Top ten movies

Top ten movies

Make your lists

Citizen Kane
2001: a Space Odyssey
Lawrence of Arabia
The Exorcist
The Godfather
Cidade de Deus (City of God)
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Grave of the Fireflies

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1. There will be blood
Every Tarantino movie
The good, the bad and the ugly
Apocalypse Now
Taxi Driver

I don't watch movies very often but I'll try.

Empire Strikes Back
Full Metal Jacket
Taxi Driver
Blade Runner 2049
Lars and the Real Girl
The Man From Earth
Under the Skin
The Thing(1982)
Princess Mononoke

I'm mostly just a guy who plays timewaster vidya, I find it hard to get into things with a huge time investment like a movie or even regular games with campaigns and stuff.

Also, list of worst movies
1. Inception
2. Inception
3. Inception
4. ...

>The Killing of a Sacred Deer
>Requiem for a Dream
>Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
>American Beauty
>Shutter Island
>Synecdoche, New York

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shit, I can't do this
I have like five more movies I wanted to add
top 20 is feasible, but 10 is too few

why do people like space odyssey?
i thought it was fucking terrible

>I looked up "good movies" on reddit
Also, fuck Wes Anderson


acceptable for a casual moviegoer

It's mostly a waste of potential, you can see where Nolan wanted to go with it, but wasn't allowed to.

Weirdly schiziophrenic

It's the definite Kubrick film, in a way. It very emblematic of his style and it's just slightly experimental. You also, like with Shining, see him turning basically nothing into something truly great. I understand why it is an uncontroversial choice for "this is one of my favorite films"

His best one is obviously Dr. Strangelove, though.

>fuck Wes Anderson

But not Paul Thomas Anderson.

>Seven Samurai
>Gran Torino
>The Departed
>Catch Me If You Can
>There Will Be Blood
>Special mention: LOTR trilogy

>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>Apocalypse Now
>No Country For Old Men
>Das Boot
>Lord of the Rings(whole trilogy)
>Inherent Vice
>Thin Red Line
>Clockwork Orange
>Reservoir Dogs

1. Tokyo Story
2. The Passion of Joan of Arc
3. Breathless
4. The Mirror
5. Au hasard Balthazar
6. Dr. Strangelove
7. Ugetsu monogatari
8. The Seventh Seal
9. Aguirre: The Wrath of God
10. Ikiru

yeah, a lot of my films have surreal elements in common

What about The Seventh Seal?

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So what are your favourite movies fucking bitch

I like Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift

clearly we have a winner here

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New Baywatch is better it teaches about responsibility, beautiful movie

Irony is the refuge of a coward.

I strongly suggest you watch Lin's magnum opus, it's a genuinely great film.

Fast and Furious teaches you about the value of friendship, to not deal with the mafia and that driving cars really fast and sideways solves all your problems.

Femanon here
1. Star Wars series (the best!)
2. Avengers
3. Friends
4. The Office
5. Soprano Family - it's about Mafia
6. Inception
7. 2012
8. Baywatch (old is better desu)
9. Lord of the Ring
10. Hobbit

Top 3 since I don't really watch many movies. The first 2 have fantastic soundtracks and are my favorite background noise. Clue is just a really fun and entertaining movie.


I prefer the Jewish Harvard grad-directed first.

>someone will actually think this is real

1. Borat,
2. Borat,
3. Borat,
4. Borat,
5. Borat,
6. Borat,
7. Borat,
8. Borat,
9. Borat,
10. Borat.

Fuck you bitch, go suck some dick.

>someone actually thinks someone will think this is real

why not watch point break, though.
Fast and Furious only gets interesting with (and after) Tokyo Drift.

are you literally oblivious to Poe's Law being in effect 24/7 online?

i like your taste brother

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Strictly kino-tier, not sure about the order though
1- Hana-bi
2- Suspiria
3- Magnolia
4- Leaving Las Vegas
5- Martin
6- Kairo
7- Cross of Iron
8- Jigoku
9- Visitor Q
10- Le samourai

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Top 10 is hard so ill say my top 3
>End of Evangelion
>A Clockwork Orange
Suspiria is exceptional, great choices
Good choices, good taste
Haven't seen most of these but you seem cool as well

>Synecdoche, New York
Absolutely patrician, didn't expect to see it here.
Here's a (you) for Ikiru.

Your Name
V for Vendetta
Return of the Jedi
A Silent Voice
Forest Gump
Fight Club
The Empire Strikes Back

>Lawrence of arabia
What a snoozefest

Only the ones that nobody mentioned:
Mr Nobody
12 Monkeys
Upstream Colour
12 Tzameti
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Donnie Darko
Lost Highway
Jacob's Ladder