why are asian girls so attractive?
(and why are white girls not?)
Why are asian girls so attractive?
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from i've seen asians are not really diffrent than white girls but we're just used to seeing ugly white irl and cute asians in the net so we get the false sense of asians being more attractive
fuck i lost the what after from
Asian girls belong to Asian boys and this triggers the white weeb so hard deep down.
no they dont. lol.
Because they seem attainable to you
theyre plenty attainable if youre Chad. i dunno if the asian tight pussy myth is true though.
japanese are at a higher level of evolution. Things that are further along on the evolutionary timeline are attractive because only the most attractive end up passing on the most genetic material.
Because Asian girls actually try to look feminine. They wear skirts and dresses more often than pants. They wear their hair in bangs. They keep their voices in natural higher octaves instead of a lower "strong sassy woman" one. Western girls cannot compete.
>nips believe this
For some strange reason, I see Asians as much more attainable than white women, even though personal experience seems to go against that belief.
>small tits
>face looks like a 12 year old boy
you mean asian girls cant compete with Western women.
Asian girls belong to themselves.
its true. while attractive asian women are difficult for most men to get, attractive White women are even more difficult. but lately for some reason, some White women have been feeling benevolent and fucking alotta shitskins and niggers.
are they bored?
don't they have naturally higher estrogen/lower testosterone levels
1 - Asian women tend to take care of themselves and not blimp into 250 pounds in their twenties
2 - Asian women tend to follow feminine characteristics (wearing dresses, having long hair, etc)
Weird, isn't it? For most men, the 300 pound white "women" with short pink hair just aren't attractive. I wonder why.
I suppose for them it's like adopting a maltreated dog with missing limbs. For as much as people like to bash whites, they are the most empathetic people on earth.
Nope. Why do you think any pretty western girl online is suspected to be a trap nowadays? Because western women have ironically rejected femininity in pursuit of "feminism".
Not at all. Only different phenotypic variation than what is usual in the West.
There's something disarming about them, maybe because of how dead their eyes look and how I feel like I'm interacting with a cyborg.
wait a moment, lad. not all White women are short-haired blimps!
What about these delicate and petite White women? theyre the peak of feminity and beauty.
especially White women.. they really are.
That's a nice cake layer of makeup she has there. It compliments her split ends.
This truth hurts.
In pic related it actually is a girl on the right. But everyone thinks it is a trap because girls don't look like girls anymore.
Sure, but the average white woman doesn't look like that anymore. At least in Fatmerica.
mad, yellow femcel? yellow chink gook niggers cannot compete with Aryan Beauty.
so youre saying, that sexy, slim and feminine Asian women beat out fat "white" women any day of the week?
i concur 100%
And there's more feminine Asian women than feminine slim women now a days. So on average they are more attractive.
nah. the real Aryan beauties are living in a secret White nation. i cannot disclose where. WPWW
Yeah imaginary countries. In your head, right?
heh! youll never know, shitskin
What if I told you 90% of Asians are ugly, you only think they are attractive because you look at literal models
Im not gay but sure, those guys are pretty cute.
Contractor fag who makes most of my money working in Asian countries here. Asian women and European women have some pretty clear distinctions on the whole.
Now a lot of what I say will be drawn from my own experiences, and will largely be pulled from the big three (Japan, Korea, and China) Asian countries as they are were I've spent most of my time. I won't be diving into 'which one is more attractive', because that's fucking inane. All countries have beautiful and ugly women, move past it.
Asian women are, by far, much closer to the idealized feminine than women in the West. Asian countries didn't exactly go through the same period of female emancipation, empowerment, and sexual 'liberation', that the West underwent. As a result Asian women didn't undergo the devaluation and deconstruction of femininity and the family that Western women went through. In other words, Asian women haven't 'unsexed' themselves.
Everything from their dress, mannerisms, and speech are more feminine in Asian countries. Dresses and skirts are still common place. They aren't loud, vulgar, abrasive, or (as) sexual promiscuous. The attitude of entitlement largely doesn't exist outside of a few specific groups. And they don't really attempt to be men in any way shape or form.
I can break down some of the dating and house/family aspects if anyone is interested.
90% of the asians you've seen IRL have been ugly? I sure have not noticed that, there aren't a lot of asians in Finland though, do they only ship the pretty ones here?
Dude please leave middle america and actually go somewhere that asians live you will see most asian girls are fugly
Their thigh gaps and lack of curves are disgusting wtf do you mean attractive?
t. yellow roast lusting for White men
You would look pretty awful with a grin like that too.
I was trying to convey sarcasm over the fact that you posted a brown girl as an aryan, idiot.
yes i understand Elena Gilbert is not a full Aryan HOWEVER, shes no gook chinker.
Asians who make it to finland would be upper-middle class so yes more statistically likely that they would be attractive. Try watching Japanese or Chinese documentaries. Girls like in the OP pic are the top 1% of women there
This has been scientifically proven already.
East Asians retain child like features more than other ethnicities as they age (flat faces, disproportionate head to body ratio, lack of body hair etc). These features trigger your natural instincts to protect and nurture them.
Ok you can like Asian girls but to say all white women are ugly is just disingenuous
>East Asians retain child like features more than other
That's not a good thing
you know how white chicks have that passive-aggressive personality culture around them
the same goes for asian chicks, except instead of passive-aggressive, it's excitement and awe.
what im trying to say is it's fake
tell me more about the ways of the gook
dammit user, dont even like asian girls but your webm got to me.
why do azn girls have the qtest hair? i just want to touch them
>lack of body hair, disproportionate head to body ratio
>not a good thing
But it is though. We're not hunter-gatherers anymore.
lmao fucking weeb
asians have the worst teeth ever
>Disproportionate head to body ratio
>A good thing
Depends where you live. Where I grew up most white women were 250+ so I found black/asian women more attractive but it could be the inverse somewhere else
Japanese women > Chinese women > Korean women.
Sort of just the order I found in terms of being amenable to general interactions. And I should clarify, when I say 'Chinese Women', I'm primarily talking about ones from Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
First off, when meeting an Asian women for the first time they will make it very clear as to whether or not they like you, especially the Chinese who will just flat out tell it to your face. If you carry on in any form of relationship with them, especially with the romantic ones, they very much play a tit for tat kind of game. If you do a nice thing for her, she'll redouble it and go something nice for you as well. So say if you treat her to a nice dinner, next time, treat you to a lavish home-cooked meal.
You often carry the financial weight of your dates, but its part of the dichotomy between the provider and supporter. You're expected to work hard, but they recognize your hard work, appropriate it, and reward you accordingly. In other words, your sacrifices are usually met in turn.
Asian women are nearly as passive as some believe. If they want something they'll push for it, which actually makes communication with them and playing the 'respect game' that much easier. However, steps in relationships, ie hand holding, first kiss, etc etc, may be pushed by the woman, but needs to be initiated by the man.
hahahaha hello beta bux
Their faces may be just as ugly in the same frequency as white women, however, the fact that they're consistently not fat means more of them are attractive for that fact alone. White women can have a pretty face, but if they're too fat it won't matter.
asian girls belong to hispanic males and this triggers the ugly asian incel cuck
That's my way of thinking. What do you need a pretty face for when you have a girl with a nice personality and a body that makes you hard.
facts about my asian gf
>innie pussy
>H cup boobs
>body measurements of 40-27-40
>lets me call her mommy
What's not to love? She's beyond perfect to me.
Asian girls have neotenic features. Yellow fever sufferers are basically pedos and only want Asians because the "hot" ones look like preteens.
Asian faces are just so gross. Looks like someone smashed their face in with a frying pan.
So what, user?
not even. asian faces look like somebody designed them after rice cookers.
It's always just overly flat faces with childish cheeks and ugly eyes
Too true, user. No woman can resist the latin charm.
They're barely human.
Its really that easy. Asian women aren't even personality *much* better than white women its just they play their part as a woman much better which is real attractive. White "women" act all "strong" wear androgynous lazy clothes talk with that vocal fry to make them sound cynical and above-it-all experienced wamen. Its gross
From personal experience, they're funnier to spend time with than white girls.
>I see Asians as much more attainable than white women, even though personal experience seems to go against that belief.
Because you spend a lot of time on Jow Forums were single, lonely posters talk about how all you need to do is breathe at one to have them worship you.
they arent even human, just a bunch of gooks, chinks, and island gooks.
dear god even if it was a boy i would fuck him over that hagbeats looking creature
because you are a weeb fag
whats a "hispanic"? is that just the pc way of saying wetback, or beaner or spic?
please continue, very neat
You're not latin. A latin is a french, portuguese, spaniard, italian or romanian.
yes asian girls love beaners
they like that big bean dick (bbd)
Beaners are actually hapas you know right?
After all where did all the Native Americans come from? Siberia/Mongolia. Fact that you're attracted to East Asians means the Mongolian genes still run strong.
the Koreans are actually Whites you know right? Hwanin, the founder of Korea was a White man, who married a female bear.
Asian women tend to be quite motherly, and will expend a great deal of time and energy concerning themselves with the well being of people they care for. For example, its common place to receive a text message or a call from them on a rainy day to check to see if you have an umbrella, or if its winter, to check to see if your dressed warmly. They put a great deal of importance on your health and well being, often going out of their way to make sure you're comfortable.
Asian women don't baby you, but they can be quite doting. Like I said, they tend to go out of their way to ensure your comfortable, to the point that it actually startles the hell out of most western guys who aren't used to receive that level of genuine concern and attention. It actually a pretty surreal feeling at first when one of them does something like presents you with a homemade lunch while you're out, or frets over a few cuts on your hands and remains stubbornly adamant about administering first aid to you themselves.
Asians fucking prize family, and if an Asian woman brings you to meet her family its pretty much the equivalent to a marriage proposal in a lot of ways. Seriously, I can't understate how important family is to Asian women, they live and die by them. If they don't live with their family, they will be talking to them or visiting them on a near daily basis.
Asian women are on another level of cuteness. White women literally can't compete on that. Nobody can debate it. However it's arguable that white women can present a more masculine regal beauty that is harder for asians to achieve. It's all preference.
I personally prefer cute asians.
regal yes
masculine no
there is no competition between Whites and non-whites. Whites win every time. Whites are sandbagging us, theyre the Elohim.
So asian women are literally beyond perfect, that's my experience too. They're incredibly loving and they make it seem they're the only women who are capable of love to the degree men can feel because they have you on their mind in those subtle ways you said like sending you texts being motherly.
>Asians fucking prize family
Except for this one flaw. I'm not big on family, don't even feel close to my own.
True Whites are the Elohim. there are many lesser whites.
I sometimes wonder if the illusion that asian girls are more attainable actually makes it so. Even if it has no original basis, if you think particular girls are easier for you, you may be more confident towards them, which girls are receptive of. Like it's a self-fulfilling thing.
Maybe this is the key to many relationships' start.
most of those girls are pretty cute desu
>asian women are literally beyond perfect.
Not quite. The cultural stuff can be a big hurdle that a lot of people can't clear. There's all the little things like personal space, manners, and smaller aspects of communication like when to talk or how often. But its more the major stuff, like the importance of family or roles in the relationship.
For instance, in the west, traditionally speaking at least, a man's home was his castle. He was the head of the family and of the house. This isn't quite true in Asian cultures. As the man, you are the head of the family, but you are not really the head of the household. By and large the woman is the head of the household. She usually handles the obvious stuff, such as the chores, but daily financial matters fall under her purview.
To give you a general idea, you work and you come home with your pay cheque. You wife then takes your pay and divides it up based on what the household needs (groceries, furniture, savings, etc), then gives you a small allowance to spend on whatever.
Now, a lot of Asian women who are willing to date or marry a whitey like myself a generally a little more open to being flexible with household responsibilities, but they will be adamant about key things.
>I'm not big on family.
Then don't date or marry an Asian, it's a package deal. I personally value family highly, so I enjoy having that close network around me.
>To give you a general idea, you work and you come home with your pay cheque. You wife then takes your pay and divides it up based on what the household needs (groceries, furniture, savings, etc), then gives you a small allowance to spend on whatever.
Nope. In a relationship and this never happened to me and never will. I wouldn't push stereotypes.
>Then don't date or marry an Asian
Not gonna happen.
>it's a package deal
They're individuals kek. Do you understand not everyone falls under your understanding of asian people? Even so, don't consider this a deal breaker imo.
Dude did you read anything I posted before? I said at the outset I was going off of my experience from interactions with people while in various Asian countries.You don't have to like my experience, but that's not going to change it. Never once did I say 'literally all Asians are exactly like this'.
In MY EXPERIENCE, Asians, both males and females, put a large emphasis on family and value their family extremely highly. I've seen countless people, Asian men and women at that, break up with their partners because either their family didn't like them, or their partner didn't like their family.
And considering all the shit I've seen with the work I've done, there is definitely a large cultural emphasis on family and inter-generational connection.
truth and quads are ignored for this long? lmao this board is a joke now
>You don't have to like my experience, but that's not going to change it.
Damn, are you a retard? Why do I care about your experience and how was that relevant to what I was saying? I was just commenting to praise on them, not asking for advice.
Aren't those basically the normies of asians though? How would a robot the robot equivalent of an asian be?
hey man just want to say appreciate your comments in this thread and don't worry about the other weird guy
Ugly sexpat literally going to another country to find a girlfriend because he was rejected in his home country kek
thanks, based SexChad. may you colonize meni tight pussi
>Asian countries didn't exactly go through the same period of female emancipation, empowerment, and sexual 'liberation', that the West underwent. As a result Asian women didn't undergo the devaluation and deconstruction of femininity and the family that Western women went through. In other words, Asian women haven't 'unsexed' themselves.
So you're completely unaware of the situation in Japan where the population is literally dropping because women aren't having enough children, opting to work instead.
The average out of 10 is like 3 points higher than this than it would be in a similar pic of white girls.
>higher than this
in this*
>Asians, both males and females, put a large emphasis on family and value their family extremely highly.
Single young people with no plans to have children are at a historical high in Japan.
Clearly you weren't aware of what you said either.
Anytime. I'm just not a fan of the 'hur dur Asian girlz are perfect' attitude I tend to see a lot of in threads like these. Likewise with the reverse attitude as well.
Are Asian women more feminine than western women, I'd say yes, absolutely. But the fine print to that is they come from a much different culture. The reality is many people can't actually bridge that cultural divide and don't have any relationship success in other countries.
Those fuckers are some of the worst people. They damage the reputation of foreigners who go to those countries just to vacation or do business. The only godsend is that they aren't as prolific as they're made out to be.
Yes, I'm well aware. Japan is the most 'western' of the three I mentioned. That being said, a large part of the problem is that women in Japan want to marry, but can't find many men to marry.
Women work, but they want their husbands to make more money than them. Men don't want to work extra hours, so they don't, and simply opt to avoid relationships with women. Men simply view it as a bad value proposition. Is it women's fault? Yup. But men aren't entirely blameless either.