tell me your feels as a hikki and NEET frens.
and post cute lolis.
>keep lolis SFW
>mormalfags out

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you have to lay off the lolis gunjy

>direct-brain VR won't be realized in your lifetime at an affordable price
>ywn lick her soft, smooth, pale 2d thighs and armpit
>ywn see her bright red blush
i pray for death but the skies are deaf

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What's the point of posting lolis if they are sfw?

>you have to lay off the lolis gunjy
did you mean
>you have to lay on the lolis gunjy
Because if so im doing that right,
we will have VR realistic lolis AAANNND it will be banned in australia as pixel child abuse.
>What's the point of posting lolis if they are sfw?
they are cute and higehr quality art

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After 7 years of being a NEET I will have to start online school courses in january. They expect me to study for 3 hours a day. I fear 2019

Feel like shit because too depressed to get a job and it only gets worse

its ain't healthy gunjy even if you claim you dont lewd them

fuck, seeing immaculate cuties and vast anime landscapes makes me so sad
even those gifs of comfy jap bedrooms w/ rain pattering against the window depress me

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>Feel like shit because too depressed to get a job and it only gets worse
it only EVER gets worse, never ebtter..
well it can get better but it feels like always worse.

>its ain't healthy gunjy even if you claim you dont lewd them
whats not healthy?
I do lewd them, only ecchi or yuri and solo.

dude I fapped once this month from jew pills killing my dick and just 2 depressed.
I am pure, my minds fucked, im disturbed, im getting help but the doctors are pulling tricks on me but im about to beat them at their own game and BTFO them.

I love being sad and crying, I envy you

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Op please post more sfw content of Loki girls being qt. That'd be nice.

thats what happens when you try get doctors to help you, they just want money and will go the easy route and give meds and get rid of you
meds that fuck you up in the long run

>implying it isn't better when a loli loves you without having to offer her money

You should give her money anyways otherwise it's exploitation.

I want to be a hikineet maid for an older guy!

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You know that's gay user

whats it like living in straya, gunjy? what are the people like?

if you sneeze on your child in public you get arrested for child abuse

So what? Not like its a bad thing!

>whats it like living in straya, gunjy?
well im on NEETbux and ill have disability soon bro.
IDK what its like but the abos made my head go sick, and it was already a bad brain :(

I dont go outside, IDK what australia is like but its comfy for Hikki's and I hate aussi fags.
Cycer is alright though.

They are holding my Megu posters the fags, like 70 days I been waiting, complete fags.
because a lil lewd I really dislike the laws we have regarding lolicon here.

No fags allowed in my thread.
if you are a female :3 I only love Megu and your a slut.
whats your discord so I can givey ou 20% of my NEETbux

dumb eurogay

kek, customs here are such Jews, i always had to get the art packaging removed from my onaholes because I didn't want to risk getting btfo by customs

get raped by custom jews for fuck holes
i had a middle man i would use in japan who i would send stuff directly to and he would repackage it all and send it again to me (just doujins)

nice part as well was i was able to order from japan only websites that only did national shipping

its not even lewd my dude.
pic related is one half

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megus ucks

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no she doesnt meanie!

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Seeing people talk about jobs or income practically causes an existential crisis for me nowadays. Being a neet used to be nice and low pressure, but it hot more and more stale and boring and pointless and I hate my life now and have no idea of what to turn to. I think I sleep half of every say away due to depression now.
Thanks for visiting my blog, pls like and subscribe.

have you tried getting a job then you dummy?

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I did, and I had to quit because I couldn't manage it.

im getting on disability but I feel trapped as a hikki. :(

megumens hair is the same color as dirt, and shes built like a boy!

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mean poster mean poster go away please

or what are you gonna have your husbando meguman beat me up?
nice try nerd!

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its the holiday season you fucking nerds get a temp job

Where can I meet lolis irl I want a cute loli gf so bad I can't take it anymore help

Dont do that mayte it wont last long

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