You will NEVER be a powerful businessman living the corporate high life in the 1980's.
ITT: Dreams that are literally impossible
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just a little man catching a bucket of the big waves of money the billionaire's were throwing around
It wouldn't matter to me so long as I was able to sip expensive alcoholic beverages in my high rise apartment and make other people do the actual work.
I want to be a powerful general,the greatest even known,and topple the American government to make America a military authoritarian country where I'll take over the western hemisphere and eventually take over the Eastern hemisphere,becoming God king of the world and eventually the other world's revovoing around the sun.
>ywn feel a woman's soft bosom press against your shoulder as she falls asleep, her whisper of "I love you" drifting into the night air
that was the dream some people lived. i tell ya those kinds of dreams are dead and gone. no more Mighty Ducks, no more feel good sappy Adam sandler movies.
why the fuck does nobody do this? American military hegemony won't last forever and once gone will never return. Make use of it.
no more Christmas movies. no more home alone, no more people going ice skating.
no more public places doing Christmas events because there are too many shitskins
that era is dead, and the dream is dead
>You will never be a Pokemon in the Mystery Dungeon universe
>You will never conquer infinite expanses of history and treasure that no one but you has ever laid eyes on
>You will never have a comfy base or guild colleagues to chat with on your way out of town
That's what I am going to try and do. I am joining the army in a couple months from now but I know deep down in my heart and maybe my soul if it exists that it will never happen. Being powerless fucking sucks. Seems like something only someone who was destined (aka born with good genes) to do it can do it.
ya. all zoomers remember are their favorite video games.
they never played with other kids during a snowday blizzard
>tfw you'll never be given the azure flute by your friend whose uncle works at Nintendo through a trade again
>tfw you'll never walk down the hallway of origin and capture Arceus again
I used to love playing that game when I was 9 holy shit
>that era is dead, and the dream is dead
God damn it, it hurts. I didn't grow up in that era, but I was raised on media from the time, so it feels even farther away.
>ya. all zoomers remember are their favorite video games.
>they never played with other kids during a snowday blizzard
>played with other kids
How about you get out norman
even the nerdiest, most outcasted kid could come play with everybody during snowdays. to go sledding and build snowcaves in the driveway
>even the nerdiest, most outcasted kid could come play with everybody during snowdays.
Ok boomer go reminisce somewhere else
Jesus Christ people still do Christmas events all over the country, there are still Christmas movies every year, people still go ice skating. Go outside.
I want to be an airline pilot.
yeah but. it's not a white christmas
I live in a major city and kids still get snow days off sometimes. I'm 100% sure they also get snow days off in places where there's not enough infrastructure to clear the snow as well.
yea. White Christmas is most definitely been replaced with shitskin nigger bowlarama xmas
He's not wrong though. Even the biggest loser would come out to play on the weekends. Even the kid who couldn't leave the street because his mum got worried and the kid who had to take naps despite being 10 lmao. They all got shit for it but they came outside to play. You just sucked.
THIS IS YOUR FAULT YOU FUCKING KIKES, you hate Christmas, you hate Whites and you love shitskins and niggers.
>tfw you will never fuck a chick in the cockpit
Even a pretty, feminine dude would be okay. Everyone just chilling in the back thinking it's business as usual while I smash the pilot. Fuck yeah
86 birth and this is true except for sledding in the driveway part. You wanted to go down high steep hills and to do that you'd have to be taken somewhere else to sled.
Everything has to be sexual with you degenerate shits. I want to appreciate the expanse of the sky.
How old are you? No one who grew up post-9/11 can relate to this.
Pretty sure you've just gotten older, and nothing will ever be as nostalgic as your childhood. If you live in New York City, yeah things aren't as quaint as they used to be. But they were never as quaint as they were in movies, or how you remember them from childhood. But if you think kids today that live in rural or suburban areas with heavy snow don't build snow forts and celebrate Christmas with their family I think you're just out of touch.
ya hills i was too lazy to type hills. snowcaves in the driveway. they killed White culture. a little minority was fine, not this open gates liberal shit the democrat nigger party is shoving
ah you kids dont understand, you grew up in this shitskin liberal world...
Who is saying you can't enjoy the expanse of the sky while I enjoy taking you from behind? Don't play hard to get qt3.14
I grew up post 9/11. I was born in the 90s and I remember seeing it on TV and not giving a fuck because I'm not American. How fucking conceited are you that you use post 9/11 like it means anything outside of your shithole?
>I remember seeing it on TV
Gramps confirmed. Go back to your tapioca.
>How fucking conceited are you that you use post 9/11 like it means anything outside of your shithole?
Yeah its not like this board and every other board on the site has an overwhelmingly American audience or anything
Get off my lawn, zoomer.
Actually I went to tons of parks and playgrounds in my area all the time and it was different. I got to play on lots of equipment from the 70s throughout my childhood that was taken down later for being unsafe despite being a 90s kid. Guess why? Because the local schools and other places in the area were underfunded. They couldn't afford to tear it down let alone build anew back then. Now it's all gone.
>this is what hamericans actually think
kek. don't shoot up your school slugger
i just want someone who likes being around me generally
>Americans think facts
I mean sure
Those things are succ possible user
You just can't go back to the 80s
I know. It pisses me off. I don't even see snowmen being made anymore like we used to make them with the carrot for a nose. Kids don't climb on huge snow mountains in parking lots either anymore. It's like American culture is dead.
Location: United States (47%), United Kingdom (8%), Canada (6%), Australia (5%), Germany (4%), France (2%), Sweden (2%), Netherlands (2%), Poland (1.5%), Brazil (1.5%)
>Americans think facts
>nah there are seriously WMDs over there
Good 1
>Hiroshimoot, who is splitting the site to sell MORE ads, wouldn't lie about site demographics to make more shekels.... would he?
my dream is VERY possible user
>Next closest country is a 39-percentage-point difference
>Somehow this isn't supposed to help my case
yup. it died while we were shitpostan and playing wow. and we comeback out and its all niggers and shit skins and zoomer Whites cucked out of their culture. its absolutely fucked. why do you think ima stormer, im literally a chinaman
I don't know which user you are, but you're an idiot if you think I posted that intending to suggest anything other than that I agree Americans make up the majority of Jow Forums users.
Unfortunately it looks like that page isn't available on the Wayback Machine. Otherwise I would have fact checked this accusation.
Instead, compare:
For me I was still outside and doing stuff a lot in the 00s and people were still hanging out. But my area was half suburbs half rural in flyover country. Now the 2010s was when I completely detached myself from most of the world.
>doesn't have access to his wayback machine
>can't prove me wrong
America loses again.
2010s is about when White culture in America started to die. obama fucked everybody
>can't prove me wrong
You have the burden of proof pal, good luck meeting it!
Some zoomers are clueless. They pat themselves on the back for being offensive by saying there are only 2 genders when we said way worse. They don't have a concept of the pre 9/11 let alone pre 2008 sometimes. They think people our age were always SJWs from the beginning.
>burden of proof
>on Jow Forums
Haha murder yourself buddy
thats the world now. im the boomer raving about how great Whites are, and most zoomies dont have a clue because they grew up in the niggerfied America
go to the rules section
tell me what country's rules you gotta follow to post here
gg no re
whatever, ill just watch my White tv shows and movies. until they take those away too.
its a nigger's world
That's why I instead linked an alternate source for Jow Forums demographics that hiroshimoot couldn't forge. Despite that, I fully believe the Jow Forums advertising page has always listed plurality US, since that's always been the site's main userbase. I started on the website in 2007, sophomore year of high school for me, towards the end of season 1 of Code Geass.
At this point you're just shitposting.
The nation the servers are hosted in. It's owned by a Gook. Eat shit
nigger janny confirmed. lol
>b-but i-it's j-just the servers t-that doesnt m-mean anything
absolutely SEETHING yuropoor
you're following US law despite not even living here hahahahahah
Actually I follow the law of my nation which supercedes yours. No way am I getting extradited for calling you a nigger online. When things go wrong its your overburdened courts who have to deal with the cases and then all the money made from the site goes off-shore. You're literally paying people to listen to cases over Jow Forums shitposting for literally no reason. America cucked for life
For as long as I've been on this website, 90% of it has been shit. But I love it. Even though both me and the website have changed greatly and I'll never get back how fun it was during high school and college, it is still worth it for me, even if just got nostalgia. I have the money, and I adblock, so why not.
no more music bitch what did you miss
oh let me guess your A FINNISH FUCK
retard faggot lets get something straight Americans need to go cock mode straight up like mr dorsey over there
>inb4 bbc style
>I pay Hiroshimoot to harvest and sell my details
>I have the money so why not?
Everyone has the money to pay for a Jow Forums pass, even the Brazil monkeys in favelas, it's that only idiots actually do it.
haha I broke the NPC
confirmed poor schmuck
wishful thinking faggot
I couldn't be bought out by the finnish who cock music me for up to 2 years before my knowing so try again sweetie grow up Im telling no lies and pulling no punches plebbit is just down the fuckin road
What the fuck am I reading haha are you okay?
should look closer resembly to mine however pay close retentions
her goes
cant stop now so..
by the way just for you here they go
stay moving for 3 days 3 times to day whats at tell you?
>inb4 bbc
>tfw never live in the far far far future being captain of decent sized colony capital ship thing traveling through the universe with voluntarist society
>tfw born way too early to experience scifi
Based skitzo poster.
How long do you figure before a Finnish invades this board and silences me? You know me.
I want to know everything about you, user. Should I call Russia?
I honestly have no idea how much the Finnish groups are active in Russia, best I could tell you is to try to see if you are being targeted. If you are good luck, spread the word. If not, do your goddamn best to help others. Cock music will have you drooling for hours once enough incorrect procedures are done. Seems like there are people affected by it around as well.
I went down the road and turned the corner but I'm not sure if the Finnish followed me. How can I tell?
No no they aren't gonna be anywhere fuckin near you. If they want you, their devices have already been placed for sometime as their seasonal plantings have been over with for months. Just listen for cock music now. Everyone is watching not just Fins.
I am yet to hear the cock music. What does it sound like? If I hear it what should I do? I dug a hole in my backyard and I was thinking of camping in there for awhile. Please advise.
If you have tried to listen to it on multiple occasions to no avail just assume that you are blessed to live a good life, it sounds like comfort but once examined extreme confusion and pain. And fuck your hole idea that will only hurt you.
bbc thread bbc bbc bbc finnish
I like you user, stay safe.
>Americans make up the majority of Jow Forums users.