Lets make robot haikus! Ill start
>stuck on this website
>bound by the chains of Jow Forums
>i await deaths release
Lets make robot haikus! Ill start
>stuck on this website
>bound by the chains of Jow Forums
>i await deaths release
>another day gone
>uneventful sad and dull
>the cycle must break
>No past behind me me,
>No real present to presents itself to me
>No sure future for my unsure self
thats not a haiku reddit nigger
"maybe tomorrow"
I say, warm and unknowing
another blank day
>Pending suicide
>No future, no friends, no life
>No way out but down
>I have awakened
>Sun already going down
>Tendies getting cold
You fucked up the end
Learn how to do haikus cuck
Fucking kill yourself
Girls are very cute
And I wanna kiss their lips
Yeah, you know which lips
Not a haiku, tard
What is it supposed to be?
Anyway here's mine:
One, two, three, four, five
Zero, one, two, three, four, five
Six, seven, eight, nine
honestly I've forgotten how
to do haiku
and I don't really care about adhering
to a proper structure
so go fuck yourself
>That horrible form
Jesus motherfucking Christ
Just Google "haiku"
Haikus are so very dumb
Poor mans poem oh yes they are
Does not even fucking rhyme
>Doesn't know the point
Haikus prove your way with words
They prove your knowledge
I fucked that up so bad. time to close this thread and never come back. God I hate haikus so fucking much. Seriously. It irks me that they don't rhyme. What the fuck is the point? It's not some wisdom zen shit it's just limiting yourself to a certain amount of syllables.
Fuck haikus and fuck you. I'm getting out of this shitty thread. Don't know why I came in the first place.
Their gaze boring down
Judgement like the blazing sun
Fucking normies reeeee
Alternative last line:
And cold as winter
I do not want sex
Just want to tickle women
Never happening
Sex seems kinda gross
Are vaginas that special?
Would mess up my bed
'That woman looks cute'
Oops forgot I'm in U.S.
Going to prison
Want to make tinder
Don't know what info should be
Always tomorrow
Faggot phoneposter
Scraped thumb from fall yesterday
Swiping only sucks
Faggot from /vp/
Pokemon is now real dead
No more effort games
Faggot said faggot
Faggot lol faggot
Faggot thinks faggot
One more thing to say
Jow Forums I love you all
Do not kill yourselves
I am a cockroach
I am not worth any time
Don't be as I am.
>op is a fag
>this haiku is pretty lame
My pee pee made milk
Which went into a woman
Good riddance Jow Forums!
and yet you're still here
you will stay here forever
there is no escape
>I await my death
>Sitting on my ass all day
>It's snowing on Mt. Fuji
I can't understand
Just see confusing ramblings
Curse my autism
Still trying to read
Nope, nothing is at all clear
I dub thee faggot
I sucked a trap's cock
But thought it was a woman
Wasn't gay at all
I just want head pats
Can I revoke my insult?
I guess nobody cares
I like vaginas
But just loathe giving consent
Hashtag: Never me
FBI watching
But find me a boring weeb
Too shit for prison
What even is tinder
I just dress up like a girl
It works every time
My butt still feels sore
But I am not a faggot
For you lewded it
Faggot failed haiku
Because faggot fails structure
Count your syllables
I hate anime
But really want a waifu
Guess I'll just complain
I will kill myself
You cannot prevent my death
It will be your fault
No there is no proof
But one day I can do it
For now I shitpost
what is lgpe?
That's six syllables
Sorry user, try again
I believe in you.
Haikus sometimes rhyme.
Give it some effort and time.
Don't just sit and whine.
the last line had six syllables you stupid fuck
Messed up once or twice
It's okay just try again
Choose your words wisely
I failed my family
And brought dishonor to you
Manly picnic time
>Hollow trunk, lone
>A desert without solace
>Ever stagnation
>the pain never stops
>even when it doesn't hurt
>it looms in the back
Continue to live
One day you'll get those head pats
From who you want too
Please do not deceive
Traps are gay and all must leave
Start first trap tinder
Do not kill yourself
I cannot prevent your death
Remember head pats
New Pokemon game
Removed two decades of stuff
First HD entry
Only Gen 1 'mons
No cross gen evolutions
Megas exist though??
No abilities
There's also no held items
No wild battles
50 currency
The paywall to obtain Mew
Previously free