Do robots exist on the sentinel island?
Do robots exist on the sentinel island?
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The best and worst thing about religion is that it inspires people to do things they might not have otherwise.
Though I'm sure this guy would've done something moronic even if he were an atheist.
I bet they get wiped out just because he came within 3 miles of the island and was carrying tons of diseases they have no immunity to. Will the christfags still screech and cry for daddy's revenge then?
Robots are a symptom of modern society. In more primitive cultures those who would become robots either have to adapt or die off.
>when a travel fag gets murdered by savages because they're so up their own ass and can't take warnings
Anyone like when that happens? Usually it's women.
>you will never conquer a foreign land and genocide the natives with your bros
why live?
What is realistically the point in preserving these people on their own personal island? They're a bunch of murderous dindus with nonexistent immune systems, why would a government have any reason to let them live there on their land.
they can't justify killing them.
LMAO the enteral christcuck strikes again
why do they still worship the jew on the stick?
>Be bunga
>Be sentinel island
>Be in Bonko tribe
>tfw qt3.14 is in Binga tribe and harsh to me
>tfw no gf
>tfw qt3.14 perform ancient mating ritual with Chadga tribe member
>bunga mad
Whites are too empathetic sometimes
the island is in the middle of the ocean and offers no resources, what reason does a government have for bothering them at all? There is anthropological value in preserving them isolated and watching their society unfold (though a island of mere dozens of inbred niggers isn't likely to make great strides), and gassing them brings up needless questions of human rights violations, so they may as well be roped off. Delusional faggots like in the OP deserve their fate.
They will literally murder anyone who steps on what they deem to be their land, they're a threat, is it actually not a good enough reason
A known murder happened in a country (dunno which country this is though) and the government can't and won't do anything about it?
good. All "adventure tourists" should be shot (with arrows)
The island has greater value as a natural history museum / zoo (what it is right now essentially) than as anything else. Besides, they haven't murdered anyone, just killed invaders. That's perfectly moral and legal in any sane country.
They can be put in a zoo for entertainment
i don't have the panache to come up with an allegory. it was a restricted area anyway.
also this was india i think. this island i'm pretty sure was visited peacefully once. now they just never go to it anymore.
lol, it's kind of sad how naive he went unarmed and with good intentions. How is this island even being monitored, what is stopping some douchebag from showing up and trying to solo the island with modern weapons?
he went, got attacked, fled, then returned the next day got attacked again and this time didn't get away.
it's all on him.
I bet you think Brazil should clear cut the amazon as well
That actually almost happened when the Brits went there a hundred years or so ago.
user that doesn't make sense. There's no downsides to preserving nature but there are to letting savages huddle on an island on your land.
What's stopping me from sitting about 150-300 yards away from the shore (depending on how far they can accurately place an arrow, if they even have them) with a .50 cal on a boat with fuck loads of ammo and a weeks worth of rations. Float around the island and clean them off one by one. Eventually bring the boat in close and do a finishing sweep with a p90 wearing basic kevlar. And night vision. Take my time and end up with a private island. Seems worth it.
>What's stopping me
The fact that your arms are too skinny to even hold up a .50cal let alone fire one accurately
Why should they do anything about it? What're the pro cons of that?
The island is patrolled by the Indian govt, so even if you did get a few potshots in you'd soon be in deep shit
I believe the Island is owned by India so
>forest could be cut down to build theme park
>people LITERALLY DIE when they go into the forest without protection or equipment and just hope to get by on sheer moxy, it should be razed to save these lives
No one in their right mind will accidentally end up on the island. It is in the ocean, hundreds of miles from land, with no discernible attraction nearby. Anyone who visits the island knows the basic gestalt of what happens (arrow nigger kills tourist) and goes anyway, they don't deserve to be saved. They subscribe to ancient forms of justice (kill or be killed), as did every people that managed to leave their mark on posterity, so we can hardly blame them for not beginning peace talks.
back when National Geographic was actually good, they managed to land there and film
Oh yeah! And maybe you should get some Power Armor too and some health packs, you'd be unstoppable
>arms too skinny
Turn the island into a reality TV show. Nigger Survivor
>Indian Govt
>deep shit
I honestly love the fact that Americans get real tough when the talk of invasion comes up, they start reeing about muhlitia and whatnot,
But when Americans are met with resistance by countries they are invading, they freak out and get mad.
LOLE, they're defending their home from what they see as a highly dangerous group of alien invaders, they were 100% justified in slaying this christard, and anyone else that tries to invade their lands.
tux poster IS based
I wouldn't say the US "freaks out". It's simply the basic expression of displeasure when there's an impediment to a goal. When we wanna invade, we want the invasion to succeed. When someone else wants to invade, then we don't want the invasion to succeed. We're not in favor of invasions or protection, we're in favor of ourselves and our own desires.
Would it even be illegal to kill them? It's not like they have laws there. Why doesn't someone just bring a gun and become their God?
It's the opposite. It is illegal to go near the island. The christcuck is at fault since he isn't allowed to be there anyway.
He should have prayed harder.
According to whomst jurisdiction? Clearly laws don't apply there.
Now thats what i call based and redpilled
people have contacted them in the past but nothing lasting. despite lack of metallurgy they now have iron tools from one shipwreck on their shore
They do, just not to the tribespeople.
they enforce a 3 mile exclusion zone around the island
I'm the newly appointed leader of the tribespeople, so laws don't apply to me.
So India owns the water around the island. As soon as I reach shore, I'm in the clear.
Why have none of you assholes pointed this out
Jow Forums truly is Reddit 2.0
Just like his abusive father, Jow Forums
I wonder what would happen if I went there and injected European sperm into the population. Would they advance?
US literally cannot be invaded
think about it
India owns the island you larping autist. You'll be guilty of trespassing and whatever else they feel like throwing at you, assuming the savages don't boil you alive first.
What are they going to do? Invade my island to arrest me? They'll have to fight my army of natives to get to me. I have no doubt they could win, but I do doubt that they'd be willing to kill these people after preserving them for all this time.
>actually posts himself
you lost this one, insecurefag
go home and be insecure
Go to the island and see what happens you pussy
>They will literally murder anyone who steps on what they deem to be their land, they're a threat
when you stop on their island retard. That's not threatening at all.
Calm down colonist you just want bloodshed for bloodshed's sake.
>Go to the island and see what happens you pussy
Funny thing is they used to be friendly people until white british christians came and kidnapped an elder
>trying to solo the island
that shit is like real life goblin slayer
how do they know that hes dead and not the tribes fuck toy?
Before there were not enough resources to justify any economic activity on that island so it stayed unknown. Now it is a living relic of ancient human history that we will likely never get to study.
Nice fat handles
>There is anthropological value in preserving them isolated and watching their society unfold
>I'll teach these fuckers that no god exists!
There is nothing there worth taking from them, might as well just leave them alone and watch from afar
God watching obnoxious travelfags getting BTFO by indiginous people always makes me rock hard.
Same feeling when dumb trust fund kids go to fucking North Korea and get imprisoned and tortured.
Like really what did you expect? The island is off limits for a reason.
>Wanted to convert them to Christianity
Even funnier. Watching Christian evangelicals try and stay relevant in the face of modernization and the internet is funnier. They funnel thousands in donations into converting 3rd world shitholes when all those 3rd worlders want is to shit out a dozen kids and murder their neighbors' dozen kids. If they ever wake up out of 3rd world animalistic thought train they will just grow to despise Christians for oppressing their native culture. There is absolutely no winning move to this shit.
>land and offer gifts
>they shoot at them anyway
Well at least we are 100% certain they're niggers.
No, i dont like when people die. If you do, perhaps thats the reason why you're alone and miserable
The Indian government is protecting them. So kill yourself
>goddamn niggers and spics invading our country
>hey lets invade these guys
how low is your iq
Who are you even argueing with here? No one said its on anyone but himself. We're just saying its sad.
You have to leave your moms basement first, faggot.
Stop stealing our memes worthless larping normalcuck piece of shit
Yes, exactly that. How is it hard to understand for you?
>i love seeing people tortured to death because they are having fun and i'm not
And that's the reason why you're alone, miserable, depressed and will day that way without ever attaining any respite from it all
>perhaps thats the reason why you're alone and miserable
There's massive amount of evidence to say that isn't the reason.
Every 9/11 me and my family celebrate the removal of pork. Good times
>And that's the reason why you're alone, miserable
Nope. Sadistist murderers get female attention.
youre joking..
They're pretty communal, I heard that the women just sleep with guys to calm them down. So I don't see how robotism is possible in an environment where concepts like virginity, chads, or materialism exist.
>want to live in civilized country and world
>wtf leave the literal savage tribals alone don't get rid of them
user, I...
I bet you're more of a normalfag than me.
Are you sure? Because the evidence we have of your situation is that you're miserable and alone
Nope, famous people get female attention.
>greece and rome
>not european
c'est la vi or some shit
They are like 10,000 miles away from you and they're unable to leave their Island. They have no effect on your world
Why should we waste the resources? They provide an interesting excuse for a nature preserve and live on an island with jack shit.
>not knowing what isolation is
>implying those monkey cannibals will ever leave that island in the first place unless "civilized" people go there and start interacting with them more seriously
Not Western European. They have nothing to do with you. They're Mediterranean, they're from the same lineage as Middle Easterners
They used to be welcoming of outsiders centuries ago. Thank the white anglo for ruining that
The Indian navy monitors those waters 24/7
I live in Port Blair (which is the closest large city to this place). From what I know, one of their elders was kidnapped and they've attacked visitors since. The reason we don't just massacre them and take the island is because we aren't a state of India, and the surrounding waters is a good place for fish to breed. It's basically like if America set a nature reserve at Niagara Falls and blamed attacks by Iroquois.
This is literally the only just response to a foreigner coming in to arrest your culture and the destiny of your folk.
They are europeans you just don't like it for some reason.
Also roman and greece culture shaped the entire continent and there have been many grand structures constructed throughout europa that took inspiration from them.
>jesus gives you enough strength to go to the most forbidden places on earth
>but not enough to leave
That fucker made it out alive twice and he just had to go back a third time.
I feel like that guy just wanted to kill himself whitout the social stigma, worked out nicely.
No, YOU dont like the fact that they have nothing to do with you. Stop WE WUZing. These people have a completely seperate genetic lineage from Western Europeans. Yes, Western culture is indeed borrowed from Mediterraneans. That doesnt mean you are those people though. It just shows that the West ha largley been dependant on knowledge and culture from other civilizations
>They're Mediterranean, they're from the same lineage as Middle Easterners
lol no you retard.
Modern media has made people believe:
>wild animals are your friends
>your pet has the same feelings and thoughts as you
>savages were actually noble intellectuals who knew the land and not baby-rapists, cannibals and murderers
>blacks are our equals
>women and men are the same
>everyone is really nice and friendly and has the natural instinct to protect the one race - the human race
Who the fuck needs 1984 government control when people can be this deranged?
Stop beeing such a retarded faggot
Epic argument