Why you obsess with a woman not being a virgin?

>why you obsess with a woman not being a virgin?
because you dense motherfucker, she will never be able to settle for a normal guy after the cock carousel. imagine for 10 years to be partying constantly and doing drugs and having sex withthe most attractive men and travelling the world and having all kinds of fun and living in drama and then all of a sudden adopting a lot of responsibility to raise a child, a boring 9-5 job and a boring loser husband; a boring life in her eyes overall. it's impossible for her to withstand the change.

>inb4 women have only 10-20 sexual partners before they settle
HILARIOUS! we live in the age of tinder. you will probably not believe this but almost the entirety of women have slept with more than 100 people till they get 30. 1 person every month is 12 people in a year. from 17 till 30 its 13 years. 13*12=156 people. and thats only 1 person per month. most of them will get 1 person a week or even 3 people a week. tinder is unlimited supply of men

this will end terribly wrong for everyone.

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Nice digits. Roasties make terrible wives. They are only good for a quick pump n dump. If you marry a roastie that’s taken a dozen cocks in her pussy you’re gonna have a bad time m8.

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>They are only good for a quick pump n dump
they sure are but this at the end will not fullfill you

>Roasties make terrible wives
all women are roasties in the West. i dont know about the asians though

you guys wanted to live without jupiter, what
are you complaining about. you can govern
yourselves, right? babies know better than
god, right? lol. you made your beds, sleep
in them.

shouldn't of killed messiah.

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many digits so replies yes

Sex is sex. After 100 women a man doesn't look at the opposite gender in the same way either! People should just be more careful, more discerning.

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how do i have polite sex?

With a polite woman.

in a sense of having good manners, good heart and being submissive?

>i dont know about the asians though

13 year olds attend sex party In exchange for free ketamine ciggies here

Male celebrities dressing up as women is some satanic (submissive) shit. Look it up.

Do you want your kid manly or not? she must be a fucking SAINT, a virgin princess who fell in love with you at first sight and continues to enjoy her private fetish of cooking and cleaning in between long afternoons of tending your crops and pleasing you physically.

wow wtf. asia was my last hope. how about mainland china?

this happens in more places than people like to admit

>Do you want your kid manly or not? she must be a fucking SAINT
probably explains why all men today are effeminate and the fact that Tesla's mother was very religious (just like other great men)

>Asking a Taiwanese nigger about china

This is true.

>implying i know anything about geography

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>his dick isn't big enough and his personality great enough to satisfy his girl.

>HILARIOUS! we live in the age of tinder. you will probably not believe this but almost the entirety of women have slept with more than 100 people till they get 30
I don't think it's that bad for most women, desu. For some, sure.
That said, I also don't think it really matters after 1. She's either a virgin, and worth marrying, or she isn't.

at this point it would be a blessing to find a gf with 5 or less actual sexual partners. given of course that she had normal sex with them and not degenerate filthy sex. but whatever a woman tells you about her number will always be a lie and you can never know for sure. she can say 5 and actually have 200. sad times

>if I post this shit every day a 10/10 virgin stacy will magically appear in my basement and love me forever

>you will probably not believe this but almost the entirety of women have slept with more than 100 people till they get 30
I'm 25 and I don't know one person who had more than 15.
And just two who had more than 10.
Most had less than 5.

And 70% of my friends are engaged/married at this point, so settled down.

>most women have slept with over 100 people before 30
Who would actually believe this

Incels will believe anything no matter how retarded as long as it reinforces their beliefs.

>le incels
go back to plebbit you normalfaggot and take the rest with you

You go back to r/incels you invading cancer.

Faggot. I dont obsess. I've learned to be in it for myself. I fuck I dump.

>using redditor terms
>wants to send me back to r/faggotry
sure thing would upvote epic style XD