Im so ugly
If i can never be exceptionally pretty to the point people think im beautiful or above average i may as well just kill myself
Why does it feel like beauty is the only way i can prove myself?
Im so ugly
cooI story breh xD
because the approval you want is from the masses of men who will offer their approval without you needing to do anything for it.
You want instant mass appeal, and beauty, or insane talent (which you don't want to work for) is the only way to get it.
I dont feel happy anymore if not everybody likes me i cant help it
well the whole "I won't feel happy unless (impossible condition)" isn't really a winning formula. Maybe go with a different one. Even if you're 10/10, people will resent you because they don't have a chance with you.
but still, pretty people are popular so more people will like me if im really pretty
I just want to be liked man
We'll be the judge of your beauty. Post noods.
yeah uh nahhh
yeah, but when you're 50, you go down to a 2 whether you were a 6 or a 10 in your 20s, get used to not being adored for your looks now, because it's a lot worse for the 10s to come to terms with losing theirs.
Also, you'll be sure that the people who like you, don't just like you because you're a 10
>pretty people are popular so more people will like me
>never stood in a crowd 'adoring' some pretty thing, and heard the jealous nasty whispers
Impressionable people like you will feel worse for this.
You are pretty much the sort of person for whom "be careful what you wish for" was first said.
Do not try to please them all. Find out who really matter to you and please them.
most attractive people age gracefully dumbass
Theres lots of people who are still pretty at that age
I'm detecting a roastie looking for attention on Jow Forums. Go back to your Instagram and post your fake "feelings" there. White knights will defend
not always, not even usually. The celebrities you see who hold up well with age take lots of care to maintain their appearance, since their looks are their primary source of income.
It's very unusual to remain pretty at that age.
hhhh i wish i was a roastie im not pretty enough to have white knights
i'd date you if you aren't fat
is 210 lbs fat?
Because it is the truest/hardest way. Anyone can just throw crap on you, so it's constanly at stake.
Im 100 pounds
how tall, and would you be down to losing weight with me?
or just play vidya n chill
If you haven't noticed there's already people likeIf your so desperate for attention go back to /soc/
I want everyone's attention and I'll never be happy until i do
Because you're shallow and your life lacks anything meaningful so, much like high school, it reverts to a kind of senseless popularity contest.
Im assuming youre a girl. If so then yeah being physically unattractive is pretty damning, but Id be willing to bet you arent nearly as ugly as you think you are. Men have very varied tastes and Im sure theres quite a few out there who find you attractive.
In case im wrong and you truly are exceptionally ugly, then my advice to you is to do what the rest of us friendless losers do: find some hobbies and get really into them and just forget about other people as best you can.
Because you foolishly look to "prove yourself" to others instead of proving yourself to you.
How do i even prove to myself
I ruin everything meaningful i have by isolating myself
This is all i have left
plastic surgery is very affordable nowadays and so are gym memberships. you just want attention, you don't actually care about your looks.
I have a gym membership im a neet so i cant afford surgery, but that doesn't mean i dont care
let me fill you with my cum and bath in it before you waste your body so i can put to use your holes
Im not a slut
i will love you unconditionally forever if you will let me please
Can I post my contact so I can talk to you and be your bf?
If you post your contact ill talk to you
I just want friends
please dofklf
Why did you have to post that fembot pic? I mean surely you didnt post that just to show that you are a woman to seek attention, right?
I mean it was inferred in the post anyway but aight chief!
>Why does it feel like beauty is the only way i can prove myself?
But you just found out that beauty is *not* the only way you can prove yourself.
Notice that you posted this thread, and then you got a whole bunch of beta orbiters responding to you. That's how you proved yourself.
You can do that in real life, too. Just find a shy guy and talk with him. About 50% of the time, he'll begin orbiting you. Then, once you have a collection of orbiters, you can pick which one you want a relationship with.
Guys don't have that option. But because you're female, you do. Use it.
> i may as well just kill myself
Oh, for heaven's sake -- just make up your mind to find a relationship with a guy, and then work on accomplishing that goal. After that, your level of attractiveness won't matter anymore, and your urge to kill yourself will disappear.
Im too fucked to sustain a relationship tho so i cant go that route