Who sucks the most?
R/britfeel or r9k/Gays?
/r9gay/ for sure, at least the bongs dont infest the catalog with degenerate trash
the fags because they have their own board they should fuck off to
Man the Brits have colonies everywhere don't they
Jow Forums, Jow Forums, a couple other boards too
What is it about Brits that makes them say "ight lads let's make a colony here, fuck the natives"
The bongs keep to themselves and probably deserve to be here as their nation gets JUSTed more each day. I honestly feel pretty bad for their sake, so I try not to bring it up when I talk to my UK friend (haven't been able to talk to him as of late, he got involved with some American 16 year old thot in a LDR, then dumped her for a 14 year old, now he's dating a 13 year old trap. No fucking clue what he's doing in regards to everything, it sounds like his decision making is getting worse and worse).
The fags are a cancer that must be purged from existence though, as they infect everything.
coloniolism is a positive for everywhere we settle
Going to have to go with britfeel on this one, wish my countrymen would stop embarassing the rest of us with their facebook "ladspeak" and inane blogging on every single fucking board.
you do, user.
you do
i ahte the fags cos trannies are gay as well.
I ignore britfags
The literal cocksuckers who already have their containment board but decide to spam all others are by far the worst.
They go to no ends to shitpost. just look at this crap.
Only faggots will defend this and having fags on this board
>when i post in a /britfeel/ despite being american
it's just comfy
Well said user. The vast majority of faggot on here do not suffer gender dysphoria anyway. But rather a similar condition known as Autogynephilia. "defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female.: "Autogynephilia exemplifies an unusual paraphilic category called 'erotic target identity inversions', in which men desire to impersonate or turn their bodies into facsimiles of the persons or things to which they are sexually attracted."
Are you confused, leddit?
>this is aero
oh shit what the fuck happened how did he go from being a meme to this
should have locked the kid up
fags and traps usually fall further down the rabbit hole
fall further or dig further?
janitors remove bang posts from r9gay but let them stay in other threads
can the collective minds of r9k come to a conclusion as to what this says about the mods? i dunno.
mods protect gay threads from straight posting too. try it sometime. post a naked woman.
it says more than you think.
wait this is the guy that made those retarded ms paint vids with tom and jerry? fucking lol.
we've done it before, and we'll do it again, its a legacy.
r9gay, definitely.
britfeels is comfy, keeps itself contained and their posters are genuinely nice lads.
>mods protect gay threads
Exactly. Yet fags get to shit up every thread on every board with no repercussions.
thats where you belong its literally your board, unless you are so toxic there that even they kicked you out
These trannies are all terrible, pathetic, mentally ill monsters. They forfeited their chance to be human and now they're burning alive for it. They want companions in Hell. I used to frequent some of their areas (not tranny, was just a naive guy) and for every kind, genuinely good person there were 20 more awful awful trannies pushing their sad propaganda. I feel bad for the ones who blindly believe this shit because thy get lovebombed and then neglected. Classic push-pull. They make are everyone is a tranny sympathizer who questions themselves and can ben easily manipulated. Fortunately I was too smart for them and it made them very upset. But I can't say the same of others.
I have some valuable information as well. If this gets too out of hand I might have to pull a Snake and release what I know.
If you ever want to share, send me a DM & I will help you. vorbixol#0801
brits are good lads struggling in their multiculti dystopia, every day raining there
degenrates on the other hand are the fucking worst, corrupting minds of weak robots. they deserve being embedded on crosses together with trannies.
and they are organising themselves on discord, which is fucking pathetic. they spread propaganda and HIV like champs.
Saved your contact, guy. Thanks. We'll see what happens.
faggots for sure
when the purge is over they'll all be hanging from the trees and they can fuck eachothers assholes in hell
>literally have a discord dedicated to spam and flood baords with /LBGT/ shit
>mods don't care
>call someone a nigger
>gets banned
Absolute state of Jow Forums
Jannie will pay
Yesterday or two days ago i posted a message in their general:
"98% of robots here are not really gay. you just were lured into their community because of your loneliness, anxiety and their promise of sex you are craving so much". my post was deleted after 2 minutes.
and their generla is trash. these are not robot topics. they just spam porn of anime young boys and talk about sucking each others cocks. its fucking disgusting.
Nice to know mods are literal tranny lovers and want r9k to turn into a trap board and ban anyone who goes against this
Cheers. I'll be here if you need help.
a violent revolution is the only solution, they had this comming for a long time
you all know what to do
>post shit until you get banned
>get new ip
>continue posting until mods an hero
The mods cannot stop us and we wont stop until this board is free
only violent action is left to us
r9k will be free one day
One thing on here is already completely free.
It's the work jannies do for gookmoot & his sweet NSAbux.
Thats a nice catchphrase
A Violent Revolution is the only Solution
Quite clearly the gays. Only left britfeel because britfeel is mentioned here.
The brits are fine i couldn't care less. But the gays can burn, the first /r9straight/ was hijacked by the faggots bc the OP there made an edgy joke which was picrelated
Gays are attentionwhores they will actively chase after you just for attention
That OP of the thread here
I know, fags are butthurt creatures
We can all agree that /britfeel/ isn't doing much harm. Leave them be
the faggots, britfeel is board culture
Both are annoying, but probably r9gay as there is literally an lgbt board for them. That's like r9k using X or something and calling it r9x
r9gay should not be allowed on this forum, that is what the /lgbt/ containment board is for. everyone knows this. i was talking about this with some people on discord and they think that whoever is in charge must frequent that thread, or there is no way it would be allowed. i think the person i spoke to was correct.
side note: threads asking for females to post, or threads made by people claiming to be females should also be disallowed.
What I hate the most is all the faggots larping as "fembots"
Actually the only thing I hate more is the people who post in those thread and actually believe they're talking to women
reminder to report all those /r9gay/ threads
get the fags out
This all /britfeel/ related shit is contained to one thread so i never have to see any of it.
I imagine most of them are the same overlapping group of people.
Leave the general alone, I'm ok with gay robots having their own thread since they can't relate to straight incels at all and don't want to be mistaken for women on the rest of the board, it's just the cryptofaggots from discord who prey on underage who need culling
>own thread
they have their own board
okay... this is epic tho