Ur dad just wanted a son that played sports, lifted weights and chased girls. but instead he got a fagget...

ur dad just wanted a son that played sports, lifted weights and chased girls. but instead he got a fagget. what do u have to say for urself

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Yeah well i wanted a dad who wasn't a neglectful pice of shit but we don't always get what we want

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fuck yeah, nobody asked me what I thought about heroin addiction

My dad never asked me to do those things. I did them anyway.

Tough luck, fucker. If you're not good looking and talented at sports, don't expect your kids to be. This shit reminds me of my mom demanding I go to college, when she doesn't have a HS degree

My dad wanted a nerd. I would have been these things if he grew me up normally.

My dad wanted a son that would take over his business and do gang shit

My dad did get a son who lifts weights and chases girls....I also love to suck dicks and fuck traps.

absolutely libertine

That I never had a dad until he decided to move in with his fiance a year ago.He thinks he can beat me into submission lol. Im lucky i can drink alcohol.

>tfw mom was a delicious brown when young
>nowadays she doesn't even have wrinkles
>hourglass figure
>perky tits
>dad was chaddest of chads
>1.90, maybe more
>fierce eyes, manly jaw
>head full of hair even today
>everyone thought a child of them would look like a god
>be me
>be a beautiful child
>puberty hits
>crooked smile
>lazy eye
>big ass nose
>witch chin
>u shaped teeth like some cartoon character
>when smiling my whole face distorts
>extremely pale but with dark, noticeable hair all over body
>look like a goblin in photos

Why did it all have to go so wrong?

>she probably cheated
No, I actually look like my dad's siblings, they're all butt-ugly except for him, and instead of actually looking like my dad I ended up looking like all those other failed abortions, it's not fair.

Name of the guy on the pic?

Should have taught me how to do any of that then.

I once said something along those lines and he said that all he wanted is that i wasnt retarded. Like, legit retarded.
He actually wanted me to be in the mavy tho, he was really proud when I was in navy school but then I got expelled.

he should have had a second son. or just used contraceptives so i never was born.

Nice trips, but my Dad hasn't seen me since 2nd grade. He was also diagnosed schizo and mpd, so hopefully that shit doesn't follow me.

I enjoyed playing video games. When I turned 21 I started lifting weights. I had problems going out sweating drinking by myself trying to get girls. The girls would say I don't know you.

>so hopefully that shit doesn't follow me.
Whos gonna tell him?

I'm sorry origi

My dad is a great guy, and he's free to want whatever his heart desires.

No he got that and he became a 6'4 body builder/former marine so nobody cares that I'm worthless.

i'm sorry i guess?
get off my case you old codger

My dad had an affair when I wasn't even a year old and fucked off to another country. What now bitch?

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I was a loser at 5, 10 and 14. That's my father's fault. I can accept being a loser at almost 30 is my fault, but if he had cared that I don't be a loser at a young age maybe I wouldn't be a loser now.

Well maybe he should have taken an interest in me if he wanted all that shit? Instead he spent pretty much every free moment staring at the boob tube

Tough luck. Make sure you don't do the same with your children.

My dad is a special case. He managed to be a civil servant and earn great amounts of money, but in a way he's a but loser, like being bad at sports and driven by other people and things like that.

He should have stayed around then! He played himself!

I'm sorry I turned out a fag really tried to be normal even dated girls and tried to have sex with them but would either lose wood right away or just not get it up. For most of us it's not a choice unfortunately. If you don't believe me then prove me wrong and be gay for a second. Look at a dude and be attracted to him. Can't do it? It's ok Hun. Imagine if most of the world hated you/wanted you killed Soley because you like girls. Seems unfair eh. I can understand if you don't like the crazy flaming annoying gays or sjws (I dont like em either desu but I try to be tolerant)

i never met my dad. i wouldnt want him to know im doing good. fuck him

I do play sport and lift weights but the girls still rejects me
Also my father is not that ashamed of me becouse i can hide really well my autism

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I've never met my real dad and I doubt he even knows I exist. He's some millionaire buisnessman and I'd love to meet him someday, but I have this fear that I will never measure up to him. I have a decent job but no life, no wife, no love interests, and few friends. He could die someday and I'll always regret never speaking to him.

Just dont be a disease riddled man whore that gets fucked by thirty black dudes in a night.

he shouldn't have beat me and left me with nothing

>Bring and independent and unpredictable being to life
>Be surprised when it doesn't act like you want it to

Grow up dad

Nah, my dad would rather I was a good person who has the strength to help others. I try to make him proud.


I like it

actually my parents made me run long distance instead of lifting weights, even though i was retardedly skinny. as a senior in high school, a 9th grader asked me why my arms were so skinny for an 18 year old

shit hurt. but my parents DEMANDED i run retardedly long distances every day, i hated it!

>you will never get into a good college unless you do sports, they want to see you're a team player

i couldn't even bench the bar without my arms wobbling around so much

i am now lifting, have been going to the gym on/off for 7 years. i have a 4 months streak currently

so, no, my dad NEVER wanted me to lift weights, i wasn't able to do that until i was freed from them

PROTIP: long distance running isn't even good exercise! it's a fucking scam

my mom even said: you don't want to have big muscles, it will make you look shorter

seriously, what the fuck? yeah, 4 months into lifting i still look dyel as hell


My dad didnt want a son and choked/beat me. I might have been this guy if my dad was the kind of dad those guys had.

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my dad is a bald guy that plays d&d and shit so I think he knows I was doomed.

I did cc in high school an I am also perpetually skinny. I enjoyed it and wouldnt choose a different sport if given a chance, but it is annoying to be so skinny.

I do all of these things. But my dad wanted me to be a succesful man, to know how to make money and to not have to work a 9 to 5 job, just like he didn't have to. He's depressed because I wasted my life away when I could have been something more and now that I think about it it's actually really fucking depressing how I wasted my life watching porn and playing vidya when I could have worked on myself and pursue some creative interest like becoming a programmer.

at least we arnt npcs right?

I have nothing to say in my defense, I'm a huge disappointment for my dad

I think the amount of muscle you grow when developing impacts how easily you gain it in later life.

Like, imagine if as a kid you never went to school and exercised your mind... you wouldn't be as smart as an adult, even if you started learning after age 18.

Cross country is a bad sport, I would NEVER force my children to do that. I always hated my parents for it, it was miserable

I dont have the source, but this is somewhat true. Basically, its easier to get big when you are young (16-22) and muscular people have an easier time building muscle. You can still get buff in your 20's, but it takes longer.

I wish my dad had taught me how to lift weights. My life would have been different.

I really tried to be an athlete. I played 3 years of little league, practiced every day, and still only hit a ball once in all that time. I played football in middle school and the coaches put me in for the bare minimum time. I played one year of soccer in highschool and was the worst person on the team. I try to lift weights and mountain bike now, and progress is so slow. Ive been biking the same trail for a year. My friend got a bike a week ago, and hes already better than me, clearing sections i still cant do. Not only am I unathletic, I'm also a coward that fears pain. Shit sucks.

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>be manlet
>parents sign me up for basketball team
>i didn't want to do it at all, they forced me
>literally worst on the team
>only other kid as short as me was actually good because he enjoyed the sport and played for fun
>our team lost every game
>whenever i got the ball, immediately passed to someone else

that shit was torture. i don't know what they were thinking. why would you sign your kid up for something he didn't want to do and had no natural talent for, just so you can go to all of his games and watch him suck worse than everyone else?

god damn this thread is pissing me off, remembering all of the stupid things my parents forced me to do and how awkward it was

That was baseball for me. We lost every game one year too. Worst part is my parents would get pissed when they saw how much I hated it. I was just so embarrassed the entire time.

it's really sad, at least i learned how to not raise a kid not that the knowledge will ever be used

I'd still put my kids in sports. It's something you got to start them at young if you want to see them be good at it and enjoy it. Hopefully my son wouldn't be as completely unathletic as I am

My parents split up when I was a toddler and I moved to another country so he was never in my life so I don't give a fuck if he is disappointed in me

Is this Paul Denino?

He got one, my younger brother.
Fortunately many of you will never know the horrible shame of being the hope of your parents only to miserably fail them and be surpassed by your younger brother who used to look up to you and now all quietly cringe behind your back

yeah, i would put them way younger, but not force them to do sports they hate and suck at when teenagers. that's just brutal

i wanted to lift weights but they said i had to do other sports [that i hated] and, obviously, i was too exhausted

i would urge my children to lift weights, even offer incentives

That's the exact story of me and my family.

I'm pretty sure that's not what dad wanted. It would be hard for him to relate to me growing up since he didn't do any of that stuff either. As far as >chasing girls

Well, old man got (and I hate to use this word) "redpilled" pretty early on about the nature of women and the grossly rigged dating game. I'm sure he sleeps easier at night knowing he won't have to bail me out of jail and help me pay for a lawyer because I accidentally made eye contact with a woman and now I'm being charged with aggravated assault, battery and rape charges.

deal with it. I am what i am, you can't change me

My father was a useless neet though

Completely unrelated but relevant
>parents divorce
>go with dad to live with grandpa and grandma I didnt know about in shitty trailer park
>friends are gone, dont know anyone, dad distant trying to get money for own trailer
>watched Slither one night, freaked out so bad I slept with head in pillowcase to stop the worms from crawling in my mouth while I slept
>cannot bring myself to use bathroom because I think they'll crawl up my ass and kill me
>just stand and hold my shit until I shit myself because im so scared of the thought
>dad finds out, starts yelling at me
>3rd time, he whips my ass for over a minute straight and leaves me there to cry
>start insulting myself and hitting myself because im an idiot
I told this to my therapist and he was literally so stunned he stepped out for a sec
I was 10 when this happened and have no clue what to make of it