Bro why are teenagers so fucking hot? The smooth skin, soft features and innocence are awesome
Bro why are teenagers so fucking hot? The smooth skin, soft features and innocence are awesome
Girls stop being innocent around the time they turn 8.
she probably already had 4 dicks in her before turning 18
dude i love it when they wear booty shorts and revealing shirts like THat mmmmm fuck and that hair too hnnbbggg
Modern teen girls are hardly "innocent." Most of them have taken a dozen cock by the time they turn 16.
fucking pedo. Date a woman your own age
That's hardly a face of innocence
the legal age is 15 in denmark
Do you seriously biologically think that someone is a pedo, for being attracted to 15-19 year olds? They're not, its also impossible to be pedophillic towards anyone within 5 years of your own age.
Real pedos should obviously figure out some way .. of clinical psychology or buddhist-type transcendence of whatever they're fucked up with.
It's not fucking pedo to be attracted to someone legal in Europe, you fucking americans .. christ
>this pedo logic
It's also legal to fuck animals in canada but is it a good idea to do so?
>It's also legal to fuck animals in canada
Lol wtf.
No it's not.
Her face reminds me of connor mcdavid it doesnt do it for me
This girl has aged poorly OP. She isn't that hot innocent looking girl anymore.
a pedo is attracted to kids who are not developed, which 14-15 year olds are..
14-15 year olds are developed*
i know 15 year olds who have fucked like 10+ guys
Yeah, you can make the moralizing consent argument if you really stretch yourself,
but there is no clinical pedophilia argument for someone attracted to 14-15 year olds. If they look, like .. they're developed.
The clinical and moralizing arguments are separate in this case.
So what if you're above 18 and you don't looked developed?? does that make the people who want to fuck you pedophiles?
pedophilia definition = someone who is attracted to a non sexual developed person
You can get banned for reporting c-p now.
What a fucking shithole this place is now.
Because they are prime females.
because men are biologically designed to find them hot
Maybe because of the overzealous moralfags who cry for mods even if there's a fully dressed under 15 girl way off in the blurry background of a posted image.
>just saying