Female here

Female here.
I have been single for too long, so I am now open to dating one of you lucky losers. Give me reasons why I should be interested in you and maybe I'll respond.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wash once a day, have my own flat and I won't murder you

I LARP as a woman on a Burmese basket weaving forum for (You)

I hope you kill yourself someday

I have a decent job and a house and a car, and I can impress your family and friends by being a reasonable catch. I don't have a criminal record, or use drugs, and I don't have any baby mamas, and I'm patient and affectionate.

On the other hand, I'm boring and content with doing nothing but cooking at home and reading or watching tv, so you're gonna have to take the lead on us doing anything adventurous, but I'm down for whatever.

How old are you. If you are young, having your own places without roommates is actually impressive. If you are 22 or older, not so much.

So let me guess, you're some becky whore thats just gone past her expiry date of 26 years old. Now you're hoping to find some beta bux supplier before you go totally stale.

Try again whore. BANG BANG

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You shouldnt describe yourself is boring. No one likes people like that.

owning property at any age is impressive

Not the same guy but I'm 19 and its the case here

I have a position open for a live in maid with benefits. Good benefits and generous vacation plan.

it's not boring to me, i enjoy reading books and cooking, it's just to the outside observer, I'm a guy who doesn't leave the house much besides going to work and seeing my family a couple times a month.

He doesnt own property, its a flat. Please see your way out of this thread, I dont date dumb guys.


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>I am now open to dating one of you lucky losers
pretty sure you have tinder for your hook ups.
Why here?

Then why did you describe yourself as boring? You should just talk more about the books you read. Dont describe yourself in a derogetory way, if you tell people you are a certain way they will believe you.

Flat is a property and you can own one.
I mean flat as apartment, maybe there is some other meaning, not English native speaker.
t. flat/apartment owner

Its hard to find a guy who stands out. Most men are more or less the same. And I'm not looking for a hook-up.

give me a reason why i should be interested in you, lmao

Be single longer please

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owning a flat is not the same as owning property. Owning a flat is just a permenant lease.

stands out in what way exactly?
>Most men are more or less the same
Same can be applied to girls
>And I'm not looking for a hook-up.
So... long term?

Wow no wonder you are single, being this retarded you can taste it

any property owning is permanent lease from goverment, as you are paying rent aka property taxes

yes, I'm looking for a long term man who isnt like the other men.

well i'm reading some classic lit interspersed within some light fantasy/sci-fi books. I really like the classics, Dostoevsky is really good, and I have one more book on my list before I read his book The Idiot, but sometimes those old books feel like a chore to get through compared to the fantasy books.

I just caught up with a fantasy series that's 10 books deep so far called The Spellmonger series, which is set in a super comfy fantasy world with magic and a lost legacy of human future-tech. There's some big war brewing between an alliance of a reanimated Goblin shaman and a recently awakened nercomancy master, and the humans and the rest of the living world, and the MC has to basically restore the lost greatness of humanity to match his foe.

Also, after I finish The Idiot, I want to read Roadside picnic, the book that the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series is roughly based on. It seems like a bit of a trip. Sometimes, I read some nonfiction books about startup life too, because that's what I do for a living.

You own a business?

I work at a startup company, and I have 2% equity in the company. I treat it like it's mine, though my bosses own more of it than i do.

Oh, see thats interesting! What does your company do?

alright lets unpack this
1.(fe)male on Jow Forums "for a long time" if you have been here for more that a day you know the rules:

"lucky losers." implying you're any better as a (fe)male posting on Jow Forums for a boyfriend

"So let me guess, you're some becky whore thats just gone past her expiry date of 26 years old. Now you're hoping to find some beta bux supplier before you go totally stale.
Try again whore. BANG BANG" based and red-pilled


5if you are a dude (which you are) fuck off with your shitty bait larps and post something original faggot.
6.if you think you are a female
(sniping of your cock/making Tyrone fuck your ass is making you about as female as a man with a vasectomy) see point 1, 3, 4 and 7.
8.the girl is: Arina Perchik


ok namefag

we're a software company working on a b2c application. What the app does exactly is kind of up in the air, we have the barebones version of 6-7 products right now, and we're doing a lot of user testing and research to figure out what direction I should be developing the product from here.

So this year, I've been mainly working on an event based user behavior tracking system that's attached to all the user interactions on our application, to see what's working and what's not, and then tweaking our acquisition funnels accordingly. A lot of fine tuning and less building out features like I was doing last year.

I'm a professional gamer boy and I can do many things to please you. If you don't take this offer now don't come running back to me when I win a championship and get awarded 1 billion dollars for my awesome gameplay.

Also is that you in the picture? Because you look ravishing m'lady. I would be honored to be your gentleman. Some other things that you should consider if you want to date me is that I'm 5'9, 6' benis, and in a couple of months from now I'm going to be making 6 figures. Also, I'm not a misogynist or a racist. I get frequently called a cuck and basedboy when I post. I also believe in Marxism.

Please pick me

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Oh and I'm also training with a professional boxer, and will probably fight in a professional boxing match in 2 years from now. I also have a few friends and I"m not like these shut in loser. lol

Here's my discord. I know you're super wet by now Gamerboy#2874

I dont even understand half that post XD
How are you working on an app if you dont know what its going to do?

>6 figures

>lmao im stupid XD
Different guy, but after making such a condescending OP are you really gonna go this way?

I can make my penis vibrate

jfl desu

i mean it does a lot of things, just none of them are particularly refined, and sometimes I turn off some of the features for a little while when we determine that its current form isn't very effective (that is to say, we push that feature to the front of the user's attention and the user still doesn't use it much).

We don't want to spend a lot of time refining just one function. If we do a lot of work on making one thing our app does really refined, but it turns out that the function never really was that high in-demand to begin with, then the work spent on that one function was wasted. Instead the core of our company right now is being able to determine scientifically how to evolve what we have now moving forward to get the most bang for our development time.

I'm not here to satisfy your femdom fetish. Also looks like you are too much of a pussy to recognise a joke. Sorry if I hurt your little feelings, but a man shouldnt be so sensitive.

>blue eyes
>awesome sense of humour
>7 inch wang
>seductive voice
>charming personality

in return i require hueg tiddies

sorry, I am a chestlet

>you can't earn six figures with your own labor
lol fucking moron

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>calling people morons
its not that I dont believe a person can earn 6 figures as an employee, its that I dont believe YOU can earn 6 figures

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>i lack natural advertisement utilities

no wonder youre here asking neets for love

You probably don't even know what Marxism is. Did you get your "education" from Jordan Peterson vods?

>reverse image search
>45 results

HE'S all yours, boys

Attached: xdd.png (977x351, 88K)

I doubt you would like him.

Attached: some men just want to watch the world burn.jpg (370x499, 40K)

You want to go this route with me? Do you really want to challenge me? You dont even know what you're getting yourself into. I have read everything Marx, Engels, Mao, Lenin, Kropotkin, Luxemburg, and Magon have ever written. You want to do this with me? Do you really think you can keep up? I dont think you can, I think your just another bitchboy who read a couple chapters of a book here and there and mostly just posts memes on leftist forums. You probably use buzzwords like "calculation problem" "labor-value" You fool. You complete and utter doofus. Do you really think you have even a fraction of a hope of challenging me? Communism doesnt work, actually sit down and study it and economics and that will be clear. Or dont and just look how it worked for any movement that tried it.

I'm filthy rich in WoW and I can buy you all the pets and mounts your girly heart may desire.

how, originally, embarrassing

>implying i'd be interested in you

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Let me guess, you're also a Navy seal kek

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I, too, did open a book and successfully turn each page on numerous occasions.

>Female he-
I think no less of you child. Balm your affliction.

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I just shaved my pubes, just one of the romantic things I will do for you if you date me ;)

see, my work isn't that interesting

>i work at a startup
>"oh interesting, what's it do?"
>explain what we do at the startup
>"I don't understand"
>explain more
>*no response*

and the books i read aren't that interesting either. I figure they would be if you read them, but I know from experience that listening to other people talk about entertainment they haven't engaged with first-hand is pretty fucking dull.

My family is rich and I'm only half jew

>8ch filename
leftypol are not sending their best.

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Then say something interesting, duh.

I would suffocate you with a pillow while you sleep.

>single for too long


Go away nobody wants you

>Google Images filename
>Female he-

Attached: the reckoning.jpg (600x610, 44K)

Sorry, got bored of this bait. I'm not actually a girl

I bet you're one of those monstrous whales that even I, pathetic loser I am, wouldn't give the light of day.

i think you may have missed a joke there user...

You sound like the perfect bf

great, then date me :)

27 years old
College degree and white collar job
Net worth approaching 90k
Legit not crazy

Sorr you're just not my type. Perfect isn't what I'm going for u.u

it's okay, we'll be good friends. Be sure to remember once in a while to suggest me to one of your female friends when she's looking for prince charming