Why do you guys think you're the only ones with problems?

Why do you guys think you're the only ones with problems?

>25, F, virgin
>never had a boyfriend
>never had friends
>if I'm not working, I don't talk to anyone or even leave the house
>today I didn't work, I literally didn't say a word out loud
>mental illnesses

Why do you think I "live life on easy mode"? Why every time I happen to bring up my gender on here you REEE at me autistically like I don't deserve a place in the sad people club?

>inb4 obese
No, I'm thin and kinda pretty.

I don't want a boyfriend, I'm not giving contact info.

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can you at least give proof you're really female?

But we WANT significant others. You don't. Therein lies the difference.

>Why do you think I "live life on easy mode"?
Because you could get a bf in no time, even if you were a homeless obese drug adicts. Why? Because you have a puccy.
Now gtfo

> F
PCHOW! Begone, larper.

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I'd just get a bunch of orbiters off a thread like this, I'm not interested.

I don't post pictures of myself online as a rule, you'll have to trust me.

Nigga just shoot up a school

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Because you ARE living life on easy mode, but for some reason youre so retarded youre not pressing any buttons.
You could receive companionship whenever you please, without putting in any work, you just don't.

So what? Just because I could hypothetically get a boyfriend (never happened in 25 years, but hey) my life is easy? Do you not have any problem that isn't the fact that you can't get laid?
That sounds pretty easy to me.


At least made me reply.

>I literally never found anyone willing to be my companion or that I genuinely clicked with
>I don't think my life would be perfect if I had a boyfriend

Being single and virgin, and even lonely really, isn't my main problem.
Can't I just fucking post here without some moron insulting me every 3 minutes if I mention, by chance, that I'm a girl?

So what fucking problems do you have?

Nibba suck dick on street

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Mental issues and kind of severe health issues that cause chronic pain.

U on r9k
If you wanna talk about your feelings go on fuckin tumbur bitch

Gonna have to be more specific senpai.
What mental issues? What health issues?

I'm more of a robot than half the 15 year old virgin summer fags whose only problem in life is that they didn't get their dick sucked yet, but I can't say anything on here because a bunch of faggots are going to post pepes shooting at me if I happen to mention my gender?

I have major depression. Very severe, non-responsive to anti depressants.
Probably some other problems but I refused to go to a psychiatrist after I turned 18.

I unironically have Lupus, in a pretty aggressive form.

>no timestamp pics
either proving women are retarded or a tranny

>No, I'm thin and kinda pretty.
>I don't want a boyfriend, I'm not giving contact info.

Because you smell and reject all the men u talk to

Maybe you are not as pretty as you think? And total mutes dont get all the benefits either

I haven't talked to a guy who wasn't my relative or someone doing their job in maybe 2 years.
I smell nice, I shower every day and wear nice perfume everyone compliments me on.

Fuck of LARPing bitch

>i'm thin and pretty
>i don't even want a boyfriend
>i just want attention because i didn't get enough

you're not really giving the "you women are all the same" crowd any reason to change their mind about you, huh?

because you come off as cunty op and you dont put yourself out there

>We've got a live one over here!

>target neutralized

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Dress like a slut and go out to the pub. Have drink and sit and look how guys will be asking you to join your table. You're welcome.

If you don't even want a bf then most of your "problems" are not actually a problem.

>I don't know, can you?


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Age, height, skin color, weight, location?

I am not the prettiest, but I'm not ugly. A 6/10 probably. I have a nice body.

I just know that the comments would have been
>You're obese
>Here's my contact info

I don't care about that. You can leave if you don't want to give me attention.

I don't care about finding a boyfriend, it's not the solution to my problems. I don't care about getting fucked.

If the most horrible thing that ever happened to you was that you never got your cock wet, you're the one living your life on easy mode.

Pretty lazy bait desu

hey, that looks like me user.

You're listing that you're a virgin and never had a boyfriend which shouldn't be a problem if you don't want a bf in the first place.

It's not my main one, no.
I'd like to have one, eventually. I'm not getting one off a thread like this.

> never had friends
Why are you like this user? It's honestly impossible for a female not to have any friends, why don't you have any? Even the most autistic robots befriend each other, what is your excuse?

female friend is an oxymoron and women are incapable of friendship with each other
women cant be friends with men either since all men want to fuck you and then talk about you behind youre back and say what a dumb slut you are
thus women cannot have friends and women cannot be friends to other people. women arent human

Getting a bf would solve literally your entire list of "problems", except for maybe your mental illness.

if you have a nice body and a not ugly face, you're a mid to high 7 at least

>If the most horrible thing that ever happened to you was that you never got your cock wet, you're the one living your life on easy mode.

your problems as you've stated them, are that you don't go outside and you have nobody to talk to, maybe go outside and talk to people? Those aren't hard problems to fix, since you're not ugly, people will want to talk to you even if you're uninteresting. If you were ugly, you would have to give conversation more dynamic and interesting than looking at you would be unpleasant. Getting your dick wet is the universal balm for existing. Guys living in New Delhi slums are happy when they get their dick wet, don't pretend to understand what it means to a guy, and we won't pretend to understand how crushed you feel by not having any reason to hear the sound of your own voice.

I like the IDF costume fag. Glad to see that you are a soldier for the jews.
Fucking update the meme fags

Was extremely sheltered as a kid due to my health issues, when I went to school girls bullied me harshly and guys talked to me just because they hoped I'd suck their cock.

if you dont want a bf why are you complaining?

So you want a boyfriend, but not from the Internet. Correct?

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>lists not ever having a bf under problems
>says she doesn't want a bf


This is true.
Women who get fucked regularly and actually get off have less stress in life.
Orgasms can heal cancer, thats a fact

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How will it solve my medical issues? I literally can't walk some days, I doubt that applying dick topically is going to stop make me hurt.

Not from a thread like this.
Jow Forums is literally my only social interaction, and I'm fucking dismissed every time I try to talk to someone just because I'm a girl.
I feel like a bitch for making a thread like this and complaining, but I'm tired. What I'd get from a thread like this is orbiters, which I don't care for.

I do go outside when I work and to work out, no one talks to me. I'm not uninteresting as a person, I have hobbies and interests.

I also have further problems, mostly medical ones.

Some of us have plenty of issues as well as the no gf. And it's not about muh sex, it's about understanding that you will never experience love, which is a pretty big deal in life. The women hate is just a meme, it's like kids teasing each other, it's not that serious. Cheer up, toastie.

How will you know if you don't try it?
Also it still solves most of your other issues, so I don't see why you wouldn't go for it anyway.

you know there are >fembot threads you can post in

or you could simply just not say that you're a fembot if you don't want orbiters, and if you want to say >tfw no bf, just say gf instead.

I'll never experience love either, and I'm even kind of fine with it.
I don't dismiss the problems of other robots, I just wish they didn't constantly dismiss mine and I could post on here since this is the most social interaction I get most days.

But you DO want a boyfriend, right?

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I rarely say I'm a girl unless it's pertinent, in this case I had to say it because otherwise it'd make no sense.

Because I have a complex, rare, chronic, debilitating syndrome that can't be solved with love and dick, user.
I also haven't met anyone I clicked with, and don't want to fuck randos.

I'd like to have one, yes.

Half the posts here are about not being able to get laid / gf. Everyone knows any girl who doesn't look like a complete dumpster fire can get some guy to provide for her. If that's not something you're interested in then that's your problem. Still doesn't change the fact that you have something no one else here has.

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> female friend is an oxymoron
I would agree with you that females seem like the worst bullies, but I see it all the time user.
> all men want to fuck you
pretty sure she can befriend a at least one beta who cares.

> health issues
If you wouldn't mind sharing, what were/are your health issues?

If love and dick can't solve it, nothing can.
But that would still make it easier living with it.

Nobody here told you to fuck randos.

your point ITT being "why are only boys allowed to have problems here?" right?

The reason for that nobody wants the orbiters around. Your reason for not wanting to post as a female is precisely the reason female problems aren't welcome here. Satisfied?

I will never understand why people dont trust therapy. I know that some people can't open up about themselves, but I just see that as small potatoes when it comes to potential help.

I have Lupus. Very juvenile onset, so the symptoms are horrible and very harsh.

>pretty sure she can befriend a at least one beta who cares.
Never happened, really. "Betas" only got mad when I didn't want to fuck them.

so why don 't you try out some other hobbies? do stuff that interests you and try to share it with other people?
Hell I've been / i'm still kind of sitting in the same boat as you, but we have everything ahead of us.
For me doing some origami + reading good books (look on /lit/ for recommendations) as well as going out for photography helped ALOT in forming a "personality". Of cours everyone has stuff going on in their lives, but only few do something besides Netflix or going out with friends.

If you don't have friends to go out with, you have to look out for opportunities to raise your overall happiness.
My next step was to self improve (doing exercises and reading about stuff that interests me). So while i became Jow Forums my knowledge on various topics also increased (such as Math and Physics, what i'm also studying right now).
Now i'm a Jow Forums autistic guy who can talk with people about interesting topics, but lacks the motivation to do so in most cases - since i'm still anti social as fuck. I prefere comfy days at home reading a book or playing terraria over any student party (which happen to be every week apparently).
Well i can only wish you the best of my luck for your journey thorugh Life. Godspeed Femanon (and also every other user in this Thread

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Went to therapy for 5 years, didn't help me much so when it was up to me to decide I sopped going.

Can't you bash the orbiters and the attentionwhores instead of people genuinely just trying to make a fucking conversation?

>If love and dick can't solve it, nothing can.
That's the point of chronic illnesses, I guess.

Why don't you give it a try then when you have nothing to lose and everything to gain?

I do a bunch of shit. I work out every day (swimming is the only thing I can do, but I really do it every morning) I read 2 to 4 book a week, I cook really well, I like travelling, I love gardening. I am very well informed about a variety of subjects. I speak 4 languages rather fluently. I have a bachelor and a master.
Till I was 20 I went on month long sailing trips with my grandpa, but he passed away. Still love sailing but have no one to go with.

when a flame is attracting a bunch of pesky moths, you don't swat the moths, you douse the flame.

and the conversation is dumb because it's a question that can be easily answered. I answered it for you, the other thing you want is for you personally to be the center of the conversation. You are the attentionwhore.

Oh and thank you, user. I love your picture. I'm sorry, I thought about writing it but realised I didn't after I posted.
I'm really asocial myself, can relate.

Because it didn't work for me? I tried different types of antidepressants and therapy already, didn't see any progress.

I meant dick and love, obviously.

This thread is fully attention-whorey but it has a point, I wouldn't do it normally but I'm really frustrated with this board lately.

I normally don't care about being the centre of attention, I really don't mention I'm a female most of the time. I make a point not to.
It just tires me to be rejected even here, between rejects.

I have no one I love and who loves me, and I don't want rando dick.

To hell with the chronic illness. For fucks sake i know people with cancer fighting for joy, so you can do it too. Social Interacions are also a BIG plus when it comes to getting motivation. As you said, for now your social interactions comes from conversations with anons on this board. Your problem is that opening up will cause them to stay away from you. So how about you try to find yourself people to talk - without getting rejected for who you are.
Jow Forums is a highly toxic place, for people at the bottom of society (i'm also on here for 10 years, because leaving was never an option). Staying on here is just caused more harm than doing good, since you're constantly being confronted with negativity. It might sound like a meme, but this will just be worse for you in the long run.

So it seems like you actually have Things to offer, but no one to share them with. I'm not talking about a boyfriend, just a friendly person who enjoys talking to you. 2 - 4 books a week is quite a lot in my opinion (speaking of 100 - 400 pages). So it seems like you spend most of your time at home?
Everyone likes to travell and to see new stuff so why don't you try to do that a bit more often?
Swimming can be wonderful and is also really good for your overall health. Good to hear that you like it - physical health is obviously really important.
gardening aswell - but again a hobby that you do at home.

It seems like you have the possibility to get out of your misery, but lack the needed opportunities to do so. How about joining a book / travelling / hiking club?

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The thing that you're not really understanding is that the life problems that Jow Forums bonds over is qualitatively different from simply bonding over life problems in general.
Men are inherently wired to derive their sense of worth from being desirable to women. If a man has never really been able to receive female validation (for whatever reason), his self-esteem is so shredded that it threatens even his sanity. Women can't ever understand this sort of life problem just like men can't ever understand certain problems women have.
Statements like "all women live life on easy mode" is not the actual reason you're not welcomed in places like Jow Forums; they're just statements of hostility. And such statements aren't actually saying that you don't deserve to be in a sad people club; it's to say that you can't ever share in the types of problems that defines Jow Forums's board culture.
I'm not an incel, by the way. But I do understand the board in a way that you'll never be able to, as is evidenced by your characterization of it as a general "sad people club".

Then go and try to find one, shouldn't be hard for you.

How does it feel when you see men looking at you and you know they want to put their erect penis deep inside you? Serious question, is it flattering? Awkward? Not a question for your specific situation, just something i want to ask a thin young woman.
Does it make your day better when a handsom man looks at you like that?

Why didn't you talk to them because you wanted them to suck your cunt?

get a job and stop crying faggot

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>I have Lupus. Very juvenile onset
Yeah, that's unfortunate, but that should not stop you from trying to make friends.
>"Betas" only got mad when I didn't want to fuck them.
> "betas"
Those were not true betas, and femanons can be betas too.

Thank you user, as i said, it can actually be really to have something to offer - since most people are just like the NPC meme shows off.
In my opinion (especially when it comes to women) being asocial is way better than being extroverted. Well or if we go by quoting Plato "
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something." That is also something that i encounter alot. Especially when it comes to scientific topics like quantum theory. Everyone heard of it and knows maybe some words, but people talk about it and act like someone who has a PhD in that field.

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I have a job.

Well, I never interacted with a true beta then.

I go to an all-women swimming pool at 6 AM, and spend the rest of my day either in my car, at my job, or at home.
I don't honestly know, probably just awkward.

Because I didn't like them.

Not the femanon, but i can tell you that Real Life =/= Porn. Women are just as much disgusted by it, as men are by being watched when they pee (bad example).
Like, the thought of sleeping with a relative is disgusting for most people, but apparently really attractive for some who browse this site

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>Those were not true betas, and femanons can be betas too.
I'm not sure if you're being sincere or obsequious because OP is female, but your conception of the word is different than the common Jow Forums conception of the word. At its foundation, beta/alpha is referencing masculinity with regard to success with women - this excludes women completely, for better or worse. Like I said before, the problem that's at the core of Jow Forums's culture is only comprehensible to males.

>muh anxiety
>muh depression
once you hit the wall its all over
so stop using tumblr terms gtfo and whore yourself out

>kinda pretty
fembots arent supposed to be attractive. get out fakecel, your problems are meaningless
t. actual fembot

I literally never found one.

I get that, and I don't want to dismiss it and I don't get how it feels to be a man who was never desired by a woman. I don't pretend I do.
But there are many anons who have a girlfriends, wives, friends on here. And while a part of it is people who never had women being attracted to them, a large part of being a robot has always been just not being able to fit it, being an outcast, a reject. I am one.
I will never get the feeling they have of never receiving female attention, but I am lonely and feel like shit all the time. I don't pretend I can understand other anons on everything, but I feel like I have something to say or some insight to give on certain topics.

Why is your persona so important that you can't post your opinions without bringing up yourself?

I don't have anxiety. I'm depressed.

I do post my opinions without bringing up myself most of the time, if I have a story to share or something like that I'll bring up my gender or it will be apparent.

I don't really like most people. I grew up on Jow Forums (been on here since 2005), I got so many shit habits I got from this site that make it kind of hard to interact with most people, especially other girls.

>It might sound like a meme, but this will just be worse for you in the long run.
I know it is, but I don't know where else to go that isn't literally plebbit.

>So it seems like you spend most of your time at home?
I do. My job gives me the chance to have a rather flexible schedule, so I have a lot of free time that I fill up with books. I like books, it has always been my favourite form of escapism.
What kind of books do you read?

>but I am lonely and feel like shit all the time
Don't get me wrong; I really do understand that women can feel loneliness. When robots usually REEEEE and say they can't, they're simultaneously expressing hostile frustration and saying that you can't understand their specific kind of loneliness (even if they're beyond understanding that other people might be experiencing other kinds of loneliness).
>a large part of being a robot has always been just not being able to fit it, being an outcast, a reject. I am one.
I'm not sure if I was clear enough in emphasizing just how important women's validation is for maintaining a man's mental well-being. It's really at the centre of the common ground that binds the losers on this board together as "robots". If you can't experience that, it's impossible to be considered one of them (us). This logic really does explain all of the board's common beliefs.
>I don't pretend I can understand other anons on everything, but I feel like I have something to say or some insight to give on certain topics.
It's not that I'm saying you can't. I'm saying that the defining feature of the Jow Forums in-group identity is rejection by women. As soon as you identify as a women, most robots will not see you as a member of that group.

>I don't want a boyfriend

The way you have easily attained what you WANT means that you're living life on easy mode.

Well as mentioned i'm here since 2008, so long enough i guess. To clarify i'm a german /p/hoto interested user, who tends to post my pictures every now and then in /comfy/ or /creative/ threads on this board. My nationality often reflects my books choice, since i enjoy reading stuff in their original language. To be short, i've finished reading:
>The Stranger - Camus
>Siddhartha - Hesse
>Steppenwolf - Hesse
>Crime and Punishment - Dostojewski
>"Der Vorleser" - Schlink
>metamorphosis - kafka
>Animal Farm - Orwell
(and some more)

Right now i'm reading:
>Macbeth - Shakespeare
>some poems and ballads (i love that stuff) from schiller & yeats

and after that (it's really short) probably some more:
>stuff from schopenhauer
>or Frankenstein

Spending time at home is in most cases alot better than anything else. This is also why i would like to live far far away from Humans - something like Norway, Alaska, Alps, new zealand or something else along the lines.

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Are you on some heavy opioids for the pain all the time or is it more episodic in nature if you can go swimming?

Oh found the movie protagonist, kek. Are you retards so stupid you fail for this faggots larp, like Jesus fucking Christ this larp is so off the charts its not even funny, this character is such a stupid Mary Sue woe is me it might as well be fucking John the cuck green writing this shit, I mean, what are the odds of a person like that existing and posting on tucking r9k of all places, stop the larp you fucking faggot, this is ridiculous. At least have the decency of writing a believable larp and not something completely braindead retard that look likes it was written by a gay 14 year old tumblr visiting faggot that think thats the idea of a dramatic and tragic sad character, learn to write before doing stupid shit like this. Go back to discord you Tranny

lmao what is the purpose of infesting this space other than to claim victim status

Because boys try at least and are not cowards, women on the other hand are cowards and just justify everything happening to her with fallacies.


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>What I'd get from a thread like this is orbiters, which I don't care for.

Maybe that's why you're so fucking depressed, then.

If you had normal appetites, you'd be delighted to have orbiters. I'm a guy, and if I could have 20 female orbiters sending me emails telling me how cute and funny I am all day, I'd sign up.


Fucking please. All of you fucking people who think you're the second coming of Dostoevsky or Camus should get the fuck over yourselves. If you're pretty and could get orbiters, DO THAT. Get them to send you money. SPEND THE MONEY. Then come back to me and we can chat more about how sad you are because "I'm not connecting" like every other fucking person I know says when they're drunk.

>Der Vorleser

This book sucks ass except the milf sex scenes

Well user own misery is not always equivalent to other peoples mosery. You can have all that shit, but also had a horrible past - like in my case i would say. Mother died, friends died, was bullied, living in horrible conditions duo to lack of money and so on... Typicall "my past was shit" story. You can pull yourself out of every hole that you've been put in - if you're willing to work for it.

Even if it's a larping tranny, some user might read one or two lines and actually finds motivation in doing something. I also definetly prefere such threads more than the never ending /r9gay/ /tranny/ /porn/ (insert other meme topic) Threads on this board. So who cares?

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>I don't want a boyfriend
So what the fuck is your problem then?

Swimming actually helps a lot with pains.
Muscles moving drains the lymph from joints which causes the swelling. Strengthening the muscles helps in general because it makes joints more resistant. And I do it in the water so there's no stress on the joints. Plus physical activity keeps me thin which helps with the weight.
I do take unholy amounts of painkillers, almost never opioids unless it's really fucking bad.

You'd be impressed of the amount of things you can do when you have literally no friends and your parents don't let you watch tv or play videogames.

Not having a boyfriend does not matter if that is literally your goal.

>I have no one I love and who loves me, and I don't want rando dick.

Exactly how much rando dick have you tried?

>I don't like Indian food!
>I have never tried Indian food, but I know I don't like it!

I don't think you can really judge whether you like rando dick or not until you go on Tinder, swipe right only on 9's and 10's, and fuck 5 of them on the first date.

Perform that experiment, and then return and we can chat again about how sad it makes you when you fuck hot guys you just met.