Convert to Catholicism right now or else!
Convert to Catholicism right now or else!
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Sorry I'm too busy being a degenerate
I'll never bend my knee to you papist
Church is so fucking boring though
If you give catholic virgin gf, we can strike a bargain. Or if you write a sequel to The Bible, because the first one doesnt make sense.
I unironically would if you guys would purge the pedos already. What's taking so damn long?
Catholism is gay read Luther. sage
Luther ate his own shit and was influenced by Satan
Try reading the Church Fathers instead.
No, but would you like a pamphlet?
>Luther ate his own shit and was influenced by Satan
Debased and Satanpilled
Your own church is influenced by the devil and most all your leading figures are corrupt and don't forget those kid touching priests
This. I want a Christchan.
Does Christ-Chan have Catholic schoolgirl syndrome?
get out of here with your woman tier religion
>Thinks Catholic women are virgins
But I'm already one
>But I'm already one
Based and redpilled
if i get a hot anime loli maybe
sorry nigger i'm IFB
Novus Ordo es muy retardo
Only about 5% of the actual church population are known pedos, they're really hard to find and there's also corruption in the non-pedo members of the church.
>read from this guy who got cold feet and converted back to Catholicism once he realized all the shit he made up was dumb
Check the child abuse cases that [enter religion] deals with. It doesn't matter but if proportions are taken into account, it's around the same across the board.
>Semitic religion
>the antithesis of Judaism is Jewish
>sola fide
Into the trash it goes...
Zoroastrianism is superior to any other religion .
Fuck off pedo priest. All forms of Cuckstianity are Jewish cancer.
lol, exaggerated nonsense
>antithesis to Judaism is Jewish
and a tip for you sir
I was brought up a Catholic, and am technically one since I was baptised... but as soon as I was old enough to think for myself I figured out it's all bullshit.
We need more threads like these. Jow Forums needs religion
>l was brought up a Catholic, and am technically one since I was baptised... but as soon as I was old enough to think for myself I figured out it's all bullshit.
these threads are always made by a catholarp/ortholarp hipster until they get bored and another one takes their place, filled with the exact same "religion sucks" and "dead kike on a stick" posts every time why would you want more of them?
>tfw no catholic gf
>sissy general
>trap porn
>porn in the thumbnail
>porn ads
>nooo stop this board doesn't need religion because OP is a faggot
you have a point actually
>We need more threads like these. Jow Forums needs religion
Based and redpilled.
Most of r9k now is just gay porn. We need to extinguish all faggotry here and forcibly remove faggots, and the best way through doing this is through the cathecism of the board.
"You shall not lie with mankind as with womankind, for that is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord thy God."
Stop molesting children first.
>using the OT as moral guidance
Just stick to the CCC.
>le catlicks er pedoes meme
Trade one kike for another kike? No thanks. Though I suppose Catholicism isnt nearly as bad as Evangelicalism.
>reee degeneracy reeee
>wat? we no pedos stop saying that shitlords
Try going to Church and praying. It's best when it's mostly empty so you feel more at ease. Pray earnestly and with vigour and you'll feel much, much better. Not only pray, but let yourself believe in God for a moment. At least try. I promise you'll feel better.
>but muh pedoes! muh catlicks er pedoes!
every church program of separating children from their families always leads to child rape because infiltrators know it is an easy way to access children in a trusting environment, whenever the bible talks about a church gathering they're all in one place, not split up by age groups, this is a bigger problem among baptists and prots with sunday school and the like but you could apply it to catholic school or choir or wherever these kids are getting raped
>but you could apply it to catholic school or choir or wherever these kids are getting raped
>...and the American public education system, the Boy Scouts of America, the YMCA, as well as homeless shelters and literal Elders of Zion level traffickers pimping out kids, etc.
>basically any organization that deals with children is going to run into this shit eventually
>but muh religions organizations n' churches n' sheit
i went to church alone last month an it was really awkward
i'm the only regular at my church from a non religious family so its pretty awkward
or else what op?
>tfw not catholic
>tfw never loli gf
why is this exaxtly a bad thing?
your litteraly on a porn hosting site trying to connvert people
half of the porn on this board is straight porn to though
pure land buhdism
You should move to Mexico if you like Catholicism so much.
kys Bach was all about Lutherism
Question. Porn is considered sinful, but what about censored porn? Is that even porn anymore, is censorship the most Christian form of lewdness?
>tfw knight of faith
>tfw my first line was unoriginal
no lmao
why would u even say this?
>living with spics
There are enclaves of rich retired whites all over the place.
Most of the "Catholics" I've encountered don't even follow the religion. Protestants aren't much better, but at least they don't follow the Pope, who gives even Trudeau a run for his money in cuckoldry.
Oh, and let's not forget the pedophiles.
It's not though, Jews hate Christans.
How can someone be so retarded to save a transparent png as a jpg.
>being disgusted by your brothers and sisters in the faith
and christians jews, so what?
Gnosticism make more sense than this.
but catholicism is a state religion and i am not of the catholic state
btw if you are an american and catholic you are a traitor to god and your country
based lutherman
Die you degenerate.
>>tfw knight of faith
Based and redpilled, Christian fren.
Protestantism is cancer. I can't stand it. Orthodoxy is cool though.
I unironically found a biotech Mexican catholic QT during my last year of uni and I'm currently living with her family learning how to be a catholic in a rich part of northern Mexico. We will get married next year. I finally feel at ease knowing she loves me and will be loyal forever after years of banging dumb white sluts with daddy issues. The food is great too.
Matthew 23:9
>And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.
can i get a catholic's view on this?
please stop using SK's name. He was a christian, not a catholic or orthodox.
How about you shove off, ya poofta?
Do you not call your biological father your father? Is this just a bad translation?
Hardcore degenerate here. Convince me to go catholic
Kabbalist here. Convince me why I should be Catholic when I already use biblical allegories, God and his names, psalms, Christ and his allegories/mysteries, and angels discovered through Biblical passages/organization with materials written by Christians under the Catholic Church in the medieval era. And don't give me the magic is bad bullshit either when Catholics do many of the same exact things.
YHVH and his archons demandeth it of thee.
Sorry fag but I'm already taken by my nigga Buddha
You gain access to the Curia mechanic, as well as the ability to call for a crusade on non-christians for 10% increase in taxes for the duration of the war and cheaper coring.
It is part of a parable and is a purposeful exaggeration for effect, not supposed to be literally understood. It shows Jesus's rebukes against the Pharisee Jews who loved the admiration of the people in public while secretly loving sin in their private life.
Throughout the New Testament and in Paul's Epistles there are numerous times the Greek word for father is used, thus eliminating the possibility that such a commandment was meant to be taken literally. It is rather just a statement to strike home the point that you must place God above all, not that you can't call you dad "father". That would be absurd.
>year of our Lord 2018
>not going to the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church
Good luck finding a spiritual master to guide you in Kabbalah. I don't want to assume anything about your personal life, but many of those who practice such occultism on their own are horribly misguided in the meaning of the teachings due to having no true Guru. The Church provides a spiritual hierarchy and spiritual tradition that has produced those said materials you are referring to. Monks are a prime example of spiritual guidance. Also, a common theme in all traditional esotericism is that the practitioners additionally belonged to an exoteric mainstream religious belief as well. If you look at Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, Eckhart, or any other more esoteric Catholic masters, they all were committed to the Church. Its the same with Islamic occultism as well. They all first had a strong understanding of the Quran and its moral teachings.
I suggest you read "Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism" It is written by a Catholic, has an afterword by a Cardinal and is extremely well researched.
I don't doubt you can get something out of Kabbalah at some level, but I strongly doubt that a poster on Jow Forums has enough spiritual fortitude to go beyond the exoteric guidance upon which esotericism is based. It's really just a cope on your own personal character to dismiss any sort of moral obligations and go for the juicy spiritual things instantly.
>the papacy
pick one
Give me a kiss and I will.
>joking a cult that makes a mockery of Christ for their personal gains.
No thanks.
Here you go fren :--)
This post is so cute it almost made me catholic.
Quality post, did not expect. I won't deny that is the case for most (being horribly misguided), and while I sharply disagree that such is my own case it is a bit hubris to be adamant about it. I feel as if the Church at this juncture is not the type of mainstream religious belief however that adds to moral understanding, nor mostly any current popular religion for that matter, and I don't mean this out of some liberal nonsense I do think the current Catholic Church has certainly slipped more towards heresy on the exoteric end and the qlippoth on the esoteric end. Is there something by which you think the current Catholic Church can give that cannot be given either through the Bible independently or some other spirituality?
I will read your suggestion for additional insight, though it is a bit hasty to think Jow Forums automatically makes a moral comment considering you are here as well. I did not reach occultism out of desires nor religion, I arrived on hermeticism independently through my own philosophical ponderings (which I do a lot) to which I got compared to hermeticism and the rest shortly followed after.
>Hardcore degenerate here. Convince me to go catholic
Ponder on the meaningless of your life and the vanity of all things. You're welcome.
hmm sounds interesting. How do I get in? Just start reading the zohar?
I believe that the Church still does, its just that you have to look harder for it. In spiritual transformation, you cannot value a spiritual master enough. The Church still offers authentic initiatory rites that are absent from all other spiritual movements in the west. If you can find an old monastery, chances the monks there are following spiritual traditions that go back at least around a thousand years. Spirituality, I would argue, is very much about the group unconscious and mysticism is difficult without a dynamic interaction between someone who has actually felt what you are feeling, not just have read it in a book or written it down.
Regardless if you agree or not, I personally do feel that there is intense spiritual satisfaction in the Traditional Latin Mass and the symbolism that is contained within in it. Even if I am feeling sinful, I sometimes will go just for fun to listen to the Gregorian Chant and the Latin prayers. It is very beautiful. Your understanding of symbolism might make it at the very least a thought provoking experience for you. The Liturgy is the most complete esoteric prayer of everything Catholic. If you want the blend of exoteric and esoteric, it is to be found in the liturgy. However, the key is to go to a Church that retains the authentic symbolism and the metaphysical concepts with which they represent.
I hate to say this since I don't agree with the Orthodox Christians doctrinally, but the spiritual counseling from orthodox monks also is especially is incredibly beneficial to many. If you look at a place like Mt.Athos, there has been an esoteric mode of thought called Hesychasm that has been continuously taught, built upon, and interpreted for nearly a thousand years uninterrupted. The modern alternative spirituality movements have no comparable equivalent.
pt. 2
And with regards to the moral comment on r9k, don't think that I am implying I am a good person by any means. Far far far from it. I do not say that out of Christian modesty either I am afraid. Neither did I mean to imply anything poorly of you. However, I do think that the modern desire for utilitarianism in everything has led to the negation of the exoteric. Character transformation, the first step to mysticism, is not particularly fun. Very few people have reached this first step by which their character is made pure once more and their lusts have begun to fade. It is simply out of love that I say very few people are prepared for esotericism, myself included. Perhaps you are.
I don't understand your question, I was not the Kabbalah user. If you ask me, I will say, no. Pray simply every day and then after a few years when you have conquered your vices (assuming that you have not already done so), then come back to esotericism and give it more thought. Just reading the Zohar without any context is quite possibly the worst thing that you could do. You will likely begin to manipulate spirituality to practical ends.
In Hasidic communities, the Kabbalah is often not even allowed to be read until one has reached at least the age of 30 and I've heard of even older. There is a reason why.
It is a tall order to find a genuine Church in burgerland, but you make some compelling points at least and some more topics of study. Thank you for these genuine answers and specific examples. One part of your comment reminded me of something, and that is a bit of ideological differences. For example I equate the importance of virtue and morality to being that which is of the eternal, and vice and implies deficiency which accrues consequence due to not being of the eternal. But the idea of an original sin, ignorance excepted, and the requirement of a savior outside oneself and not in the form of a type of spirit that dwells in all our essence to be sounds almost too luciferian to deal with. I also think I am beginning to understand the gravity of sin in the sense that though it is not of an eternal nature (thus is separated from God), nevertheless it is committed by you who is of eternal essence and thus, in some respect, there is a "wrong" which has been committed on an infinite scale and thus is terrifying. But regardless such can be cleansed towards turning towards and assuming the form of the virtuous composition of Christ as it takes what is eternal to rectify something eternal rather than something which is temporary.
Anyways, I by no means defend New Age renditions (the result of utilitarianism and negation of the exoteric) and I would like to contend that the battle for character is an ever lasting journey, as the head is heavy who wears the crown (you aren't meant to wear it). The character will always be contested and Gimel is even the longest path of all, Christ's venture into the desert where even the Devil tempts with infinite power. Thus I feel it is important for people to understand and practice from the start even while trying to temper themselves, practices can help people attune themselves even. I feel the hierarchy of the Church and other organizations is a form of gating for negative purpose.
Alright then, how do I conquer my vices? I've tried many times before, but without any guidance at all, except The sinners guide by Louis of Granada. My fear is that sola fide is lulling me into a false sense of security, even though this is what Luther did not want. I cannot return to catholicism or orthodoxy and my motivation for conquering vice, besides esoteric truth, is the love of God in his agape towards me. Please notice me senpai.
cant, im gay so god wouldnt accept me
>Not a based Orthobro
Why be part of the Schismatic church when you can be part of the Church from Acts, lol?
I live in the South US so I already see tons of Mexicans at church. They're actually as a whole very devout, there's always people there at different times of day doing stuff and the spanish mass time is packed.
>he said as Moscow schisms from Constantinople
Already took the breadpill and have never looked back.
Why waste away on here, being tempted by these digital harlots when you can be on the vanguard advancing the kingdom of God?