uhhhh... do you guys suppose this guy was a robot?
Uhhhh... do you guys suppose this guy was a robot?
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Of course he couldn't not be veried on twitter.
Fucking underage fags can't tell the difference between whats irony and what isn't
hes a beaner. spics are violent criminals much like niggers.
he probably can't post without getting banned, too dumb to avoid bans, and spends all of his time lurking Jow Forums or /b/ but posts on kiwifarms or some shit
so much for we wuz aryans n shiet!!
This is his image from when he was arrested.
I am insulted. We have a long and rich tradition of violence. Mexico is one of the most dangerous places in the the world. Our legacy of bloodshed deserves recognition and respect.
look. obviously something is fucked. race mixing is shit, diversity fucking sucks.
the people that push for diversity live in gated neighborhood filled with other kikes.
Sounds like your average ""white"" American
and you post one of the Whiter looking mexicans, shes even wearing blue contacts. so much for that proud, indio culture.
>whiter looking mexican
Girl is not even Mexican, she is just a cosplayer. Imagine being so low iq you cant even tell what race a person is just because they are wearing a costume. Pic related is probably more what you picture when think of Mexican girls, but she isnt wearing a sexy bikini.
Also, this is what the cosplayer actually looks like.
oh im terribly sorry for not giving a heck! about some c player. what are cplayers but wannabe actors?
>cant tell the difference between Koreans, Whites, and Mexicans.
>"doesnt care" but is still hovering around this thread
>is a namefag who keeps getting banned
I am forming a picture of you in my mind. Do you look like pic related?
He probably looks like this guy roight 'ere
he is a self hating asian man who thinks white people are superior.
i fucking wish i did. i would be drowning in tight asian pussy.
i look like wilmer with chink eyes
who the fuck would know that isnt a mexican but is an asian from just looking at this photo?
those esoteric beings whom'st'd've dont need glasses.
thats you huh. pip down, youre not my type
Of course this thread would devolve into arguing about race
whats your name, lobita? not my type. can it
Do you really think thats a picture of me? Because now you are starting to confuse me.
sargon of akkad groomed the little kid to be a killer
can it lobitah. youve been sweatin my nuts for a week.
this kids my fucking hero, they oughta name public parks after him, love the folks who'd try to distance themselves from this, "Dumb kid can't understand satire," democracy in action, nurture a culture of racism and misogyny with 15 years of the most hate-filled rhetoric ever recorded in human history and behold what fruits you yield. Fucking brilliant work lads
shut the fuck up tranny faggot he should have strangled one of you fucks
robots suck dicks we don't strangle mothers.
You're not falling anyone, blockhead