Nofap reminder!!
Really, I have no ulterior motives!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Definitely ulterior motives, it is a double-sided coin. The cute voice both gives a surge of encouragement and increases temptation.

you don't sound passable, but no guy ever does

I am female as far as the footfags are concerned. I declined to post my butthole in prior threads. But my data collecting tells me that traps are also quite popular on this board, so that's not an insult to me. Whatever it takes!!!

Do what your heart wants user! It's okay!!

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Are you a trap?
yay or nay?

you're right i've already given up about 10-15 times. tbf tho i had a 10 day streak coming into the start of the month

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Is that your desk space? It's so cute!!
Also, 10 days is nothing!!

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Jesus Christ I'm so lonely.
>your comment was not original

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My mind is telling me no, but my body! My body is telling me yea!

It was hard resisting when you posted your feet last thread (I was that user, and being a trap doesn't actually diminish anything might as well be female), but it gets worse by the day. The ten day countdown is the only way that has me staying sane in the face of realizing that the denial of fapping is apparently a turn on too.

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>Is that your desk space? It's so cute!!
no i thought it was roastie. also i made it to 14 days and my record is 139, so fuck off

Don't call me stupid. :(
And I've done okay! I swear I'm not lying.

How have you done? How big is your penis.

I have the same keyboard senpai, except i have my color set to red/orange

nice gamer mouse, user.
need those 12 buttons for WoW, huh?

What?? I must not be reverse psychology-ing hard enough... oh no!! That's terrible.....!!!

serious reply: I'm sorry user

That might be impressive for a disgusting perverted robot!! Haha!

This might be too much information, but... I don't masturbate regularly, so I don't even bother! I have nothing to worry about!! And do I really sound like I have a dick? That's sad! But not surprising, I suppose... maybe that's why they picked me for this job!

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nice try but im in chastity

user, can you just say something qt and wholesome pls?

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I really can't tell if you are a female or not.

Is it failing if I never intended on partaking in no meme November?

>This might be too much information, but... I don't masturbate regularly, so I don't even bother! I have nothing to worry about!!
How often, and why so little?
>And do I really sound like I have a dick? That's sad! But not surprising,
wut, you really are a grill?
>I suppose... maybe that's why they picked me for this job!
Are you working for the masked man?

That is a bit of an intense reaction, so you are trying to subvert! That is terrible to be disappointed that I am still in the game! Barely, but still in. Can't tell if my perversion and masochism is saving me or making the burden heavier. It would take a lot more reverse-psychology to break me than this CIA-chan! hahaha!

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>I'm sorry user
T. Hanks.

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Hey, I'm really lonely and I like you're voice. Can you record like a minute of affirming words of kindness so I can get through the rest of the year. Thank you.

I'm running out of energy to Misakipost!! Fuck!!
And not starting something is the same as failing something, you just might not realize it yet!!

I work for more than one masked man... ahah!! And a few masked women too!

Maybe you're a lost cause, your willpower is too great. I can't go around posting all my body parts like some floozy, and I have a reputation to uphold!! In that case you may become an Alpha Male(tm) yet!!

Of course!! Everyone here has been desperately lonely at some point in their lives...

i failed 4 days in lmao. i didn't even have that big of an urge, i was just bored.

It's not willpower if it is from perversion! That would be great to become an alpha male, though considering I am both a footfag and apparently have been half-satiating myself to censored porn, I am really just hoping to be able to say I have a semblance of self-control to not touch after all this as I doubt I will ever be alpha. I have just been channeling my perversion for being pathetic into motivation to keep myself going in some sort of fucked up cycle of masochism. If my mind doesn't break by the end of the month then this might be a valid tactic to help others out who struggle with nofap. How I will ever be able to do no porn I have yet to figure out, ditched that part of the pie first day in due to browsing here so ended up compromising.

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I failed on the 10th

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didnt hear about the meme till it was too late . even then i would of failed the first day anyway.

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you will not break me harlot

based posters, i salute thee

absolute cope

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>when you posted your feet last thread
Post them if you have them. May balls are about to burst.

This thread has certainly become more serious... that's okay!! I think porn is a lot worse than just fapping because it makes things a lot more difficult when you finally meet a 3D girl... assuming you like 3D!! Haha! It's a noble aspiration... and you really must enjoy denial if you are able to resist all the porn posted here! Fascinating!!

I have a story for the other two anons... it's very short and of course it's not true, women hate nerds!! Haha! And they don't play video games! But whatever makes you happy...


Ahh, user! Contain yourself!! Why would you throw it all away now...?

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Oh, I also replied to the wrong poster... here! God bless!!
Misakiposters only wish to see you suffer. There is no victory for you here, only needlessly denying yourself pleasure. Let go.

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>>tfw two opposing anons are vying for the fate of all those in this thread
damn, makes me wish I had started the challenge....

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based tranny poster

I still can't tell if you're a tranny which makes my penis confused

That story hits too close to home
I miss her

i cant believe you posted your feet last thread, what a whore, you really do get off on attention from stinky unwashed neets. i wouldnt be surprised if this thread you post your flat chest
got a trap fetish or something lol

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Go fuck yourself!!! Haha! Now I will ignore your salty NEET ass stinking up my thread and continue on with my life.
or don't fuck yourself, I suppose

I suppose it's too late to start... haha... let's be honest, it's not like anyone is going to make it!!
And let me just restate that I have no ulterior motives... I'm doing this out of kindness...

It's ok user. Nothing worth having in life is painless...

Guns down!! This is a safe zone!!!

yeah talk dirty like that, stand up for yourself, build a wall around that broken shell, its probably the first time in a while you weren't a submissive plastic bag

not going to work guy, I don't like traps. ha.

I like to think its possible and if just one user makes it, its a win for those who can't.

But I'm not even a trap...

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I just got home from class this thread is a fucking riot thanks guys