Why do young people shoot op schools Jow Forums?

Why do young people shoot op schools Jow Forums?
Writing an essay.

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>researching on Jow Forums
it probably won't be a very good essay

because they want the world to burn. And cry about it like the parkland shooter kid.

Because everyone and everything should fucking burn

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What do all school shooters have in common besides having higher levels of testosterone? Theyre full fledged Jow Forumstards.
Nikolas Cruz:
>According to the messages, Cruz said he wanted to kill Mexicans and gays and keep black people in chains. He also accused Jews of trying to destroy the world.

Columbine shooters:
>called a black person a nigger before shooting him dead
youtu.be/47FgHOVcfzE [Open]

Elliot Rodgers
>suspect was very interested in some of the practices and techniques of the Third Reich,"
>He posted a 137-page autobiographical essay that laid out his motives and his racist beliefs.
>"I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis
>had posted a photo of a symbol (Iron Cross) associated with Nazism and white supremacy on social media.

William Edward Atchison
>resident lived a prolific life as a white supremacist, pro-Trump meme peddler
>On YouTube, Atchison admitted he posted anonymously on pro-Trump, white-supremacist sites like 4chans Jow Forums board or The Daily Stormer, but gave up when domain registrars kept shutting down The Daily Stormers domain names. He, along with most of The Daily Stormers community, said the sites were shoa'd, an anti-Semitic slur.

Attempted school shooter
that just got released out of jail
>They said records from his computer also showed racist, Nazi and neo-Nazi propaganda.

Jow Forums and their belief system is a breeding ground for terrorism

attention, revenge, deluded cause

Heard most of you guys share a familiar background with most shooters and sympathize with them in most cases, figured this could be a good spot to look at the situation from a more sympathetic perspective.

check this marilyn manson interview he makes some great points

why do WHITE boys shoot up schools OP

answer is they are born sociopaths and need to be neutralized. even white women know this and want them extinct.

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I promised I'd never shill my blog here again so this does make me a lying piece of shit but I did a really long post there talking about this exact thing and also no one ever reads my shit so I'm taking what excuse I can get
Also I think I do have an interesting take if you can get through the crap, it's one of the first things I ever wrote for this thing

Tell us the ideological pinnings of the Vegas Shooter or the Congrssional Baseball shooting, user. How about the recent shooting in the Chicago hospital, or perhaps the statistically significant dismount of black on black mass shootings that never seem to make the news? Oh, I suppose none of those things make it into your political calculus, eh?

You're really fucking reaching with that Elliot quote my man

less of a reach than what he used as reference for the columbine shooters desu

That is indeed racist and I hope you don't actually believe this.

they still achieved way more than any roastie or nigger can possibly think of

Because it's fun (original of course)

Well first of all, you should learn to read, because OP specifically says school shootings you retard

Hello FBI-chan hows your day been?

there's as many varying reasons as there are varying shooters. when it comes to school shooters i would say the most common crossover is social negligence. most were in some way outright disrespected by the peers around them, and at least likely ignored to the point where it felt malicious. these issues do not materialize out of nowhere. many shooters had a play in this social disregard that they were blind to, often just recollected to as being 'weird'
of course there are many more issues they tend to have, they just let them snowball to the point where they're all incredibly unbearable, and explode unto the source of the majority of their pain; the place they must attend without choice.

Most main stream school shootings have been false flags. The only genuine one that I know of is columbine. The gubbamin stages them in order to garner support for more weapon restriction legislation because they can't have the goyim armed.

Interesting read user.

Modern life sucks and a lot of frustrated young people dont see a point to it all. High school is an awful environment for a lot of people

Relate to Columbine shooting:
There are tons of information about Eric and Dylan

>Expecting someone butthurt school shooters are attracted to Nazi or racist ideologies to read what was written and be smart instead of writing a paragraph about "how bout DIS and blakz"
Oh boy

because fuck life and fuck school
and fuck woman too but not in a reproductive way.

usually they have been made to feel powerless

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There was an old study headed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency that sprung up after
the Columbine Shooting shook America.

Some interesting facts from that study that I can remember were that most shooters having been thoroughly examined were mostly from well-to-do families with many friends and a above average to great social standing.

So the notion that all school shooters are social outcasts is just a misnomer.

Btw, if you want the study it can be found doing a quick google search. I'm too lazy to find it.

Because tfw no gf
If women boyfriended betas there would be no uprisings