Making friends on r9k/online

What's it like to add people from r9k? I always assumed it would be scary and they're usually severely mentally ill or will ghost you.

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I won't ghost you I'm epic post discord and I'll talk to ya senpai desu desu grrrrr

One of my best (and only) friends is from Jow Forums.
Im glad I met him desu. I also met another guy from here who was on a holiday where I live. Pretty cool dude as well. So, based on my two experiences, I recommend making r9k friends.

Are they normal enough (not having mental disorders) and not neets? Why did you end up adding them?

I met a good friend from r9k and we met in DC and went to a anime convention. It was the best time of my life these last few years

People from Jow Forums tend to be literal sociopaths with deep rooted issues. Unstable impulsive retards that will fuck you over and go out of their way to try and ruin your life at complete random. Expect to be doxxed, have threads/posts made about you, or tons of gossip and rumors spread about you if you use shit apps like Discord.
Aside from that, most of the people on Jow Forums are still super mentally ill & ghost you within a few days, or are erratic in their behavior & will be nice one minute, cold and rude the next. And even if, by an impossibly
small chance, you don't encounter any of these things, the people on here are usually unbelievably boring and just super regular and uninteresting and nothing special and can't carry a conversation. Don't waste your time with these fickle retards, you won't make any real or lasting friends here (or on the internet in general, as a rule.)

I agree with this somewhat, a relationship though is built on trust and it's hard over the internet but if you knew them for a year or two then it is different.

One of them (the one who is my friend) is pretty weird desu. He is a waifu loving virgin shut in. He's cool tho, has a great sense of humor and we connect in many ways.
The other dude was a quirky normalfag who happened to browse Jow Forums. Kind of crazy in his own way but not at all dangerous. If we lived near each other we probably wouldnt be close friends anyways cause he was honestly much cooler than I am. Probably has a healthy social life and human relationships.

I wanted to meet people from here because I felt like here was the only place I belonged to. Browsed for several years every day after all. Meeting Jow Forums users was a great experience, it was like meeting up with an old friend you've known your whole life.

I wouldn't know though. It's changed at least to me.

Don't know. I only ever added one person and I got ghosted in one day.

Every time I see threads for making friends there are people gossiping and posting logs of each other and trying to shame each other, like high school girls or something. It makes me paranoid, I don't know who to trust. How do I know the person I'm about to add isn't part of "the circle" and is just getting my personal information to hurt me for fun?

I will only be friends with someone if they're willing to use email to talk first. If they can't handle a slower paced conversation that can last a few days, then they're too capricious for me and I don't trust them.

I met my boyfriend off here.
He's very cute, my best friend, pretty mentally ill but hasn't ghosted me yet.

That I how I am usually. I was very hesitant in the beginning but we met on discord about 2 years ago before it took off into gossip.

It's pretty cliquey, I haven't participated in it because I'm too aware of herd mentality and want to avoid it

It'd the person's choice and most people keep things to themselves when you think of the reality

How is he mentally ill and how long have you been together? Have you considered he's just using you because he's bored?

>How is he mentally ill and how long have you been together?
My diagnosis as a professional armchair psychiatrist and wikipedia lurker is schizoaffective, but he's in the process of getting diagnosed by someone who actually has a degree in it.
We've been together for a year and half.

>Have you considered he's just using you because he's bored?
For a while, but he spent several thousand dollars to spend time with me, seems very serious about us and he is very in love with me.
Also he's not a guy who gets bored.

Have chatted with several people here.
Besides the extremely vocal minority everyone is fairly decent.
We're all just troubled by todays society.

I feel like you have to meet some guys that have a more normal view of friendship and things like that. I've added lots of people from here, most will ghost you because they suck at conversation. I met a couple guys from here irl, one was kinda acting weird and we only met up once since he ghosted me. The other was my best friend for a while. We'd meet every weekend do some stuff together; honestly was one of the best periods of my life. I've also traveled to meet a couple of people from here. One was terrible and the other was great.

By spending money I hope that means plane tickets that you should have split with him.
>We're all just troubled by todays society.
That's a good way to put it

I met my gf from here. She lived 30 mins away from me. She's a good, kind girl. She has anxiety (well we both do) but we manage it with therapy so our relationship is pretty great and healthy.

I met shitty people from Jow Forums too (not just /r9k). It's all luck of the draw, so you might as well try.

>By spending money I hope that means plane tickets that you should have split with him.
I pay for my own, he pays for his. He paid for the accommodation (a cute hotel on the seaside) the first time we met, and buys me gifts sometimes. I give him gifts sometimes too.

Discord servers are pretty neat. You get to know people without focusing on possible abusive individuals and after a while you can pick the person you want to get to know better. Id recommend joining a r9k server...but you wont make any truly deep friends