Why is God punishing me by making me live such a lonely, miserable life...

Why is God punishing me by making me live such a lonely, miserable life? Every day I cope by daydreaming about living in fantasy worlds, pretending I'm a warrior or some shit like that. I'm a 21 y/o virgin (failing) college student with no friends, only a few acquaintances I meet up with every three months or so (all of them are male btw). I'm invisible to women.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

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Go crazy like Don Quixote and make your dreams a reality.

try to get a job at *insert random place here*
and be like hi to your coworkers and try to talk.
if that doesnt work just talk to cashiers if you feel akward just go to wallmart far away and try to talk with them maybe you get better talking skill and than make friends and be happy . . . . . . .

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Just drop out of college and get a nice car. Then girls will want to date you and men will think your car is cool.

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It never gets better, OP. I'm a 25 y/o virgin with no friends either. To make things worse, I've managed to finish college but it was completely pointless.

>failing college
Literally only your fault. Don't blame God because you're retarded, you made yourself that way by playing games and jacking off instead of studying.

god I hate failed normies.
this loser is actually blaming "god" for not being an NPC

This has been confirmed by elliot rodger to not work

Everyone gets punished, user. This is your personal punishment for being born. Everyone of us gets punished in his own personal way.

>A reliable compass for orienting yourself in life nothing is more useful than to accustom yourself to regarding this world as a place of aonement, a sort of penal colony. When you have fone this you will order your expectations of life according to the nature of things and no longer regard the calmities, sufferings, toments and miseries of life as something irregular and not to be expected but will find them entirely in order, well knowing that each of us is here being punished for his existence and each in his own particular way.

-Arthur Schopenhauer

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holy shit relateable. though i am insanely lonely as well i mostly have day dreams about being tall and strong since i am a 5'3 midget piece of shit god i hate my failure of life


I want to get out of this Hell

>but it was completely pointless
as in, you can't get a job with your degree ?

>Why is God punishing me
When's the last time you Prayed God and expressed gratitude for all the free shit you were given ? huh ?
Thought so. Enjoy your life, it's but the preview of what's waiting for you next if you don't get your shit together.

Then how does that explain people who have lived normal and well-adjusted lives?

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>free shit you were given

God I hate christcucks so fucking much. No such thing as free shit in this world. God didnt give me or OP anything. We all had to either take it or be fortunate enough to have parents who gave it to us...

Just go back to sucking dead Jews dick while giving all your shekels to your local ((((priest)))).

>Why is God punishing me by making me live such a lonely, miserable life?
>implying that God exists

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But you have only seen them from the outside. You dont know what they are hiding on the inside. Everyone is suffering in some way or another. Mybe they haven't been punished yet, but in the end they will get their punishment. Everyone does.

The question is not: "Why is this happening to me?"
The question is: "Why is this happening for me?"

I'll bite. What is that supposed to mean?

This is too deep for my understanding. Please explain.

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Based Fedorabro

Because being a warrior is nothing. We are all warriors, deep inside. That's what it means to deal with misfortune. You must go beyond, you must become a professional, to have God's respect.

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