discord servers just garbage?
Yes, yes they are.

why aren't they like skype groups? I enjoyed skype groups so much more

You have a girlfriend though

Just because you have a GF doesn't mean you can't be bored my man.

Rejoin shut

It ain't so bad

There's no invite links up, plus that whore is back in the server and I can't help but want to rip on her every time I see her say anything

Which whore? Ash?

What server are you talking about? If it's Ash's corner I think that server is garbage so I never stay, plus owner is a whore

Every time I join a discord here I can tell right away I'm not going to fit in just from the chat history, and if I try to participate anyways I end up as the biggest loser on the server and/or get kicked. This has happened on at least 50 different servers. It is literally impossible for me to have friends or even just a community to talk to, as I am somehow beneath everyone else including robots.

this board is the only place I can feel like I have friends. At least here nobody can remember how lame I am because there's no names or post history. Discords are fucking brutal. People will single you out like hyenas after a sick animal. You can't integrate if you already have a reputation as a loser.

anyways post some links so I can join

Yes they are all pure shit

Holy shit i found me

Hell yeah dude I fucking feel that honestly

Guess I'll just off myself then?

>I never remember having this bad of a time during the days of Skype.

Lookin' at it through rose tinted glasses there. Skype groups always had some kind of retarded ass drama going on. Plus the Skype client was buggy and insecure as fuck, people could crash you with spam easily and things like that. Granted, Discords tend to be boring as fuck. At least Skype drama could be entertaining.

Discord is a million times better of a program than Skype though. Skype groups would shit up and grind your computer to a halt if it had more than like 20 members, while I've been in discords with over 1000 members and there was seemingly no affect on performance.

I suppose but what did you enjoy more? Sounds like you actually have a few servers that you enjoy being on. I wish I could find a few like that.

Only servers I'm in right now are official ones for shitty games nobody likes so I have nowhere else to talk about them. I haven't been on a Jow Forums server that I've liked for some time now.

There was some massive /b/ server I liked that had over 15,000 members. The sheer volume of people actually gave it that comfy Jow Forums feel, nobody's identity mattered because things moved too fast to be able to dwell on a person acting retarded or whatever. Left about a year ago and haven't been able to find it again, might just be ded and gone.

Small discords of lonely people here can be pretty comfy, but they rarely ever last. Over time they slow to a snail's pace until people forget they're even in the group and it dies. Some people have made long term friends in them though. Just not me, because I suck and abandon people who like me.

no man, you're a normal robot just like us.
Jow Forumss just been flooded with leddit crap since that one guy complained about reddshits's greentext hunters and FBBCCR dude showed up

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Welp here is my group

Discord servers are just autists forming little cliques like they didn't get the chance to in high school. Especially obnoxious if they all orbit some chubby chick

No orbiters allowed

Only good discord servers are the ones with under 10 people. Sure, they're not the most active but at least it's not a server where 95% of the server doesn't talk and 15 year olds are spamming NIGGER

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all the discord servers posted by people here are automatically garbage. why you persist on joining so many and not learn this, im surprised. ONLY join servers that you're invited to with legitimate purpose, be it from a friend, or a general server for a specific game.

I'm tired of joining discords from this site. It's always underage zoomers with ex girlfriend problems. Even the so-called hikikomori NEET servers with people that supposedly haven't made a single friend all their lives, are filled with Discord Chads who have tons of e-friends.

Fuck this shit. I can't relate to anybody. I'm gonna die alone but it's better than feeling like an outcast among outcasts. Nothing is worse than that.

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Discord servers are garbage because they are filled with either fake animefaggot egomaniacs who want to climb up the server hierarchy or animefaggots that don't know proper social manners (yes, I am aware I am posting on r9k)

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Discord is for zoomer loosers who wanna larp as a small anime girl.

Join a superior IRC channel. #cyberpunk on freenode is pretty comfy

expect to be banned if normalfag