White fembots, why do you prefer asian guys over your own race?
White fembots, why do you prefer asian guys over your own race?
>marry my best friend
Nice fairy tale.
t. triggered white male
Fembot here, Asian guys are just better. They're polite, gentle, good in bed, will listen to your problems. White guys are usually ugly entitled beta males.
is it weird that asian/white pairings don't bother me at all? Nigger/white, spic/white, arab/white all disgust me. This just looks nice and wholesome.
It's because you know he probably isn't beating her behind the scenes. And if he tried, she would probably beat him up instead.
It's because asian men are better than whites. They're objectively smarter, well educated, good careers, no crime rates whatsoever. They are much more civilized. That's why you can't get mad, it's a rational pairing.
fellow gook man here, please delete this this is disgusting
No I like white muscle Chads.
My black and Asian friends like white muscle Chads as well.
t. white beta male coping
All asian men want white women, you're deluded if you think otherwise. What is disgusting about it? The most civilized men and most civilized women dating, it's a match made in heaven.
>I like chads
>plays a caricature of what he thinks women wants despite most fembots saying the contrary, that they don't want chad
>even brooke who is attractive and better looking than you doesn't want white chads
kek sure thing tranny
I don't prefer them, but I like them about equally to white guys.
Does that actually stand out for you? Some bullshit about their partners also being their best friends is the most cliche shit that people say after getting engaged.
That's still pretty much a preference if you have a top 2. That's reasonable though.
I'm an asian male. I primarily like asian girls, but would choose a brown girl (latina, middle eastern) over a white one.
Not to mention, asian guys who marry out don't resemble those in these pics irl. A lot of them are more gruffer looking like Mifune, almost caucasoid like.
>I'm an asian male. I primarily like asian girls
Kek because white women are unattainable to you, ugly beta male. I'm good looking so I can get any women I want and I choose whites only.
non ironically i prefer black men.
fite me
the guy in your pic is literally a 3/10
No point in fighting, you'll pay the coal toll soon enough.
IMO, considering how the odds are stacked against asian males, asian men who are able to get white women are all based. AMWF children seem to be pretty normal and attractive on average too.
Unironically i prefer asians my bf is asian
it used to not matter to me, but knowing that it makes shithead poltards upset that i find certain things attractive is glorious to me. so thanks hun!
And what is that relevant to? If even an ugly guy wanted a white girl that just proves my point. They're unattainable to most people, ugly or hot asian guys still only want white women but will settle.
Good job femanon
I'd rather date a black guy than a filthy gook soiboi
why are you pushing this shit?
Femanons I just want to say, try to give an asian guy a chance and he will rock your world.
As for the femanons in a relationship with an asian guy, you're based and will succeed in life.
That's because you're ugly and fat along with being a tranny who says " gook soiboi"
No white woman would say that shit, get the fuck out of my thread faggot. Of course trannies love niggers because they play a caricature of women, not what they really are.