late night lidl shopping for cheap scrumpy, edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>can't hear out of left ear
>all that's left is the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from years of listening to music and playing games with my headphones up full blast
turn down your volume, lads
i'm going to kill myself
> domain
What the FUCK is that?
Very scary trips lads. Hold me.
>If you're 555 then i'm 666
All screamo bands sound like this yes or no?
its going to fail, 4channel is just going to get spammed with child porn and racism and it will get black listed again
stupid fucking nip moot
you are a beautiful man and i love you
*teleports behind you*
*gives you a quick hug*
now off to the scrumpy cave
*teleports off to lidl*
iktf my left is fucked but i can still hear out of it just not as good as right ear also when i clean my left ear i get the EEEEEE and hear my pulse
what do?
i heard it could be many things and some can't be fixed
It's basically splitting the site in two. All the SFW boards will be abandoned.
/v/ and [a/ will be dead. What does that mean for the rest of us?
Might have a early night, been awake since 5 and slaved hard
Lee Anthony Hoyland struggling to carry 2 overloaded suitcases into the lobby of the Grand Hotel Scarborough
yeah do it user. you deserve it
tinnitus has no cure.
where the fuck am i meant to meet cute boys now
Cheers lad! Feel a bit better now!
Think I'll make myself a sandwich desu
Reminder that when you get ill, this is what your immune system is doing
>Goku=Your White Blood Cells
>Freiza= Cold/Flu Medicine
>Android 18= Painkillers
Got another interview lined up
It's a video interview
Need to sort out a webcam
>Need to sort out a webcam
careful lad, remember what happened last time you did that?
>careful lad, remember what happened last time you did that?
got a job lads.
2200 a month after the tax man cucks me.
Good wage pal. Lend us a score. Thanks.
Yes it does it depends on the cause of it
What's the job Poley-san?
Better not be some kind of paki job.
can't hear you over my tinnitus what did you say?
Lee Anthony Hoyland going on a pilgrimage to the Banbury Cross because of his favourite nursery rhyme 'ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross'
Lee Anthony Hoyland going to the Purple Mango in Banbury after reading an online review and being disappointed that he wasn't offered any sexual services with his meal.
call centre but it's a higher end one
now worries lad
lidl was empty so that made me feel good. fuck crowds.always going 30 min before closing now
only thing was waiting at the till a min but shouted SHOP and a lidler came running
Lidl is a very OwO and UwU place for shopping~! :3
If you're dating a girl is it unreasonable to get upset that she's dating other guys at the same time?
How high class would you say it is?
Is it the Strada of call centers or more of a Jamie's Italian?
does that mean cheap?
that's my favourite part. 2.79 for 4 cans of scrumpy is good
Depends how many times you've gone out. If you've gone out twice and she's still meeting up with other guys then just stop getting in touch with her. It's unreasonable to be a baby about it and throw a tantrum but if she was that into you then she wouldn't be meeting other guys.
>call centre
>higher end
i'd be a little bit miffed tbqh if we'd been on multiple dates and she was still meeting up with other guys
I did it, I stayed awake all day. Tomorrow I will have a normie sleeping pattern, be depressed and miserable and not be able to enjoy night time britfeel.
It's more than reasonable to dump her the second you find that out
Drop her you dumb cuck
>tfw getting psychologist to write a letter so uni stop expecting me to turn up
Desperate days. I wish my life would get better but it never does
It's a high class call center mate. Don't you know anything?
It's 4 dates in, we slept together after the 4th but she said it was too soon and she's been a bit distant since. Still talking but it doesn't feel the same. She said she's not but that she doesn't mind if I do and that that's normal to her.
I've already asked about going exclusive but she's hesitant and says it's moving too fast. I made it clear that I was committed to her.
Not sure if she really does want to take it slow or if she's trying to slow fade.
She's not unless she's lying to me. And she doesn't seem the type. Really sweet girl, really inexperienced.
So she's not seeing other lads then? What exactly is the issue?
Pull back a bit lad, you shouldn't be the one asking about exclusivity anyway. You're offering her it on a plate when it should be something she is desperate for. Sounds like you're coming on way too strong too fast.
Yes I am. I need this to work, I've told her I want to lock her down before anyone else does.
Four dates and she doesn't want to be exclusive. To me that sounds like she never wants to be. She is keeping her options open.
I would say drop it before you get hurt. Depends on you though.
Anyone like citybuilding games?
Also nice satan digits
what positions did you do?
Sounds like you're acting mental lad. Lock her down? She's pulling away because you're pushing in too hard. Lean back and you might just save it. Push in and you're toast.
never pIayed 1 desu.
We didn't manage to have sex, she's too petite.
She couldn't even give me a handjob, but she seemed to enjoy herself so I thought it went well. I think she's having second thoughts.
Ok. I'll ease off. Give her some space and time to think it over. I hate these mind games. I have been waiting until she messages me recently, and she still does. So that's something at least.
Still reckon we should all do our bit and whack a cunt with kids
Lee Anthony Hoyland walking around the link Longford park development looking for a house to relocate to
Well that's a good sign mate, slow it right down and just meet up with her when she asks to and try to have a good time. No heavy conversations, just fun.
no britfeel radio
shame I was going to come on for a laff
me? would rather live in a tent
time to smack the john thomas
Don't know why people are hesitant about going exclusive. If you like someone and get on with them then i reckon you should give it a go. if it doesn't work out when you are in a relationship then just break up init.
This is basically my point. If she doesn't want to go exclusive then clearly she doesn't like you that much.
You should be going exclusive after the second date.
Top comfyness, mate.
Because everybody in the western world wants to shag as much as they can
you should be doing anal on the first date.
>Pushing women into commitment before they decide themselves that they want it
Makes you look like a low value male mate. Stinks of desperation and lack of options.
Women want to be with a guy who has chosen specifically to be with them from a lot of different options.
If a girl doesn't agree to rim you in the disabled toilets on the first date then just move on, she's clearly not that into you.
Alright I'm off to bed now while I can still listen to the rain, good night lads
It doesn't take that long to decide if you like someone or not.
Only if you're desperate and you'll like anyone. Takes time to get to know someone.
good wage lad, what is it you are doing?
on par with stardew valley and minecraft?
might have a look into 1
I've put 4 other girls on hold but I can hardly tell her that because it'll upset her and make it sound like I'm some kind of fuckboy.
You don't need to tell her anything lad. Just keep spending time with her and if you're both having a good time and there's a physical connection then she'll be the one asking you to commit.
Lee Anthony Hoyland raping Ziggy in the arse whilst yelling "LAKASEH MUH COCKSNA GOODUN."
>spends 60% of the day listening to the same 15 songs and fantasising about being in really cool social situations that will never happen
Try out starbound lad. Brilliant comfy game
Exactly. And now a days you are constantly talking to the bird through text or chatting on the phone for hours before the second date so you probably know each other fairy well.
>Makes you look like a low value male mate.
projection that though init. You might want to go exclusive because you don't get on with any other birds you have on the side.
>>spends 60% of the day listening to the same 15 songs and fantasising about being in really cool social situations that will never happen
I get you lad. Always banging on some math rock pretending im in a band or synthwave and pretend im a blade runner or something
What kinda cool stuff do you think of?
i know that feel lad, probably more than half my day goes on it too, a few hours non-stop before bed
Me? I listen to slam metal all day and zone out.
>talking to myself a lot more
>have to look around just to make sure no one was looking at me
I'm getting worse lads
looking at it now
thanks user
i do this at work now i do it so much at home. got a catto to talk to at home though, so i'm not totally bonkers
Me too. i have no one to talk with now a days,no one bothers with me. its sending me scatty as fuck.
Yeah racked up about 15 hours worth of telephone calls over the time we've been dating.
So lads what does this new domain change actually mean? What will change
>2200 a month after the tax man cucks me.
Try 6400. LOL
>tfw richest self-made britfeel poster
That is a lot of time. If you are not sure after talking with someone for that long, dating them and constant texting, then i just dont know. I don't understand people
my earliest inspiration to /nightwalk/, hows your evening going laddos?
Usually I'm belting out a really beautiful song on acoustic guitar in my highschool talent show. I left highschool 5 years ago... I'm really cool in my daydreams user...things could have been so different :'(
You're still young though things can still be different. I believe in you lad
going alrightish. just waiting for my wage to go in bank so i can get some stuff ordered. advent calendar and presents then will see how little i'm left with
Good night lads. I'm gonna get high and listen to Alan Watts. It's a great cope
you've got to admire sacked civil engineer. despite being more mentally ill than tim, he still holds down a full time, demanding yet responsible job.
he's a roll model basically
Probably won't kill myself lads but might end up losing my mind to mental health problems.
The fact is, lads. I'm going to kill you all with my 7 inch wide penis. The call me the letterbox tickler.
If you do can you stream it? You would be a britfeel legend if you did
hands are getting fucking torn up at my damn job, my fingers look like the have been rubbed on a grater
always handy to do an anonymous post to get rid of the trip eh lad. saves fuck ups on later posts eh
Thanks fren :')
I bet your synthwave band is awesome. I'll visit you in my next daydream