whats with all the race baiting?
I thought this was a ROBOT9001 board? not a Jow Forums board?
Whats with all the race baiting?
I bet her farts smell bad.
The entire website is a race baiting board now.
I'm honestly for the first time in 12/13 years considering leaving and never coming back... I spend 90% of my time hiding threads and 10% actually reading/posting.
Beginning to wonder what the fuck the point of coming here is anymore.
not sure, but i agree its fucking annoying. i hope someone comes up with some form of containment for it all so we can have a better browsing experience.
We just want to share our fetish with you all.
the porn is worse than the race bait, believe it or not. you actually have to be reading the posts most of the time to notice race bait, most of the time.
culture is extremely focused on sex right now, like extremely.
people are trying to figure out how you can profit utterly off sex, like not just porn and prostitution, how do we turn sex into a fucking family household thing type of move.
you won't see any content without some sexual tone in it.
Fucking this. This board is turning so shit it's becoming unusable with your daily racebait threads and that stormfag. It's bloody annoying, this board was meant for robots not these cunts.
thanksgiving break is coming up for local schools so zoomers want to go le ebin Jow Forums
Who is that cheerleader?
Jennifer White, thats a legendary porno. everytime i see that gif i add that video to my fap sesh and i don't really like gangbangs.
Saw the vid, wtf she literally got wasted so hard lmao
yeah Jow Forums culture kinda overflowed the containment board and flooded the rest of the site fully in 2016. Jow Forums basically just became a place where Jow Forumslacks come to whine.
That is how all of those videos should be going down. In fact even more brutal than that.
>she literally got wasted so hard lmao
You mean like drunk?
If people stopped replying the 2 guys who make 90% of the racebait on pol would have to find a new gimmick for YOUs
well there's the fact that only whites can be robots
other races get a +6 exotic bonus, so they are attractive to women by default
Mr Delusional over here
>imagine that is your daughter
>imagine that's your mom
>imagine that's your oneitis
>imagine that's your gf before you met
>imagine that's your gf after you broke up
i couldn't possibly disown her hard enough.
Just watch the video and you'll see for yourself.
I don't plan on it, so just tell me faggot
The problem is, those 2 guys keep making bait and all the polfags on this board respond to it. So even if no robots go into the thread, it'll still get 200 response because some retards took the bait.
Boy you are so fuckin wrong. There's like a good percent of colored dudes who don't want fuckin trashy white bitches that go for "BBC"
>being this much of a whiny little faggot while browsing this site
Why? Afraid you're going to fap to something you are disgusted with? Nobody gives a shit you dumbass.
There's very few ''real'' people here anymore, it's mostly shills shilling shills and lurkers on their phones being programmed
Shut up you autistic faggot.
You were a mistake
A personal army was made by an outside force
For real. I've never been one to buy into conspiracy theories, but I REALLY honestly believe that there is some sort of Russian PSYOP campaign going on right now. Like they're trying to incite a fucking race war. So many boards have this issues, and so many fetishes around the internet are now incorporating some sort of cuck/race baiting fantasy shit.
I fucking despise it.
>blaming pol when it's actually just autistic trannies
what the hell is an oneitis
Whoever she is she has absolute shot taste in movies.
Sage and spam works how new are you people
This is the first time in 2 years I post something. This board is not turning shitty. It has being shit for 3 years now. This fembot shit, tfw no gf and feels has fucked us up.This was a board not about feelings but THE LACK of it. It was about us saying how despise normalfags, how we hate every fucking one of them. Now there are only teens here. I'm done.
All the race bait threads are white dudes arguing with white dudes.
Holy original newfag originally
Stormfront isn't Jow Forums
Jow Forums is a conservative humor site. It's been this way forever and won't change. The targets of Jow Forums are always left wing. In the past Jow Forums went after Scientology(Hollywood liberal cult) and rap forums. Now Jow Forums tries to troll on Twitter and spread propaganda for Republicans.