This teen girl Alexia Chrissy-Marie Noble-Hazelwood had a really shitty life:

This teen girl Alexia Chrissy-Marie Noble-Hazelwood had a really shitty life:

> Says she was constantly raped by her dad for years when she was a young girl.
> Police did nothing.
> Gets in car with drunk boyfriend driving on Friday night, she's also drunk and doesn't put on her seatbelt.
> Cops start high-speed chase with boyfriend, he wrecks the car.
> Alexia gets ejected through the windshield, dies on impact.
> Boyfriend turns himself in and gets name suppression and closed court hearings, everything in his favor at the expense of justice for the dead girl.

Kinda puts your problems into perspective, doesn't it?

Attached: 41979384796793.jpg (1080x1350, 779K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's another picture of Alexia. She just had some of the worst possible luck in life.

Attached: 42080357358936.jpg (1080x1350, 645K)

worst luck?

Haha get fucked roastie, I hope she didn't actually instantly die. I hope she suffered.

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>dead roastie
kek nice, and she deserved everything she went through anyway. looks like some worthless american slut

You must be really fucking stupid to not know what .nz means. kys

Yes, considering she was apparently raped nonstop when she was young and then sent flying through a windshield.

Attached: 45002948098325.jpg (1080x810, 337K)

eh, still looks like a worthless american slut

Kinda qt, I'd rape her too

You keep saying she was raped like this is your fetish. You haven't shown anything to prove that happened. All I see is dumb drunk kids fucking their lives up.

Thanks for the bait.

i think this is a fetish thread for op

>get in a car with drunk ass driver
>not wearing seatbelt

Justice was served fully

atleast she wasn't born ugly like me

100% the driver is a Maori. That's why they didn't release his name. Slut was getting blacked by an ethnic. She deserves to die. Worthless roastie.

She wrote on social media about how her dad raped her. There was a thread on Jow Forums where the link was posted. Let me find it

>slut does slutty things and reaps what she sows
wow so sad
Sluts say a lot of things user, that doesnt mean they are true. Case in point: metoo.

>kinda puts your problems into perspective, doesn't it?
no, just because someone is having it way worse than me doesn't mean shit.. an african children is having it way worse than her, therefore she shouldn't be allowed to complain about her life.
an aborted baby was having it way worse than her because it didn't had the chance to experience life. at least she lived for a while and she should be grateful for it.
off yourself

>no name of bf listed
Her boyfriend wasn't white, was he?

i've once seen a video of an interview where some girl jumped out of her apartment window because her father have seen some texts on her phone, she became tetraplegic

Found the link:

True, she could have been lying about it.

She's a typical whitebread roastie. Of course she's lying.

That's sad. Hopefully she finds peace.

It isnt a contest who has it worst you fucking special snoflakes, it doesnt make you a better person, it isnt a criterium of anything you fucking retards.

Get fucked roastie.
I bet she lied about the rape.

I got like three fucking sentences in and cant do it.
I swear she must be lying.

>> Gets in car with drunk boyfriend driving on Friday night
that's not "luck" it's a choice

she could have chosen another boyfriend, and not died

fuck off shithead

>hyphenated name
Nothing of value was lost

Excellent that she died.
Too bad she never have any of us decent men a try. She'd be alive. Not bad luck. Stupid decisions got her killed.

At least she didn't have to die as a virgin.

Wow, grammar is not her strong suit.