I deserve a girl friend

I deserve a girl friend.

>I'm white
>not a manlet
>not a dicklet
>not a fedora
>have good taste in anime

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I deserve a violet gf

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dont other people deserve to decide who they get with and not just to get with you because you "deserve it" for being an average weeb?

I deserve a gf, and she deserves me.

you must hate her a lot

Stop projecting. I am a quality male.

>Have good taste in anime.

There's your problem. Anime is for faggots who haven't grown up yet. Enjoy jerking off to drawings.

Do you think that making whining about not having a gf will end you up with a gf??

It's not impossible that could happen desu

i used to know this weeb girl in school befor i quite school i feel like if i asked her out my life would have been 75 % better

actually my only female freind to we shared almost all intrest

so do i and i'm an autistic mutt
ta da

No. it won't. What you need to do is stop being such an autist and go out to ask a girl out?

I don't care about your opinion, normalnigger.

then why don't you go make a friend.

you can't just sit around and expect friends to appear, user.

>He gets aggressive when someone suggests him the first step to get a gf
You don't deserve a gf.

Who are you quoting, redditnigger?

Socrates. Well, paraphrasing really. Why?

Who did Socrates tell how to get a gf? Can you give me the sauce so I can read his advice?

My boyfriend's dick is below average and we don't really share tastes in anime but one thing i like about him is that he isn't an entitled fuck

There it is
Nobody here deserves shit, and especially not the ones who think they're entitled to something

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Well, right now he's telling you how to get a gf. First step:
>Stop making the same GODDAMN thread over and over and get off your ass and find a gf


found your problem mate

Who are you quoting now? Socrates again?

these awesome digits were wasted for this shitty post.

>awesome digits
That's a yikes.

>Who are you quoting now? Socrates again?
Yep. I heard he was pretty wise. I'd follow his advice if I were you.

Can I get a date or name for the writings on Socrates telling Athenians how to get a girlfriend? Did Plato write them?

One of my friends got married a year ago and he's a huge fucking weeaboo. Collects manga, blu-rays, wears Jojo shirts to work, owns Japanese-made cookware for making authentic Japanese rice and tea. Married a qt nurse. They honeymooned in Japan.

I deserve a loli girlfriend.

I deserve to cuck op. Orig

Sounds like hell on earth. Theres a reason nobody in Japan has sex.

>I'm white
That's where you fucked up user. Nowadays females only want interracial dick.

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Then I can get an Asian gf. Easy, problem solved.

also i know this sounds fake but im 100% for real on the last day of 8th frade they let us go outside for the last 3 hours and she sat in the corner with me and another freind and pulled up hentia on her phone for like half an hour

>Nobody deserves anything haha
>npc.exe has stopped working

No wonder you won't get a girlfriend faggot, you like anime. Stop watching your nip cartoons caused by jews, fagwigger.

>have good taste in anime
Pick one.

>I am a quality male.
>likes anime
>thinks he deserves a gf

>anti-anime redditniggers posting on an anime imageboard

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people don't deserve anything because there's nothing that makes one person inherently better than another person, and many things are largely determined by luck. why do you think anybody deserves anything then.?

>there's nothing that makes one person inherently better than another person
So what? There are still some things that are basic to human dignity that all people deserve.

>there's nothing that makes one person inherently better than another person
Absolutely epic meme lmao

>I deserve a girl friend
>Watches anime
Choose one.

hi underaged poster!

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>posting on an anime imageboard
shut the fuck up you stupid fucking weeb piece of shit, grow the fuck up.

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>grow up
>posting on an anime imageboard

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>there's nothing that makes one person inherently better than another person
you are wrong, just from reading this i can already infer im inherently better than you

>>have good taste in anime

yeap thats the issue

>he thinks Jow Forums is for anime in the year 2000 + 18
I bet you think Jow Forums is for incels too don't you faggot

I'm a volcel that deserves a gf.

t. fat underage newfag

0/3. That post was a total fucking failure, an analogue for your life.

>have a house
>nice, dependable car
>steady job
>great family
>love animals
>above average intelligence
>good circle of friends
>decent taste in clothes
>good hygiene
>not overweight
>not a dicklet
>not a manlet
>no physical deformities
>still no girlfriend
you better believe my boss whos married and has a small child has women flocking all over his cheating ass though or the acquaintance thats been couch surfing for who knows how long while nursing a coke habit or the guy who cant hold a job for more than two months and cant even keep his water on in his apartment. yeah, thats not infuriating at all.
the truth is, a lot of us on here "deserve" a girlfriend in the sense that we'd make far better romantic prospects than the vast majority of guys that women tend to seek out, but thats just it. women are, by and large, morons and therefore make moronic decisions. Thats all there is to it and you just have to accept it. the one bright side however is getting to witness their idiotic decisions blow up in their face and knowing that you have no obligation to give them any sympathy. you just get to bask in that sweet, sweet vindication.

STOP MAKING THESE BAIT THREADS!!!! (Also choose a better girl at least)

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Ana Kasparian, is that you?

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but user, you post on this board

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>(Also choose a better girl at least)

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>I deserve a girl friend.
>>I'm white

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Hes right though, there is no such thing as inherent worth because there is no value, and there is the is/ought gap

This is not an anime imageboard though

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>This is not an anime lmageboard though

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Do you have an argument or are you just going to cry?

>Do you have a argument or are you just going to cry?

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Seems like crying it is

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>Seems Iike crying it is

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>all the meanie people i dont like are reddit

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>>all the meanie people i dont Iike are reddit

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Now this, what you see here, is a high quality male. Truly the crop of the cream

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>Now this, what you see here, is a high quality male. TruIy the crop of the cream

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You're cute. I'd give you a big hug for your effort.

No freedom is degenerate and Jewish

remember when /soc/ told you that you're too formal

>I deserve a girl friend.

Elliot Rodgers who?

/soc/ is retard

Thats a sign of having too much social anxiety and trying too hard to look a certain way which makes you come over forced and boring

stopped clocks and all that

I type like I speak. /soc/ is just slightly lower IQ than the rest of the normalfags on Jow Forums.

you realy do not deserve one as it seems

>you reaIy do not deserve one as it seems

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does not chance the fact that is quite unprobable to get a gf as an animefreak

So what? That means you speak in the same mechanic manner. You have to bee urself user

>does not chance the fact that is quite unprobable to get a gf as a animefreak

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>I type like I speak.
no wonder you don't have a gf

There is nothing mechanic about the way I communicate language. If you think there is, you have a double digit IQ. Not interested in a brainlet gf

You dont understand my good friend. The intelligent way to act is to try to get the best possible result at all times. By acting mechanically and holding back your true self, you come over as dry and boring, thus getting a worse result. That is brainlet thinking, my friend.

>By acting mechanically
I've already denied this assertion. You want me to suppress my true self to conform to your normalfag desires.

I would rather live and die alone if all women are brainlets that can't accept me for who I am.

>I would rather live and die alone
well that part you're pretty safe on

>well that part you're pretty safe on

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Just because you think something is a certain way, doesnt mean it really is that way.

>Just because you think something is a certain way, doesnt mean it really is that way.
Right back at you, reddit-kun.

>>have good taste in anime
nope and it astounds me you are confused about this

You can act smug to me all you want. Its not a problem to me. You are the one who is dealing with the consequences of your problems. Not me. You are the one alone and looking for someone to be with, and failing at that. Not me. You can shitpost at me all you want, it wont change your reality.

>You can act smug to me all you want. Its not a problem to me. You are the one who is dealing with the consequences of your problems. Not me. You are the one alone and looking for someone to be with, and failing at that. Not me. You can shitpost at me all you want, it wont change your reality.

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Define healthy. You better be hitting the gym as often as possible (and if you're not, trust me, it's 100% worth it.) Also, this world doesn't owe you shit. Try to find your weakness and improve on it. I'm also white, young, healthy aside from a shoulder injury I incurred while sporting 5 days a week, I'm kind of a relative manlet but I'm probably taller than you (185), I'm not a dicklet either, I'm not a fedora and I can't watch anime because it makes me cringe. I'm a complete social retard though, and I can't even start a basic conversation. When someone does start a conversation with me, I'm quick to jump to the conclusion that they do so out of pity, and I don't want anyone's pity, so I start avoiding them. I need to fix this, otherwise I won't ever get a girlfriend or any more friends than the few I have. That's what life is about, the eternal struggle of self improvement. It seems like a lot of trouble that may eventually lead nowhere, but it's not. You will learn to enjoy the struggle itself. Life will clear up. Start working out. Stop masturbating. Stop eating unhealthy shit. Don't drink, don't do drugs. They sound like limitations but they will set you free mentally. This mindset you're in right now of thinking you deserve something because of what isn't wrong with you isn't going to do shit. Do you think the world is going to just think "Oh shit this nibba is right, better send him a girlfriend". Instead focus on what IS wrong with you and make sure you fix it.

You sound like a faggot. You need a good beating to sort you out

>this world doesn't owe you shit
Tired of this normalfag meme. Not reading the rest of oyur post. You redditniggers just repeat the same tired NPC script over and over.

Like you repeat the same shitty one liner responses here? You're the only one here who is repeating canned responses. Everyone who has responded to you so far has made well thought out posts that you didnt even bother to address instead you replied with a shitty canned programmed script response.

Infact, you'll react in the same exact way to this post. Calling it now

^ wow another long post that probably says nothing. I don't know, because I'm not reading it.

>You redditniggers just repeat the same tired NPC script over and over.
>said the literal NPC who is a nonfactor in the life of anyone he knows

Who are you quoting thou?