He abandoned God

>He abandoned God
>He wonders why his life is so shit

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I abandoned god as a result of my shitty life, and bad things that have happened to me that are out of my control.

He was just testing you, bro, and you failed him. It's never too late to redeem yourself tho.

I like church but hate god

You've given me hope for r9k

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>he was just testing you
Never understood this cope
>he only abuses me because he loves me
The whole of Christianity are battered wives, I guess.

You lack willpower and discipline with or without religion. You will stay a rancid useless piece of shit for the rest of your life.

>born and raised Christian
>all my friends were serious atheists
>still held my beliefs through their scrutiny
>nearly a decade later
>all atheist friends are incredibly successful making at least $100k a year and starting families
>I still live with my parents and can't even get a job at Walmart
Yeah, fuck god. I'm not some faggot that sits around hoping good things come to me. I always got off my ass and fought for what I wanted only to get knocked down each time. Every time I got back up, I got knocked down even faster. So tell me why all these people who hate the very idea of a god are handed everything in life?
"h-he's just testing you!"
Bullshit. I held on to my faith for so long, but no more. Fuck god.

What if I told you that God sent you here with a purpose, and that everything you have experienced so far in life were absolutely crucial experiences for you to develop what you need in order to carry out God's will?
What if I told you that everything you have experienced so far in life, everything you have endured, will be in vain if you fail to realize the purpose of your existence?
How long are you going to keep God waiting before you step up and start doing what you were sent on Earth to do?

I abandoned god at age 14 due to my brain

>all knowingly make a universe which will make a person who will stop talking to you if you hide and never introduce yourself
>hide and never introduce yourself
>wtf I've been abandoned this isn't fair

It's pretty clear that every time something bad happened to you you continued with this exact attitude "fuck God" "he's letting these bad things happen to me" you decided to wallow in your pity until you could do nothing but slip down constantly now you're stuck in a dead end Walmart job you have no one else to blame but yourself

Stop worshipping the demiurge you idiots

>person does bad thing to you
>"God, why did you do this to me!?"
God didn't do the bad thing, the person did the bad thing.

I only started the "fuck god" stuff about a year ago. Every time bad shit happened to me, I'd tell myself "It's okay. God has a plan for you." and what was his plan? I don't know, but I'm suffering because of it.
I'll happily burn in hell before I worship that faggot again. I'm sick and tired of all it.

When literally everyone will try to talk to you, you're gonna need some standards... and don't think god or whatever didn't ever help you just because they didn't see it necessary to introduce themselves to help with your problem.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, bro. He's not abusing you, He's giving you challenges to overcome so you can become a better man.

My life has only gotten better ever since i stopped going to church
Explain this to me, christfags

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>When literally everyone will try to talk to you, you're gonna need some standards
Unless you were omnipotent and omnipresent.

Mmmm taste that prejudice, I thought your god was against that kind of thing?
Turn the other cheek, or at least be polite.
I lacked willpower and discipline when I was a christian, by the time I was old enough to have any I had long since abandoned god, so your first point is wrong, and the other one is just that righteous anger y'all are good at.

>dibbs fedora :-DDD

Hell is living without God.
You have made your bed. Now you burn in it.

god is cope as fuck, but religion can be kind of cool I think..

I would like you to explain to me how those who live without god live such fulfilling lives? Doesn't sound like hell to me when they're making $100k+, drive a Mercedes, have a wife and kids, live in gated communities in the middle of white suburbias. Is that hell? Oh boy, I can't wait.

I'd still wish to be classy (isn't that what God is all about, in the end?)... mostly.

>abandon god
>become a filthy pagan
>like gets better

If you don't believe in God, fine. You have free will and don't have to. Enjoy your life.
But the fact that you are so insistent on getting someone to prove God's existence makes me think that, really, you want to be proven wrong. You desperately want God to be real and you want someone to confirm it for you.

And an omniscient creator of everything obviously would have nothing to do with that bad person existing as they are.

Another common excuse for the clear malice of your god.
Why is this all loving being going to create a life just to suffer from some gruesome fate so that some adult, is sad.
I know I know, its okay because after the kid he sends out for your wife to miscarry because she didn't tithe, it'll go to heaven and ball out for the rest of eternity.
I don't really have any snark for that, because heaven itself is part of the 100% faith part that I think is made up, but cant really dispute and you cant prove the existence of.
So all I'm left with to observe is some lady having a miscarriage that she only got as a punishment for some other thing, and then she goes into pseudo-postpartum depression and gets hooked on the opioids the hospital was giving her, seeks them when shes out of the hospital, that turns her into your standard pill/maybe heroin junkie, and then she ends up dying too.
Fucking why, why is she here suffering and making so many people who love her and have to deal with he consequences of her actions, so they can learn too?
What a waste of time, a being who possesses infinite love for his children shouldn't be able to also have life be this macabre stageplay of strife because people didn't just learn the lesson the big man was teaching you when he sent that drunk driver to kill your brother or whatever the fuck,

This can be applied to both sides of the argument.

Have you ever had dreams where you are happy?
People who believe in good dreams, believe that they are happy. But happiness built upon illusions is a fickle happiness. Take away their money, take away their posessions, take away their wives and children and their big houses, and you see their happiness leave along with their possessions. But he who derives his happiness from the Love of God can never be made unhappy by force or by accident, for no one can separate him from the Love of God, but himself.

imagine living under a bridge, you have nothing but the clothes on your back, you don't know when the next time you'll eat is, you haven't bathed in weeks, and smelly homeless niggers surround you and are about to gangrape your ass
but you think to yourself, "at least I love God!"
lmao fuck yourself.

I don't disagree, it gives a lot of people something they need, but I still hate when people act like its the end all be all and everyone should bow to their specific denomination or they're gonna burn in a molten lake of sinners writhing in agony for eternity.
I cant stand people who praise god for anything good that happens in their life, even the stuff that people are clearly doing for them because 'the lord sent him to do that', but nothing bad every happens because of him, its the devil or man's own free will.
But at the same time, god is all powerful and has complete control over every aspect of our existence.

Religion without God is insanity.
God without religion is enlightenment.
Suffering is an illusion created by identification with the temporary.
When one lets go of identification of the temporary through the self-realization of one's Eternity, the belief in suffering evaporates.
When you let go of the beliefs that produce suffering, when you realize that suffering is an illusion, you also realize that evil is an illusion. And then you realize that "the problem of evil" is non-existent. And like tearing a brick out of a dam, the ocean that this the realization of God's existence comes crashing over you, swallowing your entire being, taking you in directions you had never imagined were possible.

>Quoting antichristian philosophy to justify christian believes

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>materialistic christians dont exist
And dont act like asians haven't been blowing christians the fuck out on finding inner peace without attachment to anything in your mortal life for literal millennia.

>Choosing to let a thought separate you from the Love of God
It's almost like you want to suffer or something.

Friendly reminder that it is literally never too late to give your life to God.

I guess it was never said, but I was under the impression we were talking about christianity here, you sound like you follow some eastern religion

> (You) #
>Religion without God is insanity.
>God without religion is enlightenment.
I believe the opposite is true.

I'm speaking from my past, pal. There was no god there and there is no god here.
Oh, I told myself everything was going to be okay. That god had a plan for me. lol.
I don't even know why I'm here. I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change my mind.

I was being ironic but since you're taking this seriously so will I.
I used to be very nihilistic. Which seems the logical conclussion of everything to me. If you ask the "why" of something, anything, and then ask why to the aswer of that question repeatedly, you eventually reach a "for no fucking reason" that seems universal, which drives people devoid of values and motivation into hedonistic life styles, existencial crisis and suicidal thoughts.
The alternative is having a bunch of values and a moral code that gives you some certain guidelines to life based on moral values, love and faith, and if you follow them blindly you'll turn out to be a very functional human being and a good influence on your environment. Even if your good deeds go unnoticed, like they will most of the time, selfless action has a possitive effect on someone else's life, and having a possitive effect in other people's lives beats being a useless drain and a waste of human being by miles.
So even if you dont believe in God clinging into religion is a great method to avoid falling into the deep despair and frustration that is a meaningless life, which only leads to hurting others and yourself.

I'm a subhuman whether or not I believe in the big bloke upstairs.
Praying to Jesus doesn't fix a serotonin shortage in your brain.

What's up with your reading comprehension? How could you read my post as an implication that materialistic Christians don't exist?
As for the Asians, if their spirituality is so much more developed than in the West, why are Asian societies so horrible to live in?

>t. no clue of what meditation does to the brain
So you choose to believe in suffering. Fine by me.
East, West. Any true path, of which there are very few in the world, is a path that ultimately develops your consciousness to the highest enlightenment: God-consciousness. The consciousness of Christ and the consciousness of Buddha were practically identical. It is not they who separated these; the separation is created from ignorance.

I agree with that 100%, a lot of the teachings of a lot of religions are a really good way to conduct yourself and its part of why I have zero problem raising any of my kids christian like my wife wants, I'm just not going to hide or lie about my beliefs, but tell the kid to fuck off and go to church anyway we can talk about what I think when you're older.
Its just like I said somewhere up there, I cant stand when people get too overbearing about their beliefs when in all honesty we could just drop the whole conversation and not get into some kind of argument. Assuming it comes up at dinner in real life, here I assume everything is goading me into an argument because I'm pretty sure that's how this website works.

>Take away their money, take away their posessions, take away their wives and children and their big houses, and you see their happiness leave along with their possessions
You said that shit like christians don't also get depressed and generally lose their faith entirely when shit like that happens, at least that's how I read it because of reasons I'd rather greentext because I'm getting tired of forming whole sentences.
>adding on the bit about he who gets his kicks from the love of the lord being immune to unhappiness
>not implying that christians, who love god, aren't materialistic
>implying christians dont get unhappy and often blame god for the loss of big stuff in their life, at least for a time
>implying that isn't the definition of letting an accident make you unhappy, and furthermore separate you from the love of god itself?
I put it to you, how are you not implying materialistic christians exist, when its so glaringly obvious they do?
You just gonna cope with that "they aren't true christians, otherwise they wouldn't blame god" stuff? thats a no true scotsman fallacy and you can take that shit up your own ass before you post it in this thread for me to have to read.

just curious, have you ever been actively suicidal, psychotic, or required drugs to feel a semblance of joy?

>want to make friends and find people that share my values and beliefs
>research Christian denominations
>chose The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints because it lines up perfectly with my beliefs
>attend and learn the necessary lessons (already read literally everything I needed to know beforehand, all the deep doctrine; Kolob, etc. so we went through them really quickly only thing I didn't know was about the importance of the atonement at the garden of gosemente (fuck I don't know how to spell it)
>get baptized
>get confirmed
>get bored because literally EVERYONE at the church is 50+ years old and there's too much of a social barrier between us to actually make friends with them

Well I tried lads, I haven't attended in a month or two and they sent the missionaries to my house but I wasn't home.

FUCK where my LDSbots at?


Yuh I pull up in my Elliott Rodger aye I'm popping off Elliott Rodger yuh

I think people take religion seriously because they were deceived into thinking it's all actually real and they ate it up so hard that it was too late to turn back. But without belief, most people wouldnt be able to use religion as a tool to control their own behavior. It's only easy to do that when you've been at the bottom of the barrel and need desperate change. Guess that's why so many addicts and criminals turn their lives around through becoming strongly religious.

The entire
>muh benevolence
thing completely falls apart as early as Adam and Eve
Why make a tree of knowledge in the first place if you don't want people to eat from it
Also he knew in advance that the snake guy would convince Eve and DID NOTHING TO STOP IT
Why was this fucking snake guy even allowed in Eden.
How the fuck did he not notice any of this snake bullshit going down, and why do literally billions of people have to suffer because one dumb bitch broke some autistic arbitrary rule

I'm going with the "no true scotsman" argument. I'll try to explain.
You can be a self-proclaimed Christian and still know nothing about God.
"I feel good, is this the love of God? wtf I love God now"
"I feel bad, why doesn't God love me? wtf I hate God now"
People who draw their conclusions about the Love of God based on their material wealth know nothing of the Love of God.
However, it is meaningless to try to explain God to someone who is incapable of noticing the presence of God. So... why are you here again?

It certainly is easy to be successful with no belief in a God in a society that actively steers people away from the Good Word. You've become acquainted with the light, it's time to dive in head first. Is there anything you would like to know?

>tfw when I'm literally reading the kyballion as I'm getting smashed
On one hand, I deeply admire the anons trying to lead other anons on the path. On the other, I sympathize with the ano n.v s caught up in the cycle of suffering. I think the biggest release is that God doesn't care as much as you, because he lives on an infinite tim are line. Rather, it does, but we'll talk of Father Law and Mother Life. It all works out, anons.

I have not experienced psychosis or drug addiction. I have experienced suicidal thoughts.
Why do you ask?
Seek the ishaya monks of The Bright Path.
Some of us are really cute, too. ("Monk" is used by the order as a gender neutral term.)

So you don't love everyone. I won't hold that against you, I don't love everyone either. But I've heard plenty of claims that God has less discriminating tastes, and He loves all His children.

ExposingChristianity.com OrIg ghbghbgg

To goad you into admitting your whole argument is based on a well known logical fallacy, I guess, because I don't see how I can explain how dumb you are to you.
If someone was raised christian, but just not to some standard that you deem the threshold for
real love of god, all you're going to do is claim any argument I make is an example of these fake christians and dismiss it, its obvious you don't want your mind changed or to have any actual discourse so... Why are you here again?

Yep. An eternal consciousness doesn't care how many reincarnations it'll take you before you wake up. God has divine patience. And God loves you so much, that if you die in ignorance, you will be given another opportunity to wake up.

What happens to your next reincarnation after you wake up, and then die?

>Is there anything you would like to know?
Why it got to be like this all the time? I'm just supposed to bend over and get fucked over and over while watching everybody become successful and happy just so I can get into heaven?

because if you had experienced a major hardship (i use those as example since that is my personal experience) you would have a harder time saying suffering does not exist. christ is a role model and a great man but not everyone is made of the right stuff. i have tried turning to faith, god, but the simple fact is some people, especially on a forum like this one, are not good enough for a happy or fulfilling life. one cannot overcome suffering when it is all they know and when it persists despite every effort.

Knowing the Love of God, I recognize that nothing can take this away from me.
Knowing that, I know that if others knew the Love of God as I know it, they too would recognize that nothing could take that away from them.
If they believe that they are separate from the Love of God, then it appears to me that they have completely misunderstood the Love of God.
God can only be approached from a direct personal experience. In the absence of this experience, any conversation about God is doomed to be fruitless. It's like trying to explain paintings to a blind person, or trying to explain music to a deaf person.

Do any of you Christfags believe in determinism?

I can't see how you could love God unless you believed in libertarian free will completely and without question or if you have never stopped to think about it. Would enjoy hearing arguments from people who have taken the determinismpill but still believe in the Judeo-Christian God, however.

Yeah, but no matter who I cite as having this same love of god, who then lost it after something bad happened to them, you'll claim they just never had that love in the first place, because if they did it wouldn't have been taken away from them.
Its fruitless to try to explain literally anything to you, because you'll just reject the logic and replace it with your own circular version, like you're doing now.

>"man I wish I wasn't born into a chaotic home with mental issues and isolating circumstances..."

Heaven is here on earth user. It's a state you can live in once you reach spiritual "maturity" for lack of better word. The rest of your life can come after once your thoughts are clearer. You can't hide the light you know is there behind a sheet and not expect to have trouble seeing what's in front of you. I can help you proceed if you would like.

I do not know. But according to Maharishi Krishnananda Ishaya, head Teacher of the ishaya monks, you get to choose: To rest in the dissolution of God, or to return to Earth as a servant of God.
Personally, my conviction to serve God and to wake up people is so strong, and so contrasting compared to anyone else that I grew up with, that "I died enlightened and choose to come back to serve God for another lifetime" seems to me like a solid explanation. Can't seem to explain any other way why I, out of everyone I know, decided to abandon a normal life to serve as a monk.

Have you experienced a sober state of no suffering?
Yes? No?
If yes, then you know that such a state exists, and that it therefore is accessible.
If not, can you know that such a state does not exist?

I'm not a christfag, but there's a good quite attributed to him:
If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Hermes himself said that a wise man will hate his senses, because the world itself is loathsome and susceptible to corruption. I don't have a clue whether this world is preceded by heaven or not, but the idea that the world is an infinite sandbox populated by an infinite number of souls experiencing the boring existence of the general strata isn't weird to me. We call those things video games, and if we think of reality as an infinite computer, or mind, then who can say how many permutations of existence there are?

More importantly, I failed to make myself clear.
The belief in suffering certainly exist.
When you belief that you can suffer, then you can certainly have the subjective experience of suffering.
Nonetheless, the belief in suffering is the root of the experience of suffering. Please, I invite you: Recognize that you are not your possessions, your body, your emotions nor your thoughts through the self-realization of your eternal Consciousness, and see for yourself if anyone can harm You. You will find the idea laughable.

It appears to me that there is such a thing as a choice. One choice. Single.
If you are consciousness, and if the capacity of consciousness is awareness, then you have one choice in life:
Where do you choose to focus your awareness?
All else is the consequence of this choice made by yourself and others, and of the movements of the material universe.
You cannot change how others choose to focus their awareness, nor can you choose to alter the movements of the material universe; you can only choose where to focus your awareness, and through this try to maximize your happiness.
Where would you put your awareness? On suffering, or on God?
I will tell you this: He who puts all of his awareness on the Love of God, who never lets the Love of God out of his awareness, cannot suffer.

i know it exists and in my case it is always very fleeting, replaced with anguish as soon as i put my life under the microscope again. sadly it's in my nature to examine circumstance and i've already fucked up a lot in life.

i don't disagree with anything you said and hermes was a wise man, but my mind is clouded and there seems to me no cure

again i do not disagree, my rational mind says you are correct, but life has been cruel to me, and i've learned to be cruel to myself. i fear myself too weak to unlearn something so ingrained in me

>If you are consciousness,
Why would you assume that? Calculations, judgements and decisions are made all in different areas of the brain before these things even enter consciousness.

This universe is equivalent to God's video game.
You get to play in first-person perspective.
We could all have a really good time if you would just stop taking losses so damn personally all the time.

He didn't do anything because he gave Adam and Eve free will. If he would have interfered, they wouldn't really have been given this free will wouldn't you say?

>Why would you assume that?
Because I am aware of my own self-awareness.
And because I am not my thoughts.

Would you propose something else?

How can I have abandoned someone I never knew? I have never felt His presence in my life yet my life has been so full of blessings I cannot count them all. I am one of the luckiest people ive ever come across. Almost nothing ever goes wrong for me and even when it does its the least trouble it could have been.
I once got caught committing a felony on purpose to see if I would actually be punished and I wasnt. I am not against God or his teachings inherently but I have never once felt him with me. Is this the devils luck pulling me from him? If so how do I find my faith?

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My life has improved drastically ever since I told God to fuck off.

What is the difference between perceiving a car as red while simultaneously perceiving that you've perceived the car as red and thinking that a car is red and thinking that you've thought the car is red?

How can the former define you but not the latter?

Literally how can you guys live ''such better lives'' by abandoning God yet you're still in this shit hole of a site.

Where goes darkness when put up against light?
Where goes dreams when put up against awakening?
Ignorance, my friend, is a weak force when put up against truth. Your natural state is to be free. Limitations, however hard you worked to develop them, dissolve in the spontaneous realization of your Freedom.

If you want, I can put you in contact with Dattatreya Ishaya, a monk who used to be a drug addict. He is now Free.

Because ive been posting for a little over a decade now and genuinely dont consider it a shit hole. My life is vastly improved to what it was a decade ago (not due to Jow Forums) so theres no reason for me to leave. I actually enjoy my time here.

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Jesus was the ultimate beta
>Born to cucked patents
>Only female friends was a whore
>Died a virgin

Read the kyballion, the corpus hermeticum, and perhaps the emerald tablet if you're feeling adventurous. The first explains all religions and existence in general. The second gives amplifying information. In either case, we exemplify the idea of gender and the idea of vibration. All things move, all things have opposites. user lives this principle

If you choose, you can pay attention to the idea of polarity and the idea of rhythm. The pendulum swings between boom and bust, famine and excess. The swing of the left is the measure of the swing to the right. Rhythm compensates. If you like, you can polarize yourself to live above the swings of the lower planes. You'll serve on the higher plane of the mind, but will rule on the lower. The mind is all, and all is the mind.

>be son of God
It don't work like that user

Why do Christians act like Jesus's suffering was worse then anything in the world? I'm pretty sure we've tortured people way worse then what Jesus fucking got.

Well I'd say it's more because of the whole Jesus went from prince of heaven to someone who got falsly accused of stuff, tortured, put to dead all while getting mocked and spitted on by the people he wanted to save. So even if he didn't suffer the most you can't act like his time on Earth wasn't painful.

I saw a child with his face totally scarred by fire today. I see children getting killed everyday in the news. I have no interest in a God who, in all his omnipotence and mysteriousness, allows people to suffer. I prefer a figure, rather than a God, that can teach us to understand suffering in innate to human condition, and that there are ways to deal with suffering and overcome it, instead of just "sucking up" to it and doing mental gymnastics to justify a God's cruelty. I sincerely believe in Amithaba, may He have mercy on me.

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bless you. user i know you speak the truth i've experienced that love he talks about in this video before but fleetingly, i want it to return and be permanent. i'd be interested in speaking with this Dattatreya Ishaya..

thanks to you as well, i began reading the corpus hermeticum a couple days ago i'll endeavour to finish it

Fuck off christcuck

>Transcripts contained in Table Talk have Hitler expressing faith that science would wear away religion. On 14 October 1941, in an entry concerning the fate of Christianity, Hitler says: "Science cannot lie, for it's always striving, according to the momentary state of knowledge, to deduce what is true. When it makes a mistake, it does so in good faith. It's Christianity that's the liar. It's in perpetual conflict with itself."[71] Religion will crumble before scientific advances, says Hitler: "The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that's left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity."[72]


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All that is required of you to experience the presence of God, is to be fully attentive to what is right here, right now.
Be aware of not only the movements, the sounds and the lights that surround you; be aware not only of the physical sensations, the emotions and the thoughts that move inside of you; but be first and foremost aware of the Space between yourself and the world, the Silence beneath all sounds, the Clarity between your thoughts, the Stillness underlying all movements.
If you cannot find this Space, this Silence, this Stillness, then seek the ishaya monks of The Bright Path, and we will teach you.

with the right placlebo effect, it can help a bit

Can God the all knowing create free will that he can't predict?
Can God the all powerful create a stone heavier than he can lift?

Read the kyballion by the three initiates first. All doors to all halls will be open to you when you understand those principles and use them effectively. Only with the master key will you understand the the stories of the man Shepard or the letters the the students. You must read the kyballion first.

lol no.
nice digits tho.
[email protected]
Just shoot him an e-mail. If you're in doubt of whether it is possible for you to experience unbroken happiness, ask him.
You can get to know a lot of Dattatreya's backstory in the documentary "A mindful choice", portraying different people and their quest for inner peace. He's featured briefly in the trailer at 0:50.

There can be no 14 without 88. Hitler loves on in our hearts, and strives for greater perfection.

thank you, i will read it first

thanks a lot, i will talk to him and watch the documentary

>in a universe where entropy reigns, with the abilities of human understanding being able to degenerate at random chances
>live in a mind and body that continually grapples with the understanding of itself, from issues of consciousness to the comprehension of human history and our failures
>live in a time of an impending ecological and societal collapse
>the diety expects his subjects to believe in rightfulness and order when the punishment of sin never comes, and the application of faith is juxtaposed with the burden of hedonism
>he also expects us to interpret this punishment of decay as something to understand, when those who will likely survive in states of collapse will also likely be ignorant of his nature, just as mankind has been beforehand
>he expects us to maintain ourselves under the incomplete understanding of what he exists as, and leaves only the destiny of human existence under the finite conditions of this planet, instead of a necessitated outcome to understand him
He exists, but He is cruel

God is not that hard to find.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

i never liked church, i thought it was stupid. i never got the point in it.

i had a near death experience saw some angels. they were hot blonde haired girls.