Why is being a gay faggot queer okay while being attracted to young developed girls demonized?

Why is being a gay faggot queer okay while being attracted to young developed girls demonized?

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Adult men have developed brains and are able to fully understand and consent to sex. Children aren't able to consent and don't truly understand the nature of sex.

Same reason contraception, porn, abortion, divorce and women in the work place is promoted.

Furthermore, just because you say they're "developed" doesn't mean anything. Age is a significant factor in maturity and intelligence, granting a lot of life experience around sex.

You're just too strong compared to them, and it wouldn't be an equal relationship. They wouldn't be able to consent like an adult man would. They just aren't mentally competent to.

go kill yourself pedo

i am discussing attraction not consent

if this was about young looking and petite anime girls it would still be odd that that's considered worse than fucking another man's ass

>i am discussing attraction not consent
How pathetic.

Because its been proven pedophilia is a mental disorder and is still classified as one. Homosexuality was considered one but is now not. Its a difference in understanding of how the mind works, social relationships, and stigmas.

If you are attracted to pre-pubescent girls your brain is literally wired wrong. If you are attracted to teenagers thats normal but as a developed adult you should be able to understand that your attraction is only physical and not there wont be enough in common between the two of you to have a real relationship.
The reason this matters now when it did not before is because the goal is no longer just to reproduce. We live in a safe society that allows us to live longer more fulfilled lives and so the goal can be a long term relationship, something you have a much less likely chance of having with someone many years younger than yourself.

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> don't truly understand the nature of sex
this applies to way too many people, especially young people

>How pathetic.

A passed out drunk girl legally can't consent.

Does that mean that all unconscious women are ugly? Like one moment they're awake and they're hot...but then they fall asleep, and immediately become ugly?

>WHY YES IT DOES MEAN THAT! Who could ever POSSIBLY find someone attractive outside the legal construct of consent?

Because when they say young developed girls they probably not developed and increadibly young
Anyways off yourself dog

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>If you are attracted to teenagers thats normal but as a developed adult you should be able to understand that your attraction is only physical and not there wont be enough in common between the two of you to have a real relationship.

On what basis can you possibly assert that there's something wrong with attraction that's only physical?

Because if you don't try and limit the deviant attraction in the population then that attraction may lead to immoral actions. Especially given how many immoral and unhinged people there are.

>(((settled science)))
>implying not being attracted to the opposite sex isn't a mental issue
>implying college age guys can't have an actual relationship with high school girls
>we live in a safe society
>implying adult women aren't all semen demon roasties

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The basis of social engagements as they are right now. This may only be relevant to where I live (the US) but there is absolutely no reason to be trying to get into a relationship with someone many years younger than you.
Its wrong based on social stigma and how age currently affects power. You, as person many years older than your partner will have an inherent power gap that does not allow for what the vast majority of medical professionals consider a healthy relationship.

The attraction to youth is of course natural. No one being honest is going to say a 16 year old girl that has properly developed does not look attractive but with how our society currently works there are too many factors saying its not a good idea and wont create a lasting relationship so its not as good as other options.

This is why it is stigmatized. In the US youths are given a vast amount of time in safety from having to make adult decisions (at least thats how its supposed to work) and one of those is settling down. My nation allows this so its citizenry can be more prepared and knowledgeable when the time does come to make those choices.
And you can make jokes about how dumb young people are and how it doesnt work very well but compared to the other major nations of the world the benefits are obvious.

I am not making the argument that i personally agree with all of this. Im explaining why others feel how they do. My personal stance on these things is radical and not at all reasonable.
Im implying that is what others think. If you have such a chip on your shoulder about it you cant understand the difference between someone explaining something and someone advocating for something I would suggest splashing some cold water on your face and calming down a bit.

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i am talking about young DEVELOPED girls not pedophilia aka prepubescent attraction

They are seen as almost the same thing for very similar reasons, which I covered.

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It's demonized because they want to indoctrinate all girls into becoming sluts by fucking the young Chads in their life rather than stay with an older guy.

>The attraction to youth is of course natural. No one being honest is going to say a 16 year old girl that has properly developed does not look attractive

This is the only relevant part of your post. The rest of it can be summarized as "OP is right, but I'm a coward so in my social relationships I pretend OP isn't right. 'Cause if I don't, people might get mad at me and I is a-scared of that."

Next time save us all some fucking time and just say "OP's right, it makes no sense."

I dont see a difference. Expound on that?
It does make sense because its what the majority of people think. None of that is how I personally feel, which if you had read what I posted, you would know.
I have openly courted girls many years younger than me. Its not how I live my life, its how a lot of others do.

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maybe you should rephrase what you wrote instead?

Are you telling me genuinely that even after being told where you misunderstood me you still dont understand the misunderstanding and so need for me to tell you again?
Or did you just feel the need to reply? Ill assume you arent mentally deficient and its just that chip you have yet to remove, delicately placed on your shoulder. For all the world to see, no less.

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fuck normies and their hypocrisy

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I'm saying I don't see how what you wrote isn't your opinion

because adults have the ability to concent responsibly.
underdevelopped girls dont. they are not ver

Because being a gay faggot queer leads to being an "enlightened" hedonist who lives only to fuck other men's assholes and die alone and a genetic dead-end. Whereas being attracted to young developed girls leads to healthy breeding and good genes.

Your goal in life is to consume, consume, consume and never to reproduce.

There is nothing hypocritical about calling bad wiring in the brain a mental disorder user. The hypocritical part comes with how society treats those with the mental illness. You just saying 'fuck you' back at them solves nothing.
Its my opinion on others opinions. Not just my own opinions.

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>it's my opinion on others' opinions
doesn't seem like that at all but OK
>there is absolutely no reason to be trying to get into a relationship with someone many years younger than you

No reason from a society perspective. You wanting a virgin isnt something the average person who contributes to this nation cares about.
If its so important to you then go out and get it. There are plenty of virgins out there, its not exactly a rare thing ya know. New people get born every day.

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This argument holds no weight and is simply a "slippery slope" logical fallacy. Not to support pedophilia but you can't make something illegal based on "but what if 10 years later they do this!"

>Adult men have developed brains
is that why adult gay men have a higher chance of getting aids

If you base your entire desire for a relationship on whether or not they are a virgin you have a fundamental misunderstanding on what a relationship is.

You act like reproduction is always a good thing while failing to recognize our planets looming overpopulation crisis. How do you respond to the idea that not reproducing actually gives by freeing up more resources, while reproduction only creates a new entity that will do nothing but consume?

Specifically with regards to young developed girls, it's because of feminism. Admitting that men are attracted to young developed girls is bad because if men marry those girls and impregnate them they're less likely to go on to higher education, get a job, etc. so there's no chance of them becoming a "liberated" woman from a feminist point of view.

The other aspect is that women are extremely competitive, and they know that their worth is very much tied in with their attractiveness. They'll actively undermine women they perceive as more attractive than them, and also try to use social shame to prevent men from going after such women (hence in part why Swedish feminists so vehemently attacked Swedish men going to Thailand to find wives). By making all women under 18 off-limits, and even coming up with dumb shit like the divide by two and add seven rule or whatever it is to calculate the youngest possible age that a man can date without being a "creep", they lock out the competition.

Are you obsessing about this detail ? You won't get far with that limitation

>New people get born every day.
>calling him mentally ill then telling him to go fuck a child anyway

i want to breed megumin

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Because roasties and normalfags are mentally retarded.

As an American you should know high school girls are whores, even 8th grade girls
From what I understand relationships are mostly respect and trust, and love is loyalty, how am I supposed to trust a woman that compares me to other men?
not in America, at least not where white people live

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lamo you're the same as the feminists that think men attend secret reunion to keep their power.

>looming overpopulation crisis.
Tell the asians and africans to fuck off there is no overpopulation crisis in the civilized world.

And I want a short stack to fill up.

Sadly user, we are both left wanting.

lolicon here. Both should be demonized because both will lead to a society's downfall. Now post more sfw lolis.

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>both will lead to a society's downfall
Objectively wrong.


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Same reason why abortion is so controversial. Kids are just valued too highly.

But I thought feminists thought pregnancy was no big deal because abortion was something to just get done and celebrate so this makes no sense. I also thought birth control existed.

just posting the dec lo cover dont mind me

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Just like it was with the Greeks, homolust and other sexual perversions like pic related will destroy the family structure. It's just more fuel for an already roaring fire. Maybe a byproduct of a failing society. The proof is all around you. If you don't see a sinking ship then you've been brainwashed way too hard and are beyond saving. That's why they're sexual perversions in the first place. Don't normalize them, don't celebrate them and don't announce them as if that's the only thing that defines you. You might be mentally ill you might not but just keep it to yourself in public.

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You're making a false equivalency between virginity, and love/trust. You also ignore the idea that a virginal women can still compare you to other men. Just because she's a virgin doesn't mean she won't say to herself "god user is poor/fat/ugly, why can't he be rich like Elon musk, ripped like ronaldo, or attractive like brad pitt? No offense user but you say you want a virginal women because of trust, but I think in reality you want one out of insecurity, I don't think it has anything to do with love or trust, and has everything to do with wanting a women who doesn't have sex more than you.

also for your second point, you are right, currently in the great ole u s of a we don't have to deal with overpopulation, but you do understand that the reason we don't currently have to deal with it are because of those individuals that don't reproduce. overpopulation is a numbers game, just because we aren't there now doesn't mean we can't get there.

I would love to tell Asians and Africans to fuck off but unfortunately (most) of them are too stupid to understand why. and once again just because we aren't overpopulated now doesn't mean we can't get there, and trust me, you don't want to live in an america where suddenly there isn't enough water to go around, because at that point you will be a have-not fighting tooth and nail for the resources owned by the have's

Where do I find one, user? I have to know. How will I make her my wife, love her passionately, and give her gallons of my seed if I can't find her?

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>posting loli but not posting cunny
Not gonna deny I'm insecure but the reason I want a virgin (a pure one who has never been with another guy at all) is because I'm not a cuck, I want to be as special as possible to her
Plus she's more likely to stay with me
Have you tried weeb girls?

Hadn't considered it before. I'd do it if she was short, with wide hips, big breasts, loyal, loved me, and if she would make a good mother for our children.

Why must are the best things in life so hard to find?

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so you made three points
>I'm not a cuck
There's really nothing I can say to make you reconsider, all I can say is that the idea of "being a cuck" is just a meme, because obviously you aren't a cuck in the fetishistic way because you dont sexualize your gf with another man, and the meme cuck is literally just a word that you use to describe anybody who does something you don't like, most often in the shitshow of our political climate and Jow Forumsposters. The only person who calls other people "cucks" for being with people who aren't virgins are Jow Forums posters.

>I want to be as special to her as possible
user there are so many more things responsible for being the most special person to her, for instance, when you ask couples who are married 20+ years "what makes your spouse the most special to you?" How many of them do you think answer "he/she took my virginity" The most illogical thing about being so infatuated with virginity is that it's completely temporary, once you take it, what happens next? THATS what matters in the relationship, not the loss of virginity.

>plus she's more likely to stay with me.
I don't think this is true at all, unless you have some statistics to back it up. Once again I would say that out of all the important qualities in a healthy, lasting relationship, being the one who took their virginity doesn't even make the top 250 (maybe it DOES matter to some people, I don't know, but I do know that relationships are so much more than just taking virginity, and most long-term, happy couples are those who both did not take each other's virginity. Like how many people do you know in long term, happy relationships took each others virginities? Consider that most lose it to short-term high school flings, not serious long-term partners.

I guess in short, thats the number one thing I don't understand on this board, how many of you guys put virginity on such a gigantic pedestal, and how "if only I had a virgin gf everything would be ok".

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I don't get this about feminists. They pretend to be so worried about someone knocking up a teenager too young but they want all teens on birth control and think abortion is a no big deal thing you should celebrate. So if abortion is so easy and no big deal why is teen pregnancy a big deal if she can just abort?

Yeah a 12yr old can't consent to sucking a dick, but taking another human being's life and understanding the full consequences of it? Yeah they easily get that. Damn murderer.


because the issue isn't teen pregnancy, it's adults grooming/manipulating children into sex they can't consent to, and the damage that results.

and before you respond and call me some sort of faggot consider that I love qt shota boys and would fuck one in a heartbeat if I didn't already know the psychological damage it causes.

>loyal women

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Neither are okay and they're both mental illnesses.

>developed girls
>uses pic of megameme

What damage results? High schoolers now watch so much porn and have such high standards and know about all that is depraved since 6th grade that there is no awkward romantic first time anymore. Internet porn ruined teenage innocence.

I remember being a teen and I could easily say no to anyone. I didn't see random adults who weren't my teacher or parents or a cop as having power over me. To me power meant the power to actually punish me. If someone couldn't punish me in reality I didn't listen to them just because they were an adult. So how would they have power over me? How come when I was 16 I didn't listen to adults or see them as having power over me unless they could punish me?

I also knew men wanted to get into women's pants, would lie to get into them, and that they wanted younger women. I knew some people were pumped and dumped after sex and how to watch your drink and never leave a drink behind because someone could put GHB in it. I knew not to get very drunk at parties because men knew they can have their way with you easily.

Maybe I'm more of a sociopath than I think I am.

Why you gotta shit on a man's dream like that?

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Maybe try finding a shy girl at a club with her friends?

if the main argument against a low AoC is "the human brain isn't fully developed at that point, so therefore they can't consent to sex" but then what is the age they can consent? 18? but the human doesn't stop developing until 25, so why shouldn't the aoc be 25?

Most people will change significantly from 18-25, and they really don't have an idea of what life is really is like. therefore 18 year olds can't *really* consent to sex since they're brain is under developed.

>mfw boards went down
>mfw /v/ was still up

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maybe you should only be able to consent with your fiancee/wife

My personality significantly changed but not my intellect during that age range. I don't understand how I couldn't consent at 18. I was aware of all the potential consequences and what could happen. I also knew men were looking for sex.

I don't get the power meme either. I didn't listen to people just because they were adults. I didn't see most adults as authority figures because they had no power to punish me.

What wouldn't an 18 year old know about sex or sexual dynamics? I was raised very free and told everything from my parents at a young age so not knowing at 18 seems far fetched to me. I was even told all the social dynamics and knew about manipulation.

I'm sure I'll find a short stack of my very own one day, user. And when I do I'm going to gently hold her hand and unrestrainedly hammer her in a mating press until she's a quivering incoherent mess.

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Because young girls cant fight back if they dont want it.

can grown females?

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>equal relationship
fuck off???

that makes me the big iron 2bh

I need sauce for this like right now man. Holy fuck.

>tfw i remember that doujin
>and his samba doujin

[Satuyo] Maria, Tora ni Narunoda!! | Maria, Has Become a Tiger!! (COMIC LO 2018-04) [English] {Mistvern} [Digital]
yea Satuyo draws some real qt pies

Attached: 2018-10-23 07_59_17-[Satuyo] Mazu wa Otomodachi kara _ Let's Be Friends First (COMIC LO 2018-11 (618x640, 278K)

someone put this pop psych drivel in an npc wojak already

People manipulate each other all the time
Just being older isn't manipulation

underdeveloped girls don't have these hips

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He's not 100% wrong though. Children can't excatly comprehend the complexities of sex. Teenage are much the same, as they act more in impulse than understanding.

What is pretty much true. Most people have a pretty piss poor conception of sex and its impact. In fact, I'd go as far as to argue that if people actually understood sex, people having one, and only one, sexual partner would be the norm.

You're right about teenagers needing guidance, which is why their fathers are supposed to verify the virtue of potential suitors for their daughters.

Age is just a number, jail is just a place.

What if I want to fuck my daughter instead

>what damage results
mostly issues with trust, authority, and just sex in general.
>I remember being a teen and I could easily say no to anyone
notice you never had to say no to anyone, like it or not it's very different being a girl and a boy in this situation. There's a power dynamic and "take/give", girls get affected a lot more than men. Plus oftentimes it's a family friend or relative that does it, making it a lot harder to just say "no".

It's easy for me to sit here and spitball about this topic, but I was never molested, neither were you. I've been binging intervention on youtube lately, and a large number of the addicts on this show suffered from sexual trauma or molestation, so I'll let them describe it to you.


6:55 if it doesn't embed properly.

Then hopefully someone sees you for the evil you are and destroys you.

go right ahead bud she is your property after all

One of the biggest things that pisses me off about the modern era is the absolute devaluation of sex as being nothing more than sticking one thing into another. I mean, holy fuck. Even if you discount the spiritual elements of sex you're still left with the physical and psychological effects, and the importance of those effects. Pair bonding and trust to name two elements.

>Wanting to fucked up your daughter psychologically so you can get your dick wet.

Cause I'm her only daddy

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I'm actually female and I didn't feel this dynamic. Power to me was whether or not you could punish me. I didn't register people unable to punish me as having power over me. As for family that's different because they can punish you. I'm just saying the way I thought about things as a teen.

Also I was flirted with online a little when I was about 17 by older people on on Yahoo messenger. I said I was a college girl at the time without saying my exact age. It didn't scar me for life. There wasn't even camming. So I think this whole "I was groomed" thing was ridiculous. Yeah it's so scary beimg groomed lol. I never even lost my virginity until 20.

I knew people wanted sex and could put and dump you and use you for it. I was told that early and it was obvious.

Just because you never experienced teen love doesn't give you a right to steal it from teen boys.

ya I forget the statistic but IIRC 80-90% of molestations were by a family friend/relative.

This makes it worse because it then introduces the dynamic of "just leave it alone, I love Uncle Bob! He would never do such a thing. You're just lying because you don't like him and like the attention!"

No offense if you are actually a girl, but I literally don't understand logically how anybody could think that sex between an adult and a child (esp male adult female child) results in anything but that child having significant issues down the road. There is no such thing (in my humble not-really-educated opinion) as a healthy relationship between a kid an and adult. Yes you can cherry pick certain stories, but they are the exception and not the rule.

Why the fuck aren't all girls taught that
Also how come two immature people having sex is considered less worse than one of them being mature (and serious)
pick one

>being a deranged, mentally ill faggot who wants to mutilate his own penis makes you a protected class
>finding a 17 year old attractive makes you scum

really makes u think...

Because it's considered being "manipulated into sex" and we act like it's 1952 when teen sex was giggly and innocent. Not this world where boys their age had seen everything from age 12.

>it's illegal for a 16 year old to fuck a 15 year old
>government is indirectly cucking 16 year olds

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>tfw you had like three or four chances to have sex in high school but you didn't because you're a good boy that obeys the rules
>last time you had sex was 7 years ago

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meanwhile the age of consent is 16-18 yet 15 year old brides, fuck, 12 year old brides technically aren't illegal