what are your opinions of 8 chan? should we migrate?
What are your opinions of 8 chan? should we migrate?
We don't need a board for every shitty subject. Go to reddit if you want that.
I know nothing about, as I've been with Jow Forums for less than a year. Care to tell me about it?
no notable quality difference, slower posting. that is all.
Its dead, boring and has completely lost it's touch, unless you enjoy politics. Honestly I don't know where tf the herd migrated to, but it has left 8ch for awhile now.
Migrate, die great. Stay and suffer with me please.
>I know nothing about, as I've been with Jow Forums for less than a year.
t. CIA nigger
I like it for /cow/
CIA niggers have been here for at least 7 years, though.
Try /b/ on 420chan
Its a Reddit copy image board, which isn't bad but since it doesn't have the visitor traffic of Reddit it's dead as fuck. The post quality seems better than Jow Forums on average and since every board moderates itself I haven't noticed any annoying moderation.
Good idea, good execution, not popular enough to use over Jow Forums.
It's just like Jow Forums except with even more polshit and pedos
Mod drama killed both the boards I regularly used, although I'm still active on one of the splinter boards.
I think having hands-off global mods ala here is better on the whole, although it seems like no one these days can handle the power of a forum moderator without it going to their head.
Nice normtard opinion. Embrace infamy dumbass
Tough luck kid.
I've been on 4C since the beginning
>embrace infamy
I winced
Please dont post that here or the fuckin traps and shit will start going there. Let people find it on their own
I think you should definitely migrate.
Here, it's not the mods. iI's the jannies that are shit. They do it all for free.
Both sites suck equally. But this site is ours, and OP is a faggot who should leave if he thinks it's such a good idea.
Safe space chan
It literally kills all discussion when you have no opposing views
>He hasn't ate the eightchan pill
>wincing in 2020
Enjoy anal cancer contracted via radiation poisoning, negro
why have you done this?
I know it's important but once is good enough.
>no opposing views
but it's posters from all walks of life, user. Christian, commie, Buddhist you name it. The only thing everyone on eightchan has in common is their belief in freespeech.
mods over there are way too self-serving and interested on a per-user basis. you're a lot more anonymous on Jow Forums than 8ch, that's for sure
>more anonymous on Jow Forums than 8ch
Excuse me sir, I would like to have a word with you....
full of zoomer special snowflakes, avoid
>should we migrate
you'd literally know how autistic you are for asking this quesiton
you weren't around during the great migration we're you
literally 90% of the user base that migrated came back
because the creator of 8ch sold it to some jap jew
and then at the same time they were trying to make some super version
which failed
after that the creator stopped giving a shit
and everyone slowly came back here
yeah there are still people that use it and go there but most came back here
moot should've kept pol deleted so those retards would stay on their cripplechan
it's hilarious they left and said they would kill Jow Forums when it's their chan that became irrelevant
fuck bring back moot and kick the election newfaggots out
the best board on there is unironically suicide, very resourceful
why did they delete the best board on the web? /waifuist/
>caring about relevancy
>hating newfags
Jow Forums was great because it was filled with misfits and nerds. Super sekrit club worked Jow Forums found you if you didn't have anywhere else to go.
Now we haven't generated any meaningful or decent content in years since all we have are bandwagon retards and tryhard normies
If it means accepting pedoshit it's not worth saving.
these it's just reddit with a Jow Forums look
*rapes you as a kid* haha gottem
>Care to tell me about it?
Nope. I mean yes. I mean I'm not gonna tell you.
you're asking if the cancer you want to migrate from should migrate as well with this banner of a thread.
It's an incredibly based site and the people that post there are a rare breed.
There are very evil people on the site but also very knowledgeable types too.
your the negroe
8ch doesn't need more teens
Eightchan is the same site but slower and more Jow Forums-focused. I fail to see the appeal.
i came from there
most the old fags are there
The robot diaspora is bad enough already. The fall of our Roman Empire came already, now we are seeing the fall of our Byzantine empire. Soon, a new imageboard will rise, with the strength of God himself, KARABOGA