Virgin and Chad edition
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Virgin and Chad edition
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>tfw no wholesome bf that isn't sex obsessed.
Go back to LGBT dude, tired of seeing this shit.
>you have your own board for a reason.
3rd for wanting small scandinavian boy
>tfw no subby bitchboy bf to feed loads to while he slurps my fat cock
How's your night going fellow virgins?
my hair is bothering me.
>tfw no ben shaprio bf to DESTROY my boihole
is there any hope for me bots
>big dick
>knick nic knack paddy whack give a dog a bone
>people prefer slender pretty boys now
Just came home from work, about to play some vidya and then go to bed.
would be better if iwas talking to him but i'm scared to message him
>people prefer slender pretty boys now
Watch your language young man!
Don't pretend you aren't desirable if what you listed is real. Now quit being a fag and post location so I can see if we can realistically hold hands and get gay married.
Going to bed, no bf that sleeps with me
where are you originally from senpai!
fuck, anyon. you didnt have to remind me :c
im going to bed too...
This is too cute and I need you to stop it because you're too far away to ever be my bf.
dont be sad user, we can all cuddle and cure our loneliness together
where are you user?
no, we cant. if we could cuddle, we wouldn't be lonely.
>"is there anyone out there who likes my muscles and will take my girth"
Yeah, no hope for you
Yep, pretty hopeless
All those qualities and still an virgin
all out of luck buddy
no chance
I want real love not roleplaying
shut the fuck up sweden user no one will ever love you
why did you also give me an (You)?
as i thought this place has declined
No need to rub the truth on me
Why not
I'm from the US and I am completely certain that you're from the EU.
He's looking for a polygamous relationship.
Somewhere in the vicinity of Lake Ontario.
No, hell no. Ew ew ew.
didn't these threads have a zeemaps?
...I guess that's a reason.
c-correct. sorry anyon :(
they should have one! too bad it freezes after 100 visits unless someone pays for it. (or something like that)
Come to the america so I can love you!
I would if I could anyon
im from eu too cute user c: i can hug you now!
You can and I'm telling you to do it so you better listen!
one of these is a dirty croat
How do you know this? Very curious
All these threads and still no asexual bf.
Don't knock it till you try it!
It's funny how people are mean to people they have crushes on
>be europoor from the alpine region
>everyone is a homophobic lumberjack
>when firing up dating apps, there's like a dozen of people tops, without picture because they're scared of lumberjacks in a 150 km radius
>life is pain
previous thread when you posted with the same kind of pictures while stating you were a croat, duh
Be a good boy and listen to me, you are not going to find a bf unless you come to the america and love me.
anyon you dont really know me, I think you are rushing a little
>all these uguu anime reaction images
i wish i had someone to talk to outside these threads
I know enough, trust me. Stop playing hard to get!
I could talk to you outside this thread user. God a contact?
I can talk to you.
OwO anyon meow meow!
you guys better shut your traps. don't make me shoot God damn it!
you do you anyon, im going to bed for reals now.
>tfw he doesn't like me back
Its trannies that shit up the board. Not us.
>ywn feel the warm embrace of another boy
Just hug your dad
sure, why not. cealgreen#4240
thank you, i would only want to talk to one person at a time though.
>boo fucking hoo r9gay isn't the comfort zone it used to beee
hah, yeah, sure thing.
That's not the same
I want it to be another boy my age that loves me
tfw this cutie user isnt going to bed with me :C
Me too user.
t. anime girl poster
me three user
t. anime girl poster
Let's return to fundamentals and get this thread back on track
people don't usually post porn here though
How about you don't.
based and redpilled
Niggers should hang
Fascist homo reich when?
>tfw no national socialist bf
Why aren't we talking out of the thread then fellow anime girl poster?
>being mean to black people again
that's tired.
user, where are you? What's up?
>fucked up again cause I'm socially retarded
>saved by my good guy boss
>tfw no nazi catboy bf
It's not my fault niggers are inferior
Oh my god please leave
Being black is okay, as long as you know your place and submit to the white master race as an anal and oral receptacle.
because i am nervous and bad at talking ;^;
>Where are you?
Not much though listening to music what about you user?
Looks like we have similar tastes politically. Got a contact?
Oh, shit Poland?
Haha, you're going to believe this. I'm from the US. Yikes.
But hey, I'm listening to music too. Tell me what kind of music. We can be friends, right?
where's the jannie that deletes racist posts in these threads when i need him?
i don't get this though.
This is why homos need to be hanged
They clearly are deranged mentally ill with fantasies like these.
Ha I'm not all that surprised a lot of anons are far from me but we can still be friends yes.
>tell me what kind of music
Vocaloid metal. What kind are you listening to american user?
because incels are perfectly sane
It's alright I'm sure we can figure out a way to communicate. If I was a social person myself I wouldn't be here desu.
hello, has my eurobeat boyfriend showed up yet?
Alright cool, add me on Discord.
MaxEffort#4378 Also, what the fuck is vocaloid metal? When you add me please send a link to a song. I am interested.
why is eurobeat the most annoying and disgusting music
you may have a point there user, we can talk elsewhere if you'd like~ do you have a discord or throwaway?
>because incels
>a lot of anons are far from me
I'm pretty close.
hello? yeah, this is wrong, thanks
>live in a place where there has been plenty of robots somewhat near me
>too lacking in personality or resolve to connect with anyone
you just proved my point thanks
Are you close to Poland user?
i just want an average face but fit bf
This is the guy who makes those gay interracial threads
One of the neighboring countries, yes.
socks are really hot.
>being gay and racist
You are ironically disgusting and i hope you get raped and catch aids
>One of the neighboring countries, yes.
Do you mind posting your contact user?