I want to rewatch all of Hey Arnold before I watch the Hey Arnold movie but I have a feeling i'm going to be sad as shit remembering my youth and comparing it to where I am now
I want to rewatch all of Hey Arnold before I watch the Hey Arnold movie but I have a feeling i'm going to be sad as...
I think you'll be more disappointed in the things that haven't changed.
Arnold is a great character. He pretty much always does the right thing, and doesn't get discouraged like his peers.
There's a lot that Arnold could feel sorry about, like living with a bunch of weirdos, being bullied, not having a girlfriend with more than one eyebrow, or even just being responsible for his mother's death during childbirth. Football heads tear right through a vagina.
He doesn't, though. He's still smiling at the beginning of every episode, and maintains his sweet room and penchant for free-form jazz. There's a lesson for all of us.
Don't. The 90s were too pure for this time. You'll probably end up thinking they're all stupid for giving value to kindness and friendship when you know reality isn't as great.
fucking this
arnold is a saint
watch it OP
>mother's death during childbirth
I'm pretty sure both his parents died on some plane crash or some wild expedition
Sure, Anonymous. And your childhood dog really is living on a farm upstate.
dont dont it, I did that with angry beavers.... not nearly as "good" as I remember
it may be different for you but i rewatched the show a few times in the past few years and it holds up and while it makes me a little sad in nostalgia, the nostalgia is also really comforting. arnold's christmas is one ep i watch once a year at least
my favorite cartoon as a kid. Really touches the feels thats for sure.
>comparing Cartoon Network shovel-fodder to Nickelodeon masterpieces
I ought to slap you with a wet fish.
Angry beavers was also Nickelodeon dipshit
does anyone have that one fanfiction from /b/ a long time ago where the guy was like killing the kids and putting them in a meatlocker
i remember reading it back when i first started browsing Jow Forums like 8-10 years ago but i haven't been able to find it since
Angry beavers was also Cartoon Network dipshit
>not knowing about the CN broadcast in 1999
It originated on Nickelodeon, what's your point?
CN didn't create or write for it
My point is that you are a baboon, and I am not.
No you're point is you're retarded
>you're point
No you're point
Speaking of baboons, anyone remember this cheeky fucker
Oh you really showed me dipshit
I bet you think DBZ is a CN show too.
Why did you have to remind me?
>Be me
>Scratch my ass
>Smell my finger
>Lick my finger
>all because of that damn baboon
You what man LMAO