been a while since the last one
Mommy gf thread
>gf has been super busy with grad school
>no sex drive
I used to get mommy'd on the regular
we crave motherly women because our mothers are the only women who have ever shown us affection and nurtured us, and so we associate affection and nurture with them and them alone.
Have big of a cuck you have to be in order to be attracted to this crap?
Grow up
Among today's women, the motherly ones seem like the only ones capable of true love.
The biggest problems with that are of course that they are almost nonexistant and a relationship with one could break after several years into life.
My biggest dream is to have a mommy gf who will help me regain confidence so that our gfd relationship would turn into a vanilla one where I wouldn't have to feel insecure all the time.
Modern women who were taught to go only after the slayer chads, can't express such love to anyone weaker than themselves. If more women were stronger and were to engage in relationships with more insecure and weaker men in order to "fix them", that would only help our society.
But I guess we just can't help it.
I still hope for mommy gf while I try to improve myself on my own.
I hope this world will end soon
>If more women were stronger and were to engage in relationships with more insecure and weaker men in order to "fix them", that would only help our society.
So in your mind women can just somehow be stronger, while men require a woman to fix them. That's kind of a ludicrous double standard.
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting what he's saying properly, but I think what he means is that a man needs a woman to feel whole and the only women that are willing to try and make a man feel whole are the motherly women. Rather than the average roasties who just come for sex and money
Yeah, that's kinda much what I meant.
Sorry for making it sound overcomplicated
also nice dubs
I mostly want to point out that nowadays there much more weaker men than ever before (and thus there are more psychologically stronger women than men) and sometimes without any bit of help from a leading hand, they can't just gain enough confidence to be attractive to women as "the confident one". Women could just try to help men come out of their shells, not entirely pamper and do everything for them for nothing forever.
I really wish it wouldn't have to be this way.
I got a mummy gf when I was 24, she was 36.
Anyone care to know what it's like?
Please elaborate
It's not as good as you might think.
>be 24
>neet loser but can fake confidence
>find femdom findom chat room
>too shy to say I'm interested
>pretend I'm just here to chat
>keep chatting with femdom
>she tells interests I pretend they are mine
>eventually she wants to meet
>kinky hotel sex (she pays)
>she still wants to me afterwards
>find out she has kids
>find out she has older ex hassling her
>I'm basically there to look young and for her to ride like a dildo
>I get to play wow and other games while she works making websites
>knock her up
>she says I can leave if want to but she's having it (probably last chance for another kid)
>try to cook and look after House and kids
>she's much better at it
>literally just play games until she wants sex
>try to get her into sci-fi and anime
>she's actually into it
Been with her 10 years now and I'm not sure what's happened...
How is it now?
How does she feel about your relationship now?
And how does your relationship look like outside of sex and what you've described?
I never really understood this completely. Do you men want to just be treated as a child and sex toy all at once and never actually have a family with a motherly woman?
I caught her having an online RP session involving ddlg two years ago, it has almost ruined us
In the end she admitted to needing to be little so now I've got a mummy gf that calls me daddy that I can't boss around but us into being punished even though I don't really want to and don't know how to do it properly.
I just wanted a mommy gf.
She's happy enough now and is completely loyal (I have full access to accounts and we still work from home so never apart)
Normal day is spent working, I play video games and she watches YouTube and anime. Sometimes we go out to shop for stuffies for her or special lunches.
I hoped she'd make me a normie but in the end I made her a robot.
I just want to feel loved and not have to be worried about my insecurities or shortcomings 24/7 just because I'm a man, while having my partner help me out where she's better than me and vice versa.
A motherly woman just seems like the only one that could actually try to put someone's needs over her own and only then expect the same
And I do want to have a fulfilling relationship (which includes marrying and having kids).
also, some of us might just not be into fucking a s t i c c unless its under@ ge ofc.
why is that pic so god dam comfy holy fucking shit.
must be the milfy vibes im getting.
That's kind of why I think a permanent power imbalance can end up bad like I've mentioned in this post.
>I just wanted a mommy gf.
Maybe the concept of a mommy gf wasn't so known back then as now. Maybe if you were to meet her now she would've been a bit different.
Nonetheless, congrats and good luck with your relationship.
ay yes this is my fetish thanks for the threat
I also wish I could experience such levels of comfy irl
>I hoped she'd make me a normie but in the end I made her a robot.
Bitter kek. You should have known, you can get nigger out of the jungle but never get jungle out of a nigger. Same with robotism.
Anyways, I think you are pretty much living as close as it is possible to mommydom in real life long term relationship. You are extremely lucky, don't squander it by thinking it will get better with someone else. It won't.
Are mommies really into diapers?
I wanted to bring it up, but I don't want to sound depraved
Play it by ear. I brought up to mine and it kind of backfired at first on me because she interpreted it as I wanted her to wear. It eventually worked itself out but she did get burned out on it.
Gods i hate submissive weak men. They're just repulsive to me
Can you even find dominant guy nowadays that is willing to take an actual mans role in a relationship? I want to feel femine and cute, not like some kind of mother to you
Please god this is all I want from life I'll be good I swear please please please please please.
Ah I want her so much. I want that collar. Dammit but I know I won't get her
>not feminine and cute
Anayway, that's what happenes when women are "emancipated" to the point where they can do anything and still expect to have someone over them.
The "freedom" that has been given to women made them extremely picky about who they choose (but not for a long term relationship of course), making women have some fucking cosmic levels of expectation from men.
It's no wonder that more men just give up when it comes to that and become submissive.
If you want a more dominant guy, help someone become one and not be like the "weak men" you despise.
100 years ago both men and women were expected to be strong, and if lacking in certain areas, they would help each other out.
But no, """liberated women"""" prefer sitting on their asses expecting a stong man while not realizing that they are precisely the reason why there aren't many nowadays
>that is willing to take an actual mans role
blame women, you have on mass abadoned your roles, thinking you could have it all (men cant even have it all, there is always a scarifice) but you ran to the gov to make it easier for you and then turned traditional family life into a huge gamble for men with little to no benefit except "your supposed to do this because it how it was." then womenget bitter and try to shame men into relationships because women realised you cant have it all and it's mens fault, totally not the women that lied to you about being strong independant, ceo career , 7 kids, married ezpz
it's not anything you can fix it at a societal level now, just have to wait for the next big thing, unfortunately we will be old or dead
With standards like this exactly proving that w*men like you are the cancer on this world
I don't even want sex, I just want cuddles
Me too, someone recommended I should try and get an asexual gf but I'm not sure if they're just not interested in sex or relationships in general.
Yfw you'll never be a real woman user
>tfw no dom gf who's actually completely clueless about sex and finally you both discover it together
>Gods i hate submissive weak men. They're just repulsive to me
Exactly how we feel about sub women
I could be that person, but you would never give me that chance because I look like Joe Pesci
this post is fiction.
the guy will respond telling me it is true. it is fiction.
I completely understand you think it's fiction, I also wouldnt believe me.
It is, however, completely true and not even half of the whole story which would only get more unbelievable.
>tfw dante will never give you hugs
Anyone have the "(not literal) mommy gf" picture? The gf in that one was wearing a cardigan and had a ponytail
Can you tell the rest?
I found out last year that before me and the reason she was so kinky was that she was a super groupie for a major Indy band singer in the uk for 10 years.
She honestly thought she was his secret gf and to this day doesn't think he used her.
I dragged most of it out of her and it's insane and has mentally fucked me up to the point I hate all music now
Gods i hate submissive weak women. They're just repulsive to me
Can you even find a dominant girl nowadays that is willing to take an actual womans role in a relationship? I want to feel femine and cute, not like some kind of dad to you
Geez, I feel bad for you man
I'm not into the mommy dom shit from these kinds of threads, but I can at least understand the where they're coming from. I can pretty much guarantee that most guys in the thread were either...
Raised by a single mother who was more just a provider than an actual mother.
Just desire a relationship with someone who is willing to overlook their shortcomings, and will love them without pushing them to change.
These anons crave the ideal maternal figure that is so lacking from their lives and in society at large. was sort of on the right track with 'the emancipation of women' and the 'sexual liberation'. Many women have been gradually 'unsexing' themselves for more than 60 years now. They've bought into a false idea of 'to be a better women you have to be more like a man'. The good wife and mother has been devalued, and even demonized, in favor of the confrontational, crass, and entitled career woman.
Women are supposed to be submissive. If youre a submissive guy you're a failure
mother is a female role you idiot
the girl should act like a mommy to her bf when needed/wanted
and the guy should act like a daddy to his gf when needed/wanted
because that should be your end goal, to be a mother or father, if you dont want to be a parent then dont get in a relationship you heathen
>Women are supposed to be submissive.
Only if you're an NPC.
t. basic bitch
submissive women are boring and not worth my family fortune
Women want to get railed by chad not be your foster parent
My gf has some of these tendencies but not completely. I'm also not a total sub but can be vulnerable when I want to.
>she calls me cute and adorable
>feeds me food straight to my mouth
>shoves my face in her tits and holds my head in, holds me tighter if I try to escape (end up giving in anyway)
But when it comes to sex, I take charge. I defeat her with my cock. Also, the both of us are on the same page when it comes to creampies (thank god). She feels it's natural and her purpose. The feeling itself is obviously good but the psychology behind going as deep as possible and draining my balls into her while she gladly accepts it is hot.
This is why 3D is worthless
Femdom is one of the most popular fetishes on the planet for men and its fetishists earn some of the highest salaries on average. Femdom is a chad fetish for men who can be dominant and assertive in real life but who appreciate the release afforded by having a woman be dominant in the bedroom.
i want a mummy because mine never did any of that shit, she just shouted at me and told me to kill myself...
fuck outta here you roast beef cum dumpster
>"i just wanna piss around and spend his money and play mind games like a little girl"
if you cant do your fucking job then no ones gonna pay you
>Imagine Rianne van Rompaey being your mommy gf
It was be heaven come true.
>i want what every woman wants
ok there are tons of guys who will give you that
the fact that this kind of relationship is certain to never happen to me fills me with rage and sorrow i can't describe
don't fucking remind me okay
this is the epitome of gentle femdom, especially the implied breast expansion and height difference
Did you mean this?