Should i feel bad for being INTP?

Should i feel bad for being INTP?

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That's some horoscope shit. It's weird how accurate it is.

Yes. Indeed you should. Fucking pathetic nigger of mbti lol

You can't scan your brain to find out what horoscope sign you have. With mbti it works.

>With mbti it works

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I think it's probably the biggest loser personality type so probably.


No, we are the master race. I have come to realize the people I enjoy and respect the most by a far margin are all INTPs. The world would be more comfy and less terrible full of INTPs, but we are like a 2-4%

It's just taxonomy, as with anything else, and not a "truth" in itself. But reading about it has helped me market myself to others and understand where I'm coming from in respect to others in social situations.

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>i only respect people who are like me
>the world would be better if everyone was like me
Typical virgin INTP.

I did not imply I dont respect others. I only stated I have found out most of the people I have in higher esteem are or have been INTPs.

>Also not a virgin

No but you should feel bad for taking MBTI so seriously. Imagine being so desperate for an identity that you cling to some pseudo-scientific bullshit to tell you who you are because you're too pathetic to develop real interests or personality traits.

No, you should feel bad for posting on Jow Forums, you fucking degenerate

intjs are better i wish i was an intj instead of a shitty intp

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>feeling anything
nah you're good bro

Personally, I really don't like most INTPS. You are manipulative, but not charmingly so. You lack empathy. You're emotionally retarded and don't understand how what you so and how you act hurts others. You can be sweet at times, but I doubt it's genuine.

clearly INTP doesn't describe me perfectly because these are all my biggest hates. More than anything i just think alot

That's what my ex said too, but you may not be aware that you are these things.

how can you be manipulative without being charming?

no, you should feel ashamed though for letting some meme letters reinforce your lack of worth as a person


if this ends up being the case, how does one truly change? I dont want to manipulate others.

Not manipulative in a smart way, but cruelly.

Think if what you are doing is manipulative. Is this bad or good?

What if I told you we understand and do feel empathy but dont care and feel disgusted by human emotion rollercoster? Its like you cant control your own body. No wonders a lot INTP are arrogant. For example I empathize with my mums problems and her depression but when she slaps me or yells at me because shes frustrated I just feel pity for her. Or I empathize with my friend who is abused by her mother emotionally, but it doesnt give her the right to be a hateful person, to shit on me behind my back and act like child.

That's not what I'm referring to. The examples you gave and how you felt about them were right. I mean something like, someone telling you that you have upset them, and then you not caring, or believing that you could never hurt anyone or that you are always in the right. I don't like that mindset.

that doesn't make sense. if you're manipulating somebody else for your own gain, doesn't that require a degree of charisma to leverage them?

I don't believe I could never hurt somebody, but I'd never do it intentionally. And if I did somehow end up hurting someboy, I'd apologise to them.

But would you mean it? Would you truly feel remorseful for making this person upset? Would it upset you too?

Of course I would mean it. And of course I would feel remorseful. Why would I not? Do you think I wouldn't care about hitting an animal on the road? It sounds less like you interacted with an INTP, and more likely with a sociopath who happened to be one.

Ex usually blamed me for being manipulative and secretive. I never understood it and it cause me stress. Due to the stress and the shitty relationship I did start being more secretive. There was nothing wrong or unfaithful behind the scenes, I just didnt want her to give me shit for everything I did.

What kind of mbti personality is insecure, second and third guessing, untrusting, always giving you shit for everything, never wanting to get out of bed, too judgemental, too hostile, insincere and untrustworthy? That was my ex.

Btw in the end it was I who was emotionally abused and manipulated

>t. INTP

>one chance at life
>born INTP

This is very unfortunate.

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Normies want to be fooled, they like the drama. Manipulation means making them do something they may not want to, or lead them in a way. Non-charming manipualtion consists in telling the trugh without decoration, which normies despise. Normies are retards.

Wew I could only imagine. Are INTJs the apex chads?

i remember reading somewhere that feeling types feel decieved when they have been convinced of something by logical argument, and thinking types feel decieved when they realise they have been convinced of something through emotional argument.


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The rest is all normie isnt it? I may be biased but other than INTP and similar types i feel alienated from the rest. I literally do not understand them. Thank God for these shitty mbti tests because I thought I was assburguers or worse.

I like very smart INTPs, all the other are pretty boring to talk to. I'm talking about 135+ IQ kind of people, not "I got A at a math test once in elementary school".
On the other hand, the smart INTPs are some of the most amazing human beings I've ever met.

INFJ master race originally reporting in

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everyone without a personality gets lumped into intp. the intp would rather stay home and read a book than go to a party, but the "intp" would rather stay home than go to a party because he's miserable and worthless.

what about the intp that goes to the party and awkwardly stands in the corner all night

just miserable

No, but you should feel bad for putting a good amount of your personal identity into a shit label.

>disregarding ESTP not knowing we are masters of war and will decimate you in any open conflict

what are the good labels then, user?

don't label yourself my dude, construct your own personality out of your thoughts, ideas, hobbies. be authentic, be your genuine self.

It's not as shit as you think because finding a way as a so described INTP is a gift from God. I thought I had the assburguers before finding this mbti shit.

I am genuine, this describes me, not the other way around. It's the best description of me I've ever read about so far. Doesnt mean anything or change anithing, but it has given me insight of who or rather how I am, because believe it or not I'm so drowned in thought all the time I lose track of things like that. I just thought I was autismo when it turns out there's a small percentage of people like me. INTP is the 'tism but without the retarded part.

Since the person being categorized is the one that's providing the answers that generated this categorization for the testee, reliance on MB characterizations is not the most accurate predictor of future behavior in individuals. I'd wager that 60% of self-proclaimed INTP's, had MB inventories that were contaminated with the shrieks of the superego. Much room for error with this test, I've always said it.

Jungian Cognitive Theory doesnt define you though. The correct way to interpret the theory is that every person is a unique mix of all 8 functions working and interacting in a way that is specific to you and you only.

yeah i know dude. my function order is Ni, Ne, Ti, Fi, Si, Te, Fe, Se. shit doesn't correspond to any archetype at all.

Good use of it, user, keep thinking of it that way. Use it as a realization of your gifts and curses and how to use/manage them.
I'm personally just tired of anons who use it as an excuse for certain lifestyle and personality habits. Infp btw

INTJ here, I'm judging everyone itt

I mean I see my own misery in my habits, and I'm not miserable myself for that. I dont see the rational relation between being a way according to that made up scale and being miserable. According to myself one can be non-miserable with any personality type. Only assburguers and other clinically ill people I'd exclude.

Discovering this mbti shit has helped me gain tremendous insight of myself and my past, something by the way that an INTP would say.

You should feel bad for believing these shitty personality tests!

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You're an ENTP.


Pray that you are the 1% of INTP that are actually geniuses
Otherwise welcome to your own personal hell. Enjoy your stay.

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1% of 4% is rare

you should feel bad for using an unfalsifiable metric

It's even less than that really

Can INTJs become INT/FPs?

Genius means shit if you have no money and no conections. Or if you refuse to participate in the bullshit of society.

Living in a self sufficient cottage in the wild until I die in silence is genious enough for me desu

why is being INTP so comfy lads ?

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>don't feel social pressure
>can pursue own interests without fear of ridicule
>being alone == no one to annoy you
>ability to focus on same things for long periods of time, allowing you to actually learn a topic in depth and achieve expertise

Apex autists, more like
>t. INTJ wanting an INTP gf to feel like one complete AI stuck in a masturbation loop with

INTP is the comfiest of all

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>tfw sub 20 IQ INTP

Jesus you are annoying. "Muh kill me xD" are you 10? Gtfo with this crap

Literally me, except I understand completely

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How does one "develop" personality traits? You don't just turn into a quirky dope after being a stone-faced dolt for 20 years. Everything beyond your formative years if working within a set framework.

>100% Introvert/Turbulent
>still miserable and broken

I need purpose I don't know what to do with myself

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Introverted thinking means you carry your office with you everywhere.
Extroverted intuition means everything is new and interesting.

It's a pretty comfy setup, like living in a mental caravan travelling around seeing new things.

>incapable of abstract thought
>spends his time coming into threads of subjects he's too stupid to understand to tell everyone why they shouldn't believe in it


pls stop, I know I could do anything in life but where the fuck do I go wheres muh meaning

INFP crybaby detected

Feeling types are retarded, then.

That sounds like my relationship with my parents. I just don't like dealing with people who make big deals about small things.
T. also intp.

I am INFJ-T, am I a meme or is this something good?

>What kind of mbti personality is insecure, second and third guessing, untrusting, always giving you shit for everything, never wanting to get out of bed, too judgemental, too hostile, insincere and untrustworthy? That was my ex.
Am I your ex? INTJ here and I fit everything on the list, I don't even like it and by the time I realize the screw ups it's too late, bloody hell I just can't stand incompetence and tend to get hostile to other folks, but after the whole thing I feel like trash for the rest of the hour.
It's a real abstract thing to be my best fan and worst critic at the same time

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eternal descent into madness isn't very comfy

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Unironically putting INTPs into a concentration camp would maybe cure their faggotry

on the contrary we would put the feelers into the camp

every social interaction is manipulation already. you are manipulating people in this thread to think intps are manipulative. it's not that manipulation is bad it's where you draw the line in terms of someone losing out and someone gaining. sorry that you're a brainlet.

The feelers have no issues. You are the ones whining all day long. It'd actually be of benefit to both you and everyone else to put you in the camp. Its what makes the most sense.

>want to care

T. insecure INTJ

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What is an ESTP general without an ISTP soldier

That actually doesn't sound too bad. I wouldn't have to interact with people I don't want to interact with, and I can just read, grind melee techskill, and watch anime all day. Maybe even pick up other fighting games. I wouldn't have to pay for food or housing, either. If I absolutely had to work, I could just program remotely. INTP camps when?

Well, if you don't like getting manipulated, don't get manipulated.
It's that easy I mean come on, just think for yourself.

don't feel bad. get angry. angry at the world for not having a place for you. the beta uprising is upon us brother HH

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>should I feel bad for the way I was born

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I think INTPs are well adapted to the modern world. We don't mind the alienated, socially isolated and sedentary lifestyles imposed on us by technological society and we're comfortable doing autistic STEM jobs that would drive normalfags insane. Likewise we feel very little need to complete the power process as Kaczynski describes it owing to our distaste for our Te and Se functions. We also have access to more information than we could possibly need thanks to the internet. I agree that this is potentially a VERY comfy time to be an INTP.

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>tfw INTP with an art major
>communication with anyone is damn near impossible
>no women has ever shown interest in me

at least I can pretend I'm smart

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>'Myers Briggs is horoscope for people with a LinkedIn profile'

Your not alone, unfortunately. For me, what helped me was learning carpentry. It appealed to my brain and allowed me to slowly ease my way into becoming more and more sociable. I have no idea how viable this is for you but learning that shit is important regardless of what you do as a job- or even a hobby

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You're ISTP.

She used to not like it as well. Like a dread came to her or something. She always gave me shit by text, I was never there in person when she wanted to break up with me for the nth time. Also deplorable sexual past. Would fuck anyone and would probably be used.

If that's you you are full of poison and literal hell.

I care but as a whole. I also care for people I love, and I offer solutions. But it is true I can stop on my tracks with a blank stare and say "wait I dont care lmao" and unironically stop with the caring. It's the most amazing thing.

If they're not dying inmediately or bleeding or something similar they're ok to me.

Trades are the shit! if you want to become more social take a job as a host, or burrista so you are forced to talk to people. eventually youll get over that fear. (coffee helps)

yeah dude, become a wind tech, it gives you a little bit of everything to work on and stimulate your mind

Were you abused by your parents or by someone at some point in your life? What would you think of your "clone" if this "clone" spoke very grievously, negatively and moralistic about prostitution? Would this INTJ have been a whore in the past?

My ex came to my country at 18 at was poor for years. Looking back at how she talked about prostitution, always "defending women" now makes me think she was a prostitute at some point.

If she's like you would you say she did it? Please help me out I'm trying to find about my ex through you.

4chen never fails to deliver, you can feel toxicity leaking from this thread

Lmao, mbti is cool because it can boost you and make you understand what was your biggest problem all the time which is that you're an emotional fridge as an INTP.

I'm quite glad I found it, I know there's more to me, but it helped. That's all MBTI is.

Oh, by the way, I suck at STEM yet I'm an INTP. I feel really fucking shit with my career. I just want to write a book. Anyone got a solution or advice with jobs?

A link to this test?

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16 personalities is cool and graphic

1/3 become perma-NEETs
1/3 become boring forgettable low-end wagecucks
1/3 actually land a comfy job and keep their autism in check enough to stay employed

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