A quale bambino lo dareste Jow Forums?

A quale bambino lo dareste Jow Forums?

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teach the kids the share and tell kid c to fuck off

Also kids don't talk like that

anything but B is commie-tier

>Buy the flute design from 'B' class children
>Put into mass production with factories manned by 'C' Class children.
>Sell to 'A' class children at a 600% markup


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Child B obviously. Every other answer is bait.

Kid C because fuck roasties
Any other answer get the fuck off my board

B. B is the rightful owner.
inb4 commies say C

why can't they share you blithering dogmatic?

joke: give to child c
broke: woke: A
bespoke: the material conditions in this society are clearly unhuman, given how unfair of a disadvantage C has already from his childhood that even a simple handmade flute with materials likely collected from old broken toys is seen as property of high value to him.
also, why would B make a flute if she can not play it? the only two answers would be to
a) give it to someone who wants to play
b) sell it to the market for pay
given that she is a child, it is absurd to claim the latter, but for the sake of argument most instrument makers have a true passion for their hard work and they would gladly give it to a player to see their hard work come to fruition.

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It's A, Howard Roark didn't own all the buildings he built dipshits, B is the most commie answer of all

she made it to do whatever she wants to do with it
then a "psychologist" took it from her to make an absurd hypothetical situation

anything but b is bait here, but the real question is is this real? do people really think anything but b is fair?

if your awnser was A you are either capitalist, Meritocrat or fascist.
if your awnser was B you are most likely a national socialist, strasserist, open markt communist or any form of political anarchist.
if your awnser was C you are either a liberal, a social democrat, a champagne glass socialist, a humanist or a woman.

it's like saying the guy at mcdonald's should get a bite of your whopper and some fries outcho bag

we are given no context but what if b made the flute from the skeletons of child c's dead worker's union leader parents who her father murdered?

But he paid for their use rightfully
A can agree to use B's flute as well

If you are capitalist you'd think the ideal scenario would be B selling it to A, but it still belongs to B initially.


This. How can females own property if they themselves are property

what? we assume the best we can from what we're given
that means we presume b made it fair and square

how in the hell are there people that think anyone other deserves it? i just googled a bit, and it's generally accepted on those links i visited, that all answers are good, depending on your view etc.

HOW IN THE HELL is anything but b a good answer? if b want to give it to a or c then she will
or she wont, she will burn it or whatever
its her decision, what is going on in this world?

>most people picking B

B made the flute with her time, money and talent. Therefore it's hers to decide what to do with, not mine

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The premise is flawed
why does C want a fucking flute of all things? how is a child able to make a flute by herself? (unless it is a simple flute, in which case it does not take a lot of time to learn it, which makes A's case pointless)
It is just some dumb scenario designed to bring about pointless discussion, a distraction from the true matters. People who do not see this are the real losers.

How the fuck can you say anything other than B? B is LITERALLY the rightful owner of the flute, of course it should be given to her. This is basic common sense. A or C is basically stealing.

B. The "FLUTE" made by B is probably a piece of fucking garbage, honestly. A would be disappointed that it plays like shit and it would twist C's life into thinking all flutes are like that. Keep your bullshit twig wittled with holes, B. You're not a professional crafter + wind instrument maker

I give them all the skin flute.

He was paid to build them though. If A paid B then all would be fine.