Do you think your mother language is hard user?

Do you think your mother language is hard user?
I'd say defiantly.

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Nah, Finnish is retardedly easy to learn if you're a Finn.

My parents are from Montenegro and it's alright - pretty hard in some areas but not too bad. I was born and lived all my life in fucking Cyprus and I still struggle to speak the language (Greek), feel ashamed. I need to learn it

>prica ekavicom
You don't have to deal with the je and ije


>>prica jekavicom/jekavicom
Don't have to deal with Jotovanje and Jednacenje suglasnika

CIGANI 3r2133

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why does NOBODY know how to spell definitely?

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it's not Cantonese, so no

Because it's our second language and mistakes like that are common

You degenerate cuckheads calling our people quote on quote Ustase, you really are the worst slavic folk

There's too many fucking conjugations and shit, thank God for English.

dont feel bad user, even native english speakers cant fucking spell it right

Vocabulary is retard-friendly, grammar is where the real challenge is at. So yes, I definitely consider it a hard language.

srpska ekavica je najcistiji oblik praindoevropskog jezika

>quote on quote
As expected of an Ustasa :^)

You sicken me you serbian rat,you marched into our country,raped and destroyed.

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Dumb montenigger, why are you in NATO.

Literally doesn't make sense.


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Chinese grammar is actually absurdly simple. There is only one pronoun case and zero inflection, and the word order is relatively straightforward. The hardest part is reading and writing it, because the writing system is autistic as fuck and the logograms have no relationship to how a word is pronounced.

Stay removed, turkroach

lagana spika baki ali ne umete vi gasterbajteri da pricate mojim dijalektom to je opste poznata spika jel me kontas haHAAAA cigance malo
Dobio sam rak dok sam ovo kucao

Languages aren't hard to learn if you have the materials and native input laid out for you.

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The thing about finnish is not learning it is hard
It is that no one can pronounce it because they're retarded cunts that think e is i

Don't even bother trying.