If you get this wrong you're an NPC. No using a calculator either

If you get this wrong you're an NPC. No using a calculator either.

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the answer is 1, faggot.

1 all other answers are wrong

it's 9, other answers are wrong

>If you get this wrong you're an NPC. No using a calculator either.
>everyone gets baited by NPC tier meme

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If you can't integrate e^(-x^2) with respect to x, you're an NPC.

here you go fucktard
6/2(1+2) = 6/2*3 = 3*3 = 9

>people still too stupid to understand an incredibly simple system meant to make math easy and universal
I know your smooth brain sees the 2 next to the bracket and thinks "OH BRACKET DO FIRST" but it's just regular Multiplication, which means the left to right division comes first.

keking at the NPCs

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1 you fucking morons

American answer: 1
Metric answer: 9

1 and 9 are equally correct

Get a-LOAD of this brainlet, kek

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I've been tested by a university psych department and I have a retarded level of comprehension for numbers. I thought the answer was six, can someone fucking kill me please? Tutoring doesn't help, I will never understand numbers.

you all are literally NPCs for falling for this bait

holy shit

je ne suis pas un robot

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Everyone is saying 1 or 9.
>npc scanner has detected multiple npc's

The reason it's 9 is because that is a division symbol not a bar which counts as grouping.

>If you get this wrong you're an NPC
your honestly retarded how would they be an NPC for not knowing i understand brainlet but being an NPC is totally irrelevent as to whether or not your smart enough to answer a math question

p.s. and if the first thing that comes to mind is "hurr you disagree with me so your an NPC" or something along the lines of that your prob an NPC yourself retard

I am a mathologist and I can tell you it's definitively 213

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>NPC mad that Mathematics Patch 2.08 wont install

user the point was to make people answering 1 or 9 call each other npcs, maybe you're the brainlet?

kek you literally just proved my point you retarded NPC

Not saying a number. Just pemdas. Faggots

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I trust this guy he sounds like he knows

heck yeah user

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Sure thing NPC

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what's the point
this type of math is literally a waste of time.

This is not solveable.

What does the P stand for and how do you interpret that?

if thats the point then my apologies but the NPC meme is thrown around so unironically i thought OP was being serious

youre honestly a real NPC dude i fucking predicted exactly what you were gonna do and you still did it youre really in denial about being an NPC huh dude

if multiplication has precedence over division:
if division has predence over multiplication:

>tfw dont know algebra

>youre honestly a real NPC dude i fucking predicted exactly what you were gonna do and you still did it youre really in denial about being an NPC huh dude

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There's no if, you read it from left to right you faggot

but it's not possible to complete this calculation since either value is just floating

Here's the ambiguity that makes the "1" group think the "9" group is wrong, and vice versa.

The division sign implies, to some people, that the equation could be rewritten with 6 as the numerator and 2(1+2) as the denominator. If that's the case, then the answer is clearly one. If you do *not* assume such a meaning of the division sign, normal order of operations leads to 9. So, while 99% of people can do this simple arithmetic, the question is obviously bait due to the sneakily ambiguous notation of the division sign.

Personally, I think it's 9 since the "1" group is making what is ultimately an unfounded assumption, unless there's some sort of standard notation the rest of us aren't aware of.


BODMAS rule faggots


Brainlets will be gassed

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So 1 + 2 = 3
3 * 2 = 6
6 / 6 = 1

>NPC cant even form real arguments and just resorts to copygreentexts
wew lad

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The 3*2 is not a parenthetical expression. The division comes first. Its 9.

>So 1 + 2 = 3
>3 * 2 = 6
>6 / 6 = 1
This is bait

>>NPC cant even form real arguments and just resorts to copygreentexts
>wew lad

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>mfw brainlets still posting and accusing each other of being NPCs
You've all been played, it gets called out and you still get fucking played

With BODMAS it's nine because order is left to right fucking degenrate

jeepers shaggy

its 9
if you think its 1 go back to school

let me fucking explain, this is fucking elementary school shit user

now you dont immediately multiply 2 and 3
the rule of whatever you call it in english says left to right sooo, you first divide 6 by 2


now that you have divided the 6 by 2 you get 3 and behold 3 multiplied by 3 is 9

since im horrible at explaining, here

As you climb higher in math, virtually 100% of physicists, engineers and mathematicians will interpret the answer as 1. There is no debate over this at all. The implicit multiplication of 2 on the bracket is a SINGLE quantity that takes precedence prior to division. Most physicists/engineers/mathematicians would never even write such a potentially ambiguous expression. They would instead write 6/2(1+2) where the / is a horizontal line. Alternatively, they would write 6/(2(1+2)) leaving NO ROOM FOR AMBIGUITY. PEMDAS is NOT universally accepted. The implicit multiplication on the bracket does indeed take precedent.
PEMDAS isn't the total protocol.

>M-muh pemdas
it's the easiest way to spot a brainlet when they think multiplication comes before division becomes MUH PEMDAS. There's only two ways to interpret this:
1: Like a computer would (hence why you'd get 9 since it evaluates left to right)
2: There is no answer because it's hella vague and any real mathfag or engineerfag would fire you for writing such retarded shit on the spot.

You CAN make an argument for 1 if you say "well that notation means it is 6/(2*(1+2))", but that's really stretching.

Wow, 9 really is the NPC answer.

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>As you climb higher in math, virtually 100% of physicists, engineers and mathematicians will interpret the answer as 1. There is no debate over this at all
Maybe in muttland with mutt education.

>being this much of a brainlet resorting to other brainlets video to explain his brainlets ideas

>There is no debate over this at all
Uh huh.

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well i'm so sorry that your education is so fucking bad that you can't do elementary math

6/2*(1+2) = 6/2*(3) = 6/6 = 1

Penguins can't fly.

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For every question out there our Lord Jesus Christ is the answer.

is 1 hurr durr i math really good

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okay so if it's not 1 or 9 what is it?

It's bait
congrats you lose

Who knows, every country does it differently it seems, PEMDAS, BODMAS, PIDMAS, what the hell we can't even agree on our mathematics here

You do 6:2 first, which is 3 then you do 1+2, which is 3 again and then multiply the two numbers together. You multiply them together because there is no sign before the parantheses

How the fuck do you get 1?
>So 1 + 2 = 3
3 * 2 = 6
6 / 6 = 1
What the fuck is this?


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You don't fucking do 6/ 2*3 you idiot holy shit

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The answer is whatever you want it to be! Whatever you choose, you are still a beautiful person

Yeah you do, the parenthesis weren't supposed to be removed. The whole question is six divided by 2(1+2), which is six. So 6/6=1.

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Following PEMDAS (1+2)=3 and 6/2=3 and when you multiple them it will be 9.

The sanest post in this thread

You didn't follow the order of operations. Remember that a number next to a parenthesis is like a modifying adjective. So it would be better to visualize it like this: 6/[2(1+2)]=X.

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In bongland the brackets take priority over everything else, hence the answer is 1. Laughing my head off at the burgers thinking it's 9.

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parenthesis means implied multiplication with what's next to it, and you do parenthesis first, so
2*1 and 2*nothing
then you just add and divide to get 3

This. A feminine penis is still feminine and
>The whole question is six divided by 2(1+2)
But it isn't.

>six divided by the product of two and the sum of one and three

>Remember that a number next to a parenthesis is like a modifying adjective
Is this the power of American education? Holy shit.

It's six divided by 2 and multiplied by the sum of 1 and 2. Is this why school shootings happen in muttland?

That was my own analogy. I bet before you posted that, you thought it sounded smart, but it's right nonetheless. 2(1+2) = [2(1+2)]. Or am I wrong?


Correct answer is 9 stfu brainlets

>It's six divided by 2 and
Why the "and" there? There's no pause generated by the presence of a parenthesis.

>2(1+2) = [2(1+2)]. Or am I wrong?
Yes you are.


Then show me a logical proof showing why that is wrong you buttface.

I don't want to waste my time because ultimately it doesn't matter. Fuck niggers.

How do you get 4 from 1 and 2?

Because I'm right.

Because a fucking parenthesis doesn't change the order of operations OUTSIDE the parenthesis. Kys underage faggot nigger.

Every country has different orders of operations.
It's got no single answer because there isn't an international standard.
You'd have to be a literal idiot to not understand this.

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I multipy the 1with 2 and the 2 with 2

as far as I know, this should be the solution. I never studied maths beyond primary school
6/2 = 3
1+2 = 3
3*3 = 9


You need to have a big brain to realise that the anything left of the obelus is on top of the fraction and anything right of the obelus is on the bottom.

>using the division symbol instead of expressing it as a fraction
This fucking angers me. Delet.

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Thought this one through when I noticed that 1/2/1/4 can be interpreted in several different ways.
Thus it can be concluded that the answer to the question "what is 6 divided by 2 times 1 plus 2" is indeed 1.

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I believe the silence from the brainlets prove it all.
The BIG BRAIN CGANG wins again.

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Fuck that shit bait that use ambiguous operator. How do you read that ? 6/2 *(1+2) or 6/(2*(1+2))


t. middle school dropout

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The real answer is that it diverges to infinity t. math major

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If dubs the answer is 1


1+2= 3

wtf how are numbers not content

The only correct post itt