What a classic

What are some of your favourite raids?

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Throne of Thunder

Do you guys still do raids? Just checking

haven't done one in too long

I'd like to make one

could you pray for muh penis?

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you realise the jesus chatline itself is a joke

Because people kept trying to have Jow Forums raid anyone they didn't like, the "Not Your Personal Army" meme was born. Of course, newfags latched onto that and spammed at anything asking Jow Forums to do anything. Now we never do anything.

Can't beat the classic Habbo raids.

It's been twelve years.

This. Nypa fags killed a lot of the fun from /b/

>It's been twelve years
mfw i still haven't left this site and turned my life around for all those years

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Steven died a few days ago to cancer. His name is Jason Walkow, google it.

Steven is dead, guys.
Please be respectful.

Dude I'm actually so sad to see this

Found out from /b/ last night. It's sad as fuck.

All our fun and power gone because of Hiroshimoot. I swear, taking away raids, giving power to sissies. What's next? Paying to be able to post?

I'll never forget when you couldn't contain your laughter and had to go off screen to laugh.

"I hope you get beaten like a beagle gets beaten by a nigger."

RIP Steven

Should we create a discord to organize this? Get a date down as well

I wasn't apart of it but I think the /b/ raid of raiding tumblr and making rayciss edits of Steven Universe characters wasn't that long ago right? Probably a few years ago now but not as long as the Jesus chat lines

Set up a discord then and we can discuss how to do this shit

Not a bad idea


https //discord gg/QmTYrg
Spread the word faggots. We are going to return to habbo.