I geniunely hate almost everyone on this site. You are all talentless, worthless, garbage people, the only thing that everyone here has in common is jealousy and desire to be better than everyone else while not being jack shit in reality. Actually now that i think of it, thats not doing it justice. The thing that everyone here has in common is representing the worst in humanity. Literally, if you took all the worst traits of humanity and removed everything good, this site is what you'd get. I curse the day i found this site and i geniunely hope you all die. Some of you are ok though, but its such a minority, it may as well not exists.
I geniunely hate almost everyone on this site. You are all talentless, worthless, garbage people...
This is true.
Fuck these incel little basedboy neckbeard tranny-loving fags.
Wait until you see Discord, dude.
And so, naturally, here you are.
You're a couple years late. Now its just gays and incels.
You sound like a whore. Come here and kiss my shoes and I will teach you respect you dirty little she mutt.
I'm actually becoming a better person and I've finally become self actualized.
>wah wah wah
Who cares you little whiny bitch? Did someone hurt your feelings? Pathetic Faggot.
hate is a strong word, you sure you wanna use it?
Not op but I've filtered discord threads. There was something off about the people who posted in those threads, their energy and the way they spoke. I guess I was right.
What do you mean with this? Can you elaborate?
Why are you even here then? Looking for attention I bet. You're not better than most of the anons here if you post this weak-ass bait
It's basically like high school 2.0 only with constant infighting and drama. Like any tool, it depends on how you use it.
can you tell me how i'd like to as well
No i ment on how you described the people posting in it. I always find it interesting when people have these deep insights into peoples minds.
>The thing that everyone here has in common is representing the worst in humanity
Astute observation
>comes to the internet hate machine.
>wah why are people mean wah wah I'm a pussy baby
Fuck off to reddit.
NEETs are saints compared to some characters out there.
This is the real blackpill
True I am an absolute cold blooded psychopathic monster who enjoys destroying women for fun.
Also have a massive crush on Cara. Well, well the Madonna complex at work I suppose...
I'm not trying to be deep, I've seen the threads and it just turned me the wrong way. It felt fake and I believe that how is they act from how I hear about discord drama a while back.
I was basically asking you to describe the feeling you got. I didnt mean to say you were trying to be deep.
So you mean they're fake and deceptive. Makes sense
>still posts here
don't pretend to be above anyone
No one said anything about NEETs. Why are you faggots like women? NEETs constantly attentionwhore and try to force themselves into discussions while no one really gives a fuck about them. Stfu nigger
Op being based for a change
I unoriginally hope this is pasta