I know that there is an afterlife, why, and what it all means. Ask me anything

I know that there is an afterlife, why, and what it all means. Ask me anything.

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Is based jebus

ya dont know what yer talkin aboot
if you saw anyting hu'what didya see johnessy?

Do you feel like you know enough to start a religion? If so, would you consider a sequel to Jonestown?

Your body just hallucinated to make you feel more comfortable before you died, you didn't. GOOD JOB to the people that resuscitated you.

why is there an afterlife and what does it mean

is the individual important? does the soul exist? who is it thats getting another chance?

Jesus, if he or she ever existed at all, was just a person who had a profound NDE and then talked about it. We have millions of such people today, and they have the same epistemic value as Jesus ever did.

Everything. I remembered everything about eternity, knowing that we have always existed, and that all of us are family.

Also, the creator is an endless ocean of infinite sparkling, radiant, colorful light whose beautiful sound and unconditional love, once it surrounds you, makes you feel completely whole and blissful. When you ascend to meet god in the spirit realm, you are filled with indescribable happiness. I have taken Ecstasy in this life, but even that was a total ultrajoke compared to the love that is in heaven.

Also, these lives are just self-chosen dreams, role-playing exercises, kind of like a movie or a video game. We just choose characters to play out life, and nothing that happens here really matters in the long run.

And of note, the radiant beings in the afterlife realm is way more gorgeous and cute than even our anime girls here. There really can be no comparison.

I dislike the very concept of religion, I think that spirituality should be empirical and based on what people have actually experienced and reasoned themselves responsibly to.

No: horizonresearch.org/Uploads/Journal_Resuscitation__2_.pdf

You can't hallucinate when your cerebral cortex is demonstrably shut down.

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I don't need to ask you anything. Your continued presence here shows me that the afterlife isn't worth going to. No reason to ask about it.

I know what really happens when you die.

You wake up on an endless track. And you'd better start fucking running. Death gets to eat the souls he catches.

Tbh sounds like DMT, my 'hyperspace experiences' were just like this.

The entities I saw were of light, acceptance and pure benevolence - welcoming and comforting of me, all of my anxiety and fears had dissolved as I took in their love, and we danced.

Ego death is a wonderful thing, and experiencing these beings was also wonderful, the things they tell you only hint at the possibilities. The times I've come close to death I've felt more love for people, it's interesting.

My father recently died, and before he left, he held tight my mother's hand and offered her the calmest smile, one of relief, she said he had seemed blissful in that final moment. It's nice to think about.

Just openly share and narrate. What do you think about us choosing our parents before birth?

What do you think about worldly technologies that mess with the spiritual? Do they exist or is it just a myth?

Because there is a lot of evidence from the scientific study of NDEs that people see things they shouldn't have been able to see at the time, and there is also the fact that we have millions of randomly selected people with NDEs who are all agreeing that the NDE is what it appears to be, since it is vastly more real on every level than our experience of this life ever is.

The individual matters deeply. Each of us is deeply loved and cherished forever, no matter what. We will each continue to exist and be eternally loved by the creator/source/god, forever, as all of us are its literal children. So yes, the soul does exist, but it is important to keep in mind that while we are embodied, we are our brains just as much as we are our bodies. If you cut off a finger, your agility goes down. If you have brain damage, your cognition goes down. It's the same thing. But once we leave this bodies when we die, our agility and cognition goes up a trillion-fold to say the least. Even John von Neumann combined with the strongest computer on the planet had a laughable degree of intellect compared to everyone's default in the spirit realm.

And everyone gets an infinite amount of chances, and I can tell you that the creator is not even forgiving, for it does not consider there to be a transgression in the first place, so there is literally nothing to forgive.

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What remains after death? or rather, what is left here in this world?

Will I have a recollection of my experiences? Will I be self-consciouss as I am (and insofar I am) here?

So your logic is that if the afterlife was worth going to, everyone who knew about that fact would kill themselves immediately?

Or is your logic that no one who has visited the afterlife would ever visit Jow Forums?

While psychedelics in general and DMT especially can give is a hint at what lies beyond, they really can't be compared with an NDE. And I say that having actually done DMT, albeit not heroic doses. But the quality of the experience is totally different. Drugs expand your mind in a somewhat delusional way, whereas there is no delusion in an NDE whatsoever. Furthermore, in a psychedelic experience, it feels like an experience is happening to you, whereas in an NDE you are the experience. The NDE is yourself, your core.

It's hard to describe, and both experiences are completely indescribable with language, and so the vocabulary is somewhat similar.

More can be read here: digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc937961/m2/1/high_res_d/31-1_4_Potts.pdf

We choose our parents, friends, and extended family, and they choose us, in loving agreement and acceptance of the roles we will play in each others lives, even the nasty relationships.

As for your final two questions, I just don't know. I remain open-minded but don't want to rush to conclusions either.

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Please answer my questions I am very interested in you.

How old are you?

What do you do for a living?

What country do you live in?

Were any or all of your parents absent when you were child?

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>We choose our parents, friends, and extended family, and they choose us, in loving agreement and acceptance of the roles we will play in each others lives, even the nasty relationships.

So I was right in assuming so. I've always knowt this in a way, and always understood. Angst and fear and sadness got to me but in the end I'm the same I've always been. And there's a calm and indifference about me that's unnerving to some, which they blame on lack of ambition or lack of drive, when I just know and just knew from the start. I'm not claiming omniscience, this knowledge is thin, cloudy and subtle. It is a background of hope, good and well being that is always there and always was. I'm still bound to suffering though.

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It can't be better than here since you choose to stay here.
You cannot refute this unless you KYS. Go on

What is left is our bodies and its mind. The difference between your higher self and the ego of your current character is hard to understand while you're still embodied, but once you leave it will be crystal clear what is the real you and what is merely the mind of this character. All I can really say is that when you wake up into the light, you have a much richer and enjoyable personality than you ever had here, I can promise you that! We are all simpletons compared to our mind over there.

And yes, all experiences are saved in perfect clarity and stored forever, nothing is ever lost. This life is like a book than we can live and re-live for all of eternity, should we so desire.

And no, probably not. I can't say for certain, but your confidence in the light is basically infinite and humbling at the same time. And shame and judgement does not exist in heaven.

28, I sold furniture before my NDE, looking for a new path now, USA, no I had a relatively easy and stable childhood. I mean I don't know, but I have heard stories of people who have had it way worse than I ever did.

>I'm still bound to suffering though.

We all are. The catch is that religion, spirituality, and "the answers" are not here to save us from pain, but to help us through it. The purpose of suffering, hardships, or rather, challenges, is to grow through them. To learn to be loving and kind despite the fact that we are in situations in which that is a hard thing to do. When we are deeply loving and kind on the inside, our inner light shines brighter, and we "level up" as a spiritual being. This is the main reason we are here, to become pure love in a world in which it is extremely difficult to be as such.

So no one who has escaped Plato's cave should ever return to the troglodytes still trapped there and try to tell them that they are just living in a cave, and that the real world is actually outside of the cave in the light?

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Please describe your NDE in every bit of detail I am dying to hear what you have to say since I have been petrified of death for a long time but month ago I had a panic attack where I ran down the street shouting cursing God for giving me consciousness cause one day I will have to face death and I know I will lose control of my body and things will feel weird or I won't feel anything at all.I am Christian I have had a religious experience once but I am really really scared of death. I am only 22 and kinda going nowhere with my life atm. I literally had to start clawing my right thigh as hard as I could to just stop myself from screaming after 15 minutes an ambulance came and took me to hospital where I was drugged up. atm I feel fine on some very very light drugs might pick up smoking and drinking idk my life has been perfect up until this point

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Alright, but I'll leave out worldly facts and just focus on the NDE.

Death was instantaneous for me. I was alive one moment, and the next I was dead. I knew I was dead, and it was basically immediate, in a split second. And you know it in your core, immediately, there is no doubt. I found myself outside of my body, and everything was very real, coherent, and tangible to an absurd degree. But then it got exponentially more insane, as I saw a tiny pinpoint of light in the vast distance, which (once I focused on it) traveled toward me with an unfathomable speed, and I can't really tell whether it was sucking me in or if I was traveling toward it at beyond the speed of light, but it was fast. And the light was alive, and it felt very much like waking up. Like, if you have a dream at night, and then you wake up in the morning, you immediately know that the dream wasn't real.

This is how dying is like, but on another level. You immediately, with zero doubt, know that life is just a dream that you are now waking up from. I mean, I am more certain that the afterlife is real than I am that this world even exists. To use this analogy even further, how do you know that this world is more real than your dreams at night? Because this life is vastly more coherent and tangible than our dreams at night. Again, that is how an NDE is compared to life. I am way more certain that I was in the afterlife than you are sure that this world is more real than your dreams at night.

And when the light shines on you, there are no words. You feel every kind of love to an infinite degree simultaneously. It is motherly love, romantic love, friendly love, the life of a child for a parent, just everything, and to an indescribable degree. The bliss and peace is also beyond words. For a while I was almost worried that my soul would shatter, because I couldn't comprehend how this level of euphoria could be endured. I was crying hysterically and screaming of bliss simultaneously.

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Should I give away everything that I own, quit my job, and live on a beach?

Then very old friends and loved ones from my eternal life surrounded me in a great welcome home-party of sorts. There must have been at least tens of thousands of them, and they all loved me and knew everything about me. Whatever secrets you have that you are ashamed about means nothing over there, there will just be total understanding and heartily laughter of compassion, like "it is what it is, you learned from it", and very respectful and kind response from all of them. I mean, I had not done much with my life, at least not according to myself, but they were all still deeply fascinated and impressed with it! I saw my life review in total clarity in a second, but still with absolutely everything present. I relived my own life, that of everyone I had ever interacted with, and there was also this third "omniscient" viewpoint, where I saw absolutely every relevant context to the events that had happened in my life.

Some things were embarrassing to watch for sure in the presence of these perfect beings of pure love and infinite intelligence and beauty, but they helped me through it.

After the initial greeting party I was invited to an extended eternal moment of sorts, where I visited many places and realms that I can't even begin to describe. All I can say is that your wildest imagination and expectations, no matter how absurdly wonderful you can make it sound, is a complete and total understatement of what paradise/heaven/eternity is actually like.

And there are no limits to cognition there, which is also hard to relay. I mean, imagine being all 7.6 billion human beings simultaneously, and that is still not anywhere close to the amount of cognition you have over there. The mind becomes completely infinite in its capabilities, and you can understand entire libraries of information in a yoctosecod of perfect understanding.

Souls in heaven are having fun in a way that I don't even have an analogy for, so I'll just stop here. I hope it was helpful ^^

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What the fuck that sounds scary as hell

You must tell me the details how long were you dead for?

Everything that you dont need, and yes.

can we have pocked dimensions bls :3

Sounds dope, I only had this kind o experiences on psychedelics so far and they are rather bleak in comparison to that. Like being many beings at the same time, dragon, mage in a tower, guy exiled from his tribe, some visions of climbing mountains during blizzard to reach temple of fire god, meditating before big bonfire and experiencing eternal connection with all beings.

I don't do psychedelics anymore but I started meditation practice couple of months ago and couple of time I was able to calm mind to the level of reaching a point of lighting glimpse where I experienced sudden rush of energy where my heart started pumping like crazy without much reason and breath became very unstable and hard to control.

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>Also, these lives are just self-chosen dreams, role-playing exercises, kind of like a movie or a video game. We just choose characters to play out life, and nothing that happens here really matters in the long run.

oooooooooh so i picked the shite scenario/hardcore mode

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If death is so fucking good, why dont you all kill yourselves

how much pussy have you had

how did it feel like to go back here tho

Good point. I want to believe but why is the dread of death still present?

>being so existentially insecure that you can't handle the idea of not existing forever
When you die, you die. Deal with it. Fuck off with your Stone Age mythological bullshit.

That's up to you, it doesn't really matter, heaven doesn't really care in a negative way no matter what you do. Life is for you to do whatever you want with. And if you want to indulge in greed and live a materially comfortable lifestyle, do that. If you want to live as a poor hermit on the beach, do that. Again, it's just about what you want.

I was in a cardiac arrest for roughly 45 seconds according to the doctors, but I experienced it as at least centuries home in the light. It was much longer, experience-wise, than multiple lifetimes. But again, there is no time in heaven, so it is impossible to quantify.

My apologies, but I do not understand the question. My best guess is whether the afterlife can be like Earthly life? If so, then yes. Anything can be created and simulated and explored there. For instance, I saw endless fields where souls were just having table tennis tournaments in a human form for instance. I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true. Some nerdy souls even play table tennis in heaven as simulated human beings!

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See . NDErs are here to help let humanity know that there is an afterlife, we are figuratively here to tell the troglodytes in the cave that there is more to reality than they have been fooled into believing. I know that it seems like this reality is all that exists while we are here, it certainly seems and feels very real to be here, and it was meant to be this way. We are here to believe strongly that this world might be all that exists. It would be way less fun and immersive otherwise if it was ultra-obvious what this actually was. When you are watching a movie, you want to loose yourself in it and totally believe that the actors are who they are pretending to be. Being a human being is fundamentally no different.

Which brings me to .

Coming back to the body was excruciatingly painful, confusing, and basically the ultimate anti-climax ever. But I also feel that life is an adventure now, and I don't take it very seriously, at least not society. I don't care about money, prestige, social status, or anything like that. I just want to be kind to others, help them realize where we all come from, and have a fun time.

Also, I look forward greatly to death, and might very well kill myself one day. I don't know, but it's not completely off the table. There is nothing wrong with killing yourself at all, by the way, it is treated as any other kind of death by heaven, and they completely understand why you did what you did and love you anyway. And no one is ever forced to stay in an incarnation if they don't want to. We always have the right to escape from an experience we are no longer interested in having.

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i meant more like to create things ourselves, planets and societies of people and shit

In the afterlife, basically an endless amount of beyond-Earth intimacy.

Here and now, I guess I've slept with 70-80 guys in total or something, been in a few relationships. Never gotten married though. I don't mind being single after my experience, monogamy feels very restricting and unnatural, even though the whole marriage thing was my "princess dream" for a while when I was little.

I can tell you by the way that monogamy is not really a thing in heaven. Man, you wouldn't believe some of the crazy orgies there are over there.

Evidence and/or rational arguments is usually not enough to quell your fear, no matter what it concerns. Take public speaking. Some people literally begin to shake when even thinking about it, no matter how you calm them down by saying it's no big deal, etc.

My best guess would be to try and go to Peru and take Ayahuasca or something. That might give you a serious sneak peak at what lies beyond from an experiential perspective. Kind of like this guy: youtube.com/watch?v=YqsdCqKQCLU

As noted earlier, some people are here to play the role of materialists and atheists, and that's OK. They're not meant to know, and that's fine. I have no interest whatsoever in trying to convince someone who has already shut the door off to even the possibility that they are wrong. I am here to share my insights with those who are curious and open-minded.

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Can you choose not to live in heaven? Can you choose to just have one life and then have your soul killed off or stuck in an incubation period or something, so that you can live that one life over again when the universe is reborn?

What about old souls vs. new souls. Are some souls younger than others? On Earth, how many of us are there who have never experienced a previous life?

why is my life so shit?
why was i made with pedo desires?
why did you make woman so awful as to turn me gay?
satans the good guy right?
do you listen to lolicore?

Sounds like our lives as we know them are like books to be read, so id assume once youre dead you could start over from the beginning like any normal book

Can the devil be said to exist, in any interpretation that makes some degree of sense?

How are souls differentiated from one another? Are they virtually equal, or are there differences and perhaps a hierarchy of sorts?