Does anyone just wanna have a comfy chat? really bored

does anyone just wanna have a comfy chat? really bored.

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Does anyone not wish they were a cute girl?

a lot of people on here do

Sure, though I'm going out in a sec and will be back in a couple hours~ Still can't imagine the thread 404ing for hours so here's a proprietary squeeze and gentle headpat *headpat*

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My depression is really bad today. Yesterday it was really bad psychosis. Now its just depression. I want to cry over stupid shit like not getting replies to threads now instead of shadow people following me. The shadow people were better because they had plausible deniability. How are you doing op?

alright, sounds good. thanks user.

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sorry to hear that. anything in particular getting you down, or are you just clinically depressed?
you can take meds to stop hallucinations but im not sure how well that'd sit with you, plus the side affects. hope you feel better soon.

im doing ok, just getting by, as usual

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Im clinically depressed and already on SSRIs. Doc tweaked my meds recently but it made the psychosis and depression worse. I was sperging on here yesterday thinking I was a werewolf. Oh well. Better I make a fool out of myself here than in front of family or classmates. Im sorry if I pissed some of you guys off.

i remember that thread. you didnt piss me off, so its okay.
psychosis is a scary thing to go through, you dont deserve it user

is there anything you like that cheers you up even just a bit?

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To put it in words, to write it down - that is walking on hallowed ground.

is this a philosophical quote or something? sounds interesting nonetheless

>is there anything you like that cheers you up even just a bit?
Idk, I've gotten bored of youtube and coding. Researching alternate history sometimes makes me feel better.

it would be cool to be a cute girl, but i guess i will just settle for being cute. sorta. cute enough for me to be happy with my appearance.

i feel okay today though. better than usual. a little bored, maybe. what is your favorite thing to do, op?

yeah, youtube gets boring and monotonous pretty quickly. i've gotten bored of most things in general. all my interests die out really quickly which is no surprise since they're all just stupid forgettable escapist passtimes.
only thing that makes stuff more bearable is sleeping, i guess.

are you looking forward to the holidays? the general feel of them is pretty comfy

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of course not
I like being me to a certain extent, honestly truthfully
i shaved my head/facial hair yesterday and I forgot that I look pretty good like this. my head and face are alright, I have a massively thick neck so I'm rocking the chad lite look rn
throw on some music if you're bored opie

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>better than usual
good to hear user

>what is your favourite thing to do?
no idea...sometimes reading or vidya can be acceptable. what about you fren?

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i do have music on currently. it usually just feels like background noise
what kinda music do you like? lately ive been listening to ambient stuff.

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ah, reading is nice. i wish i read more.

personally i like taking walks a lot. it feels nice being outside, it helps clear my mind. do you ever do that?
that picture makes me want french fries by the way.

Holidays are nice. It will be nice to have plenty of time to eat and sleep during break. I hope my brain lets me relax.

Listening to early judas priest myself right now. If you like ambient stuff, you ever listen to records like this one?

walks are best when it's raining or snowing, definitely super comfy. is it nice where you live?

and can't blame you. curly fries best fries

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>tfw i realized when i draw something i can redraw it without a problem
>dont really know how to use that to my advantage
should i just start copying poses ?

sure, but im not the best person to ask about this stuff.

what kind of stuff do you draw? do you want to post any of your work?

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no, it is usually really hot and dry. but in the winter it is alright, like now. but even then, it almost never rains or snows. i still enjoy walking, but a lot of the time i wish i lived somewhere else. you are pretty lucky, friend.

oh yeah, and curly fries are totally the best. but sometimes you cannot beat some really salty regular fries. salt is the best.

seems most of Jow Forums is only interested in porn and bait threads now. rip comfy thread

>ignores my post
>waaah no one is replying to my thread
You giant meanie.

Hello OP. How are you doing? Did you have a nice day?

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hiya user

my day was okay, kinda bland. had gingerbread flavoured coffee
how was yours? what are you up to?

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>my day was okay, kinda bland
At least it wasn't a bad day.
>gingerbread flavoured coffee
Never heard of it before. Was it good? I guess it tastes kinda sweet.
>how was yours? what are you up to?
Been feeling nervous and bored all day. Skipped uni another time and I'm really not feeling going tomorrow. I'm kind of worried because it's been going like this for almost three weeks at this point.

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why are you using pictures of my wihusbanfe, user

>At least it wasn't a bad day.
i suppose...things could be better, but things could also be worse

>was it good?
was aight, do you like seasonal/warm beverages? stuff like eggnog is my absolute favourite. crazy good

sorry to hear about that, btw. what's making you skip uni, and what are you nervous about in particular?

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b-because she's cute

fair enough, that fact cannot be denied
continue on i guess

what a shit thread. why do underage ironic nu-weebs think they're welcome here? can't wait for 4channel to split off and these niggers finally disappear. you know why you're depressed? because you constantly put on the stupid uwu cute weeb front instead of EVER acting like the actual person you are for once in your life. except the werewolf guy hope u can work it out bro

sorry you feel that way user, i'm not trying to put on any "front" and i was beeing myself as much as you can on Jow Forums. i just wanted a comfy thread where anons can talk to each other considering most of outer Jow Forums is a garbage pile now and there's a lot of scat/porn/tranny & sissy general threads, not to mention the racebait and spam.
if you prefer those threads then feel free to exit mine.

>Jow Forums is garbage
>mobile poster
spotted the underage cringe weeb. come back when you have watched over 1,000 anime. then your opinion and your posts might matter, until then you're just another ironic weeb putting on a front because you are scared/ashamed of your own personality

>do you like seasonal/warm beverages?
I like warm beverages during cold periods, but I rarely try fancy stuff. I'm more of a tea or espresso coffee guy. Looked up eggnog. Looks good, but I'm a bit frightened by the raw egg. Is it a dense drink or the egg doesn't make it too dense?
>what's making you skip uni, and what are you nervous about in particular?
The bus trips make me feel tired and I always end up really sleepy during classes. Also, being alone every day with all those people that are enjoying their lives stresses me up. I'm feeling nervous because it's already been going bad for the last few years and I can't help but feel like a weight to my parents.

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>except the werewolf guy hope u can work it out bro
Thanks. I think I'm going to try to find a healthy way to integrate it into my worldview along with the other things I see. I can't just keep trying to deny it and bottling things up until I sperg out. It's not healthy for me or anyone involved.

agreed. some people may be cool with it, you just have to keep trying and find chill people that won't freak out because you experience different things. as long as you don't do anything crazy like attack people or doing something crazy in public, others can respect your views.

Woo, I'm back! Geez, don't know what it is by the time of the year though saw attempted robbery, a near car-crash followed by yobs shouting at one another and another yob aggressively shouting at what I assume to be his partner about going to prison or something. Its like Coronation Street down here. You wonder what they got taught at school, I mean obviously they are sentient and possess intelligence though why do they not use it? How do people give up so early in the game? I suppose that's why our civilization as a whole is in decline; where the African or Indian who knows struggle first-hand can only rise; the white man winces, hovels in his corner and cries rather than making his own advances and claims. Perhaps one is reading too much into things though its hard not to become frustrated with one's own race. Apologies if that seems race-baity, I mean I'm a nationalist in a sense (I believe all ethnicities should respect their heritage and seek to advance it with consideration of others) though God you wish our people were put in gulags or somethings, torture for their idleness.

That off my head, how're you? Do you need a hug?

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whew user, welcome back! faster than expected, but not complaining.

i'm doing okay, my day wasn't nearly as exciting as yours, apparently.
>do you need a hug?
probably not, but thanks for the offer. what about you?

>didn't know what eggnog is
where are you from, user? and sorry to hear about your situation. sounds gruelling.

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I could probably do with one, I'm less exhausted than usual. Figured I'd try cooking more myself and see if I can actually translate across the stuff I do at work, to my pleasant surprise it works really well! Thus been making really nice dinners for oneself and feel more energized than usual in spite of curtailing sleep (been going to sleep and arising earlier to reduce risk of over-sleeping in the case of borderline passing out). Been especially productive the previous few days and have had a really easy week. Guess I'll get more of the report done or something; its practically done at this stage: need foreign comparisons for things, a conclusion + an evaluation though honestly given that my contributions are about 90-95% of the project I could probably sit back, do nothing and even if hell breaks loose still pass - still, want to make sure things go well as one can never be too safe.

Been reading lots of material, especially Ellison's "Invisible Man" and a history of Prussia's formation. The former has been hyped for years and it lives up to the expectations for a change, love the narrative in a manner that I seldom do.

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Absolutely and objectively great taste user. That user you're replying to should check out Lurker Of Chalice too.

>tfw Wrest will never release those LoC demos

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I'm Italian. We have something similar here, but never had the chance to try that one either and I'm not too fond of alcohol in general. Once in a while is ok tho.

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that's nice, cooking is a v useful skill and it's always nice to be able to make yourself a savoury warm meal and enjoy it (or make one for others, if you're into that sorta thing.) what type of food do you like?

what kind of report are you working on, and what job do you have? as for your last statement, reading is pretty comfy, i'm also currently reading but nothing too sophisticated. do you have a book collection?

i'm not ignoring you user, i apologise. i really didn't see this. i'm glad that the holidays are a not-so-bad time for you. are there any seasonal treats or meals in particular that you like?

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I think I'm still going to keep quiet about it offline unless someone asks, but I'm going to try to reconcile it with my personal view of the world so I don't torture myself with confusion.
I really like sugar cookies and hot chocolate. How about you?

...eggnog isn't an alcoholic drink. it can be included in alcohol, but it does not have alcohol by itself, and anyone of any age can enjoy it because it's delicious.

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>I really like sugar cookies and got chocolate.
me too! does it snow where you live?

Yeah, I got a lot of snow this weekend. Took me 4 hours to drive home friday.

Indeed, been making Greek salads and cheap fish + rice to conserve money, holy crackers though been having to do salads at work and so they turn out lovely and take like a minute to make. I don't really have food preferences though pizza is perhaps a mainstay due to having worked at Domino's and currently working at another pizza chain (albeit in a restaurant format, hence the more salads and such), hence its kinda fun to act like a connoisseur of sorts. Also being from a fishing port, feel some degree of pride for one's home-town in consuming fish (plan on returning back there, even with its reputation for being a notoriously backwards town).

I'm working on a report for foundation year, I'm a brain-let hence its nothing special - waste collection and that. What book/s are you reading? Would be very interested to know. Maxed out the library book limit hence have 18 books at home right now plus and extra 12 of my own. Read 40-50~ mins Greek Family Life, Invisible Man, Making a Living in The Middle Ages and Origins of Prussia in that order from 7:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. otherwise most books are technical and go hand-in-hand with study. Also read 10 pgs. from 10-20 mins per hour past 17:00 of Chekhov's plays. S-sorry if it seems showy, believe me I'm not clever, the books are to compensate for that.

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Oh, I see. Fucking Wikipedia listed liquor as necessary. I'll have to try one day.
Do you have any other seasonal drink or meal that you really like?

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Hello, Kotomi-poster! Can't think of anything interesting to tell you but stuffs going decent. How're you doing? Been seeing a couple Italian fellas around recently (not talking to them, just that they go to same place I do) and didn't realize how distinct Italian sounds from the other Latin languages, it sounds Slavic to me, weird. Thought they were Poles until they said otherwise to another fella and overheard them.

Hello there! Sorry if I greet you only now, but the lack of Star Breaker was making me dubious, despite the previous posts looked really like yours.
Busy with books and reports as usual I see. Glad to see that you're putting effort in what you do.
>How're you doing?
Feeling down once again, as I said here >didn't realize how distinct Italian sounds from the other Latin languages
We have some distinct sounds that are rare in other languages, but I see why it can sound like slavic sometimes. North-eastern regions are really close to the slavic countries and probably local populations took some sounds from the periods of Italian occupation. It may even be a matter of dialect. I'll tell you that I couldn't understand what my grandma said because of her dialect.

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you're part of the problem
nobody has a story to tell anymore
no heart breaks, no crazy adventures with friends

you all have nothing and it makes up for some shit threads like this one

As tempted as I was to post Star Breaker, only noticed your post after the initial one and figured to post her would break consistency (usually use Ayane as a substitute in that case as usually my file-names give off a retarded vibe and Starb is used as a mark of quality control for oneself, s-sorry if this sounds pathetic) >w>. Sorry to hear you aren't doing so well, please do try to keep up however you can though I know these words probably seem like sweet nothings. Also it perhaps isn't good advice though apathy can provide surprisingly good emotional stability when you let it flow, provided you have work to do normally be it education or other manners as it dilutes the emptiness that can cloud over life. Seems you're being slowly crushed by the proverbial tractor that is life and are worried that to escape would leave part of you behind... sorry this analogy is getting retarded, apologies for how poor this advice is. Still, do not stress about others, honestly did the same, found over gradual rationalizations that it didn't mean much though - after all, one can enjoy their 20's and 30's then be left with a 40-year death which unfortunately is all too common. Call it projection though I think death should be the summit of life rather than the pit that follows as seems to be the case with many - no doubt there is great untruth in that stance though, what do you think?

The Italians seemed to have Northern features hence why I mistook them for Slavs, don't know so much about your dialects though and the only Italian I know is from pizza toppings (though from French it is rendered mostly understandable when read). I take it the South Tirol must have quite an accent barrier of sorts then.

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>usually use Ayane as a substitute in that case as usually my file-names give off a retarded vibe and Starb is used as a mark of quality control for oneself
Curious, I thought that you simply went with one or the other randomly.
I wish I could be apathetic. I get overly emotional over almost anything. It's really easy to ruin my day. Anything that is remotely bad in my book can ruin my motivation.
What do you mean with
>and are worried that to escape would leave part of you behind
I see no way to escape. I either go on while destroying what's left of my self-esteem or drop out and end up extremely disappointed by myself.
What stresses me about others is I feel pathetic among them and I feel like they think that as well, even if I know it's not true.
>Call it projection though I think death should be the summit of life rather than the pit that follows as seems to be the case with many
I agree, there should be nothing sad about death. Unless it comes from some sort of accident, death comes from a situation of pain, be it an illness or a discomfort of any other genre. Therefore, death is usually a release from that pain.
>South Tirol
I think that they have German as first or second language there, so there you have the nordic accent.
Sorry, if I ended up venting here, but really feel like I'm about to explode.

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>that image
You must be saddened. Can't do much though here's a tight hug *tight hug*, understand what you mean thought can't translate it into words - you know you should be doing something though its like your body is pinned and you physically can't, as if the blood that pumps throughout is replaced by a mangy, stale liquid of sorts that prevents your body from running properly while simultaneously making you feel sick of yourself and the afflictions that's making you feel that way - all the same recognizing that its part of life for others yet dealt with in a way that you cannot. Something like that anyway? Relate a lot, found that it can vary a lot of minimal things though can say that it sometimes helps to write a list of things you want done - one thing for each hour however small. Also a very small level of minor exercise (like 60 seconds of push-ups or something) gets the blood pumping to your head and focus, though when its like your body is made of card-board all the easier said than done.

Wouldn't worry at all about disappointing yourself honestly, when you see the average person, you are doing great! Its hard to rationalize I know though as far as one is aware you don't drink much, take alcohol or cause public disturbance. That in itself puts you above 30% of the population, and given that you are at college, presumably from the middle-class and therefore well-groomed and know multiple languages fluently you can be assumed to have many precious traits that can be taken for granted. Its good to vent user, don't worry if you feel embarrassment tomorrow and wonder why you felt the need to post that, we've all done it here. Feel free to get anything off of your chest here.

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>Something like that anyway?
Yeah, exactly like that. I'm so tired of disappointing myself and my those around me. I want to be different from what I am. I guess I'll try those methods you listed.
>when you see the average person, you are doing great
That's one way to see it, but am I really allowed to think it like that when I'm nothing but a spineless, lazy and pathetic piece of shit?
*hugs back* thank you for being here, user. I really mean it.

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