Just joking. Go back to sleep.
Just joking. Go back to sleep.
Other urls found in this thread:
Joke's on you, Mr. Neet,
I haven't gone to sleep yet.
I deal drugs so it's okay senpai
I smoked weed 3 years ago and i got a panic disorder and severe depression. I'm still on meds
Why tf did this happen, drug dealer-kun?
Laced with powdered glass and amphetamines
some people cant tolerate weed, apparently panic attacks arent way too unusual if its ur first time
I've been to late once on accident and no one including my boss cared or noticed.
I went late every tuesday for 3 months and no one noticed or said anything including my boss.
I routinely shit on company time, go for extended walks/coffee breaks on company time and not a single person has said anything.
Yeah but this has been going on for the last 3 years, and it never goes away
I'm on SSRIs
where I work (tech office job) no one except the bosses give a shit about time. I can go for a break every hour and can come late for work if I want. Called in sick yesterday and today cause I don't feel like working and they're cool with that. I love that company
I was able to get over my anxiety caused by drugs (Acid) by ditching my retarded druggie friends, then took ssri's for a few months. After around three months with no medication/no alchohol/not even nicotine, the anxiety faded away almost completely. I started meeting new people and making a lot of great friends.
Tbh user, it might've took you awhile to get to this point, but right when I realized the ssri's where not helping me, no matter what the dosage was is when I knew I was done taking them. Maybe you hit the milestone.
I just smoked weed once man why did this happen to me?
People have fun with drugs and yet here i am
Ugly, dicklet, can't even take drugs
The past 3 years i've never smoked, never had alcohol and had a healthy diet
I'm cursed user
thanks. I was feeling a little depressed about a girl, but then I remembered I'm a neet and my life is awesome. some people actually slave their whole lives and I'm sitting here on Jow Forums relaxing the fuck out and had a pretty productive day today playing guitar
>Wake up, wagie! Wake up, wagie! Time to go to work.
>Time to fry some frenchie fries for the customer.
>Wagie foils, wagie toils while watching the wagie clock.
>Wagie works and wonders if this hell will ever stop!
>Finally! The clock strikes five and wagie can go be free!
>Wagie can go home now! Wagie can finally leave!
>Wagie jumps! His feet, they tap! Wagies arms, they flap!
>Wagie can go home and hit the sack and take a wagie nap.
>Not for long, cause ring! Ring! Ring! The wagies phone will shout!
>Its wagies boss, he has to work, a coworker called out.
>Back to work the wagie goes, he cries, he wails, he weeps.
>All while his young neet brother stays at home and sleeps.
A poem I just made.
Enjoy, wage cuckolds.
I'm NEET and I want a job. I want to be a gardener.
You can start your own garden
Maybe its BECAUSE you dont have a vice. Why not have a beer when youre feeling stressed? Better than being fucking miserable all the time.
Go off the grid, NEETbro.
How do you feel daily user? Symptom wise
Thats gay, user. Girly gay, gay gays garden. Be a MAN and work at a supplement shop like a MAN. Help MEN get SWOLL. PUMP them with TESTOSTERONE.
Then let them pump your little boy butt with semen, desu. Be the GNC buttboy twink.
My question to all neets is, what will you do when you grow old, and you have no money?
>show up half a hour late for work
>finish everything in a hour
>get paid for 7 hour worth of jerking off, reading or shitposting on Jow Forums
>boss is doing the same, he knows that I know so doesn't say anything
>show up high one day, boss says I can stay or go home if I want to
>coworker shows up drunk every day
>unionized so literally impossible to get fired
Neets just don't know the art of slacking off.
Based and neetpilled.
no i need money
my country hands out free money to old people like candy. i'll probably kys before that happens though. hopefully.
Its a spoiler, dumbass. Hover your mouse over it for the punchline.
no i meant i hid ur post. i hide all posts i dont like.
The fuck is your job?!?
Theres no way this shit pays well. You live in a studio apartment, dont you.
Thats so beta.
i used to make fun of wageslaves in the past when i was a neet, and now i'm a wageslave.
fucking karma.
also, go fuck yourself op
Wagie here, what percentage of the overall neet population are like this?
I cut meat and feed it through a machine that automagically wraps and prices it. Then the shelf goblins take it and puts it on the shelf. I work nights so theres hardly any customers and I mostly just have to fill what's needed for the next day.
I live in a house with my highschool frens, and get paid $15/hr plus bennies. It's p good to be desu
Oh. So sort of a part time job, or not far from it status job. Not like, a desk job.
I can actually believe that one, then.
How does it feel to professionally beat meat?
>shelf goblins
I kek'd. Theyd be fucking mad if they heard you call them that.
what the fuck is anyone doing
what the actual fuck is big black cock music
hidden x2
hidden x3
What is it that you're listening to user?
Wouldn't happen to be...
I bet you report posts on facebook then print out the confirmation screens to cum tribute on.
I pride myself in my excellent meat handling abilities.
Shelf goblins aren't human, they're not even aware of their surroundings. I doubt they'd even consider it an insult. One of them does nothing but stack bananas on the shelf all day and seems perfectly happy doing it. Like he actually seems to derive some sort of enjoyment out of it. Any real person would snap doing that.
Imagine actually being a wagekek.
Shut up, kid.
your posts are bad.
hidden x4
defined as a cock in a musicians mind..
3 days 3 times a day
This is becoming too fun. Cuckolds are too easy.
He proably just sits there thinking "wow. I actually get paid to fuck off and pretend like stacking these bananas takes longer than all of 5 minutes"
But thats fucking funny. Artist representation of what a shelf goblin looks like?
You would know a lot about cucks from hanging out at a supplement store all day.
And don't forget to take your hormone balancers, you sound like you need them.
hidden x5
>not understanding the very first post that started this was completely sarcastic and riddled with irony, hence the buttboy joke at the end.
Here you have it user, he's living the life.
If you don't either have a job where you get paid extremely well for working hard ie a trade or stocks or something or a job where you can completely slack off you're confirmed a total brainlet. Seriously.
Perfect. Just how I imagined.
Youve won the thread, friend. Made my night.
Cheers to you and your awesome job, user.
Falling back on "I'm not stupid, just being ironic"
autists have trouble with making sarcastic remarks, and not sounding sarcastic about it at all.
Autists also have trouble picking up on blatent sarcasm and basic humor elements.
Yeah, user. I REALLY wanted you to give up gardening to go be a back room butt toy for the GNC workers.
Youre a fucking retard.
Side note: go for your dream of gardening. Its wholesome and I hope you acheive it, user. We all deserve happiness for the shit life likes to rain on us. All banter and fuckery aside, do it. Lol
Okay. Now it's /thread
I'm not even garden user, just shitting on you for complaining about hiding posts, like everyone does.
Also using a "/thread", just like all those epic greentexts on reddshit taught you to.
You're gonna screencap your "epic win joke shuts down cuck" to reap all those sweet internet points aren't you.
Try meditation my friend, it'll help alot
This, alot of people lace their stuff to make you more addicted so you come by again. My advice, every time you buy suspicious weed, scrape it on an old CD to see if it makes any scratches. It's a dead giveaway
Knock it off you two, this is a comfy thread
cock music is bad enough