When did you quit the music jew?

When did you quit the music jew?

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I still partake of the music from time to time
though I did quit making the music quite recently

never listening to music is more important to me than fapping.

shut the fuck up nigger nobody asked you

modern music is used to control our thoughts and actions. It's a form of mass mind control I hope this thread wakes some of you up

you saying all music created is a jewish ploy or are you just talking about modern popular music?

All popular music is. Unless you're listening to under ground shit from any age you're falling for the music Jew.

yeah if you're listening to mainstream nigger rap maybe, and if you're that much of a tasteless faggot you probably need someone controlling your thoughts and actions, because you obviously aren't capable of doing so yourself.

I only listen to japanese music because american music is jewified/negrofied

music like punk, death metal, black metal and gangsta rap certainly is

how is folk punk (mostly themes of hating guberment, living independent, etc) a jew

All I listen to are Tom Waits albums on repeat.

What if I listen to electronic japanese music with no lyrics?

im sure op will say its a jew. when people fall this deep down the rabbit hole there's no helping them

OP did you illiterate nigger.

the jews want you to hate government so you give up on it and let them do whatever.

I haven't.

Because I don't fucking care about Jews.

I just want to experience meaning, getting money .. succeeding in the western world.

It's perfectly possible to feel good, which is the only .. metric of meaning, which is the only thing that can matter, experientially.

So I will keep listening to artists like Kanye West.

None of this matters.

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ok man, keep living in your small, afraid world

Feeling bad and terrible. Feeling worthless can also matter experientially. Positivity isn't some end all be all of existence.

>I'll keep listening to this dumb nigger who labels himself "the voice of a generation" and a "Prophet" and has never made a good song in his life because we share the same vapid ambitions

Good for you user! though you probably don't belong here.

What artists? my current favorites are
>one ok rock
>world order

how is this jew music,


Like, what .. I am just as stupid as him. Isn't that the point?




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like take it easy man zhoinks

Who here only listens to video game soundtracks.

You could expand if you didn't have shitty listening fidelity, unironically, spend some serious money on some fucking audio. Really. Not speakers, not big fucking cans- just IEMs instead of being, someone who buys ""speakers"" lol

I listen to japanese electronic music.
Dj noriken
P light
dj ozawa

>ITT people trying to justify their music addiction

Not addicted, I only listen to it when im driving or go bike riding

>I only listen to it when I'm forced to contemplate my own thoughts
cope harder

Driving alone at night while listening to japanese drum n bass or techno is one of the best things ever

so this is how an NPC ""thinks""

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Oh no! You called me an NPC!

reminder that if you do anything that's even a little fun or enjoy something that at least one other person enjoys you're a mindless npc

Jews are why Beethoven is chosen over Wagner to be the third member of the great trinity.

Never listened to nigger music, have a soft spot for Guillaume De Machaut at the moment. I only really listen to music for the beauty of the art, never saw the appeal in brainless lyrics about sex and drugs.

I can't tell if I'm taking a break or if I'm just so depressed that I can't motivate myself to record anything I make.

Folk Punk is the most soi tumblr shit genre you could possibly listen to.

I really like Undertale's soundtrack.

>i dont like this, so that means it's bad!
ok nigger

Glad to see other people cutting out music from their lives

I've been clean 4 weeks so far I feel much more at peace now

>Being a white male is bad. FUCK WITEPYPO
>AJJ changes their name as not to offend muslims
Yeah, it's just because I don't like it.

Never because making music is one of my favorite hobbies.

white hate has something to do with folk punk? ok, sure.
thanks, didnt know every music genre has one band that represents the entire genre guess i have to hate folk punk now, too

>modern music is used to control our thoughts and actions.
That's what fucking kills me--I cycle through the radio screaming and ridiculing the modern MK ultra shit they are coming out with.

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