Look at those beautiful things. Sardines are the true robot's food.
Look at those beautiful things. Sardines are the true robot's food
Isn't the world running out of them?
lmao is this your driver desu?
I love deenz! Maybe I will have some today.
they are also healthy for you too 10/10 A good food
You better start eating sardines.
>mommy can easily serve w/ rice and onions sauce + lemon juice
now this is epic
The ones with bones taste better!
i dont think i notice the ones that have bones, so for me they're all boneless
also s o i sauce not onions faggot filter
Fucking based
With rice and hot sauce for 10/10
Litterarly cured my depression
No thats tuna youre thinking of. Tuna are large (up to 3mts long) fish, sardines are pretty small in comparison (shorter than 30cms iirc)
No Sardines is the one fish there is still an abundance of
It tastes fishy :(
The one disadvantage of sardines is there are less ways to eat them, you can eat tuna in many ways but other than crackers and sandwiches I dont know how else to eat sardines.
Wait you don't just use them raw? I ate them straight up out the can as a kid and it put me off for life
Putting them in bread sounds like a waste of bread. I like bread.
Fuck the poster
Not sure if I'm allergic or just got a bad batch. Bought two cans from the store. Ate one and felt nauseous for a few hours. Then my mom tried the other can and she also described the same feeling I had. Either we're both allergic or I got a shitty batch.
eat w/ rice, s o y sauce + lemon juice
shit's oishi af
Wait so you take the sardine out of the can and into a pan?
Haha nice try s o y Jew.
If they're really that easy to eat with lemon I'll either just
>blend them up, add lemon and lime, ice before with bones and all then eat as a pre-workout for big brain gains
>unhealthy fat
Untrue, the only true thing in that image is the high mercury content but it's not that bad desu, tune compensates that by having more protein. For poorfags like me both tuna and sardines are a blessing, dunno why some poor friends live on ramen and other nutrient empty crap.
nah u dont cook the sardines, eat them as they come out of the can but w/ rice
lol ok im such a brainlet
alright so i got the sardines, lemon and im cooking some rice rn - this is gonna be good